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6 Tips for Managing Depression

depression tips

We are fortunate to all be living in an age when mental illness has significantly less stigma attached to it than it once did. Anyone who is suffering from depression can be forthcoming about their condition as well as be openly proactive in finding ways to mediate their symptoms and strive towards living with their […]

9 Ways to Actively Take Care of Your Mental Health


Taking care of your mental health can be difficult. The stresses and responsibilities of day-to-day life can get in the way of taking care of yourself. Here are nine ways that you can actively work on your mental health and take control of your overall wellness. 1. Evaluate Your Situation Taking care of your mental […]

3 Apps to Calm You Down

3 apps to calm you down

Don’t you wish you could escape the pressures and stress of your daily life, even just for a few minutes? Well, you are in luck because I’ve discovered three amazing apps that can help you calm down when stress runs high. All three of these apps can help you de-stress and improve your mental health […]