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Parents’ Foundation for Transitional Living

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RtoR Family-Endorsed Provider Profile

parents foundation






Family-endorsed provider iconParents’ Foundation for Transitional Living, Inc.
Residential Living Program
New Haven, CT


Parents’ Foundation for Transitional Living is a private nonprofit residential living program located in New Haven, CT. Parents’ Foundation combines rehabilitation and community integration for adults with complex and persistent mental illness in a residential setting. The program aims to assist residents to understand and manage their illness and live more independent lives in the community. Parents’ Foundation has two residential mental health programs: The Residential Living Center and The Supervised Apartment Program. The Residential Living Center focuses on recovery and stabilization through intensive support services with staff on site 24 hours a day. The Supervised Apartment Program focuses on helping residents gain independence and responsibility while still involving supported services as needed. All new residents are admitted to the group home first before going into the Supervised Apartment Program.


Parents’ Foundation for Transitional Living
100 Broadway
New Haven, CT 06511
Fax: 203-782-9100


Family Member Quotes

“Finding the Parents’ Foundation was something of a miracle for my family and me. Now that my brother resides at the Parents’ Foundation not only is his life much more stable, but my life is so much easier. In the 5 years that he has lived there, he has not been hospitalized and I attribute that to the program there and to the wonderful staff. They are always professional, warm, friendly, and helpful. They don’t just know how to relate to and manage my brother, but they also like him and that makes me feel so reassured. The facility is homey and very well kept. The standards are high for keeping it thus, and the residents share chores and responsibilities to maintain it as it is. I used to worry constantly about my brother, but now I can trust that he is cared for. I would recommend the Parents’ Foundation to any other family looking for help for their family member and for themselves.”

“My son, with the help of medical treatment and his “second family”, the Parents’ Foundation, has not relapsed in three years. He works 15 hours a week and recently moved to an apartment in the community.”

Client Quotes

“Parents’ Foundation helped me recover from my bout with psychosis. The staff was very friendly and very eager to help me through my bout with the negative effects of schizophrenia. The staff pushed me when I needed to be pushed and held back when I needed to learn things on my own. Even to this day the Parents’ Foundation is helping me in my adjustment into a fuller more enriching life. They had set up a framework to my daily living that I feel helped me become the person I am today. I also have to say that I came a long way and Parents’ Foundation was there with me all along each step that I had to take.”


Information and Referrals

Speak with a Resource Specialist about services and referrals to Parents’ Foundation.

Find out more information about the Admission Criteria for Parents’ Foundations.



Residential Living Center Services

  • 24 hour/day Residential Staff availability
  • Referral to and coordination with community treatment providers
  • Crisis prevention and management
  • Medication management
  • Ongoing family communication
  • Resident Goal Planning
  • Resident Recovery and Enrichment Program
  • Prompts and assistance with daily independent living activities
  • Assistance with entitlement applications
  • Advocacy at medical appointments

Supervised Apartment Program Services

  • 24 hour/day Residential Staff availability
  • Periodic coordination with treatment providers
  • Crisis management, as needed
  • Medication monitoring and support of resident self-medication
  • Periodic family communication
  • Resident Goal Planning
  • Resident Recovery and Enrichment Program

Client Focus

  • Adults (18+) with a primary psychiatric diagnosis


Accreditations & Qualifications

In operation since: 1992

More about Parents’ Foundation

“Distinguishing itself from other mental health residential facilities, Parents’ Foundation for Transitional Living, Inc. is not a psychiatric treatment program, but rather a mental health residential living program focused on rebuilding one’s life in the community. The New Haven treatment community offers residents cutting edge bipolar disorder and schizophrenia treatment.”

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