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RtoR Family-Endorsed Provider Profile












MyHealiosFamily-Endorsed provider icon
Family Psychoeducation & Caregiver Support Service



MyHealios is a caregiver support service that is provided to families and other non-professional caregivers of individuals with mental illness via live video conferencing on the Internet. MyHealios uses a family psychoeducation approach that focuses directly on the needs of the caregiver by providing them with understanding and skill building to increase coping ability and improve relationships with their loved ones. The service is accessed through the website at www.myhealios.com via live video conferencing. A licensed professional clinician is available to provide caregivers with personalized guidance, support and information during a secure 45-minute session accessible by tablet, smartphone or computer. Clinical sessions focus on support for the caregiver, identifying goals and strategies for improving a loved one’s overall functioning and communication skills.

MyHealios was co-founded in Switzerland in 2012 by family members of loved ones with mental illness. The service expanded to the United Kingdom in 2013 and to the United States in 2014. It is founded on the belief that caregivers need support and training in order to effectively help a loved one with a mental health problem on the path to recovery.


Healios, Inc
140A West Main Street
High Bridge, NJ 08829​​​​

Family Member Quotes

“As caregiver for my 23 year old who suffers from schizoaffective disorder, I was continually looking for programs that would help me help him. There was nothing in the first five years of his illness. Then, I happened upon the MyHealios program.  I signed up right away! It was everything I had been looking for.  I had a private clinician who worked with me one on one via webcam sessions. I learned new ways to communicate with my boy, even when he was in psychosis. We worked on ways for me to care for myself, setting small goals at first. I got so much out of this program! It’s been over a year since I took it, and I still use the skills I learned almost daily. I’d recommend this for anyone providing care to a person with a psychotic illness!”

Information and Referrals

Speak with a Resource Specialist about the services of MyHealios.



  • Caregiver support
  • Family psychoeducation


  • Schizophrenia and related disorders
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Depression
  • Anxiety


  • Secure live Internet videoconferencing sessions with a licensed clinician
  • Training and skill building for caregivers
  • Strategies, goals, and skills for assisting a loved one to improve overall functioning
  • Building strong communication skills that lead to improved relationships
  • Coping skills for caregivers
  • Reducing burden and regaining confidence and hope

Client Focus

  • Family, friends or others who are actively caring for a loved one (or loved ones) with a mental health disorder
  • The caregiver must be 18 or older and caring for a loved one who is 12 or older


Accreditations & Qualifications


2016 National Counsel Awards–Inspiring Hope Award in the category of “Engaging Family Caregivers in Team-Based Care”

In operation since: 2012


MyHealios charges a flat fee for its clinical videoconferencing services.  They recommend you contact your health insurance company or family physician to verify if the service is reimbursable. There is no charge for the initial 30 minute intake consultation.


MyHealios Mission

Integrate family psychoeducation in the mental health care pathway to optimize patient’s recovery potential. Our program professionalizes the family members in their approach to their everyday care of their loved ones.

MyHealios Vision

Empowering families to effectively care for their loved ones with mental illness.

More about MyHealios

“MyHealios recognizes the profound impacts of serious mental illnesses (SMI) on individuals, their families, and caregivers. While many resources exist for people diagnosed with these conditions, there are very few resources that exist for their families. Barriers have been found that can prevent families from taking advantage of the programs, e.g., scheduling difficulties, can’t leave the house, missing work for appointments, and stigma.”

“A caregiver is essential to a loved one’s recovery.  We see the caregiver, your loved one and the treatment team working together towards a common recovery goal. As a caregiver, you are the lifeline for your loved one’s recovery.”


Guilhem Dupont DSC_0027

Guilhem Dupont
Founder and CEO

“Based on my own personal experiences of knowing someone close to me with mental illness I realized most support currently available for family members only provides basic listening and general information. These support services were unable to provide specific help in everyday situations, for example struggling to get a loved one to take their medication, trying to motivate them to get up and do something or helping them address their alcohol abuse.

I wanted to create a service that really helped to address the day-to-day challenges faced by those caring for someone with mental illness, a service that was easy to understand and widely accessible. I am passionate and committed to supporting as many families as we can.

I have 15 years experience in healthcare working across the world. Throughout my career, I have been involved in the development and launch of some of the most innovative medicines for patients in a range of illnesses including schizophrenia.”


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