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Westfield Day School


RtoR Family-Endorsed Provider Profile










Family-endorsed provider iconWestfield Day School 
Theraputic School
Armonk, NY


The Westfield Day School in Armonk, New York, is a therapeutic day school for “bright underachievers,” including students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, learning disabilities, and social-emotional problems. Located in a Victorian building in downtown Rye, the school is accessible by commuter train, drawing students for grades 6-12 from Westchester County, New York, and Fairfield County, Connecticut.

Westfield Day School offers a welcoming and emotionally supportive program for male and female students who have struggled in conventional school environments. It offers a standard curriculum and traditional subjects, combined with seminar-style classes, small class size, group counseling, and regularly scheduled meetings with the school therapist.

The Westfield School’s approach to learning is based on three principles: an integrated support experience; a corrective learning environment; and a comprehensive approach. The school offers a learning support program for students with specific learning problems who require intensive, specialized instruction. The Westfield School is also able to address the learning needs of advanced students interested in pursuing a more challenging level of coursework. The school supports students who are generally average to above average academically, however has a strong special education program to offer modifications as needed.  Class size can be as small as two and rarely exceeds six in a class.


Westfield Day School
1 North Greenwich Road
Armonk, NY 10504
Fax: 914-921-0003


Family Member Quotes

“Westfield Day School has been a godsend for my family. We put my son here in December 2015 when he refused to go back to our district school due to bullying and the amount of work that was causing him severe stress. Westfield allowed him to try their program to see if he was a good fit. The director takes the time to observe and know the students and communicates with parents to give a good perspective on the student. The academic director is a wealth of knowledge about therapists, schools, camps and programs that might help a student.”

“My son came to Westfield when he was 15. He had a diagnosis of selective mutism, an extreme anxiety disorder. At that point, he had never spoken in school, despite being able to speak at home and despite testing that indicated he was extraordinarily intelligent. After three years of patience, encouragement and flexibility on the part of Pam Heldman, Peter Schoenholtz , his teachers and fellow students, we are proud to say our son has become a fully participating member of the Westfield community, answering questions in class, talking to friends. While he still has a road to climb, we are certain that he would not be where he is, but for the nurturing environment of Westfield. We are enormously grateful to each person at the school who has believed in our son and given him this opportunity.”

Information and Referrals

Speak with a Resource Specialist about services and referrals to Westfield Day School.


Programs & Services

  • Therapeutic program involving group and individual therapy
  • 7 period school day
  • Tutoring
  • Social skills
  • SAT preparation
  • Cultural enrichment
  • Art and music therapy
  • NYS Regents exams
  • Post-high school support

Student Body

Students who are underachieving, despite being bright, with:

  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Learning disabilities
  • Social-emotional problems
  • Other special education classifications

Grades: 6-12 (with support for high school graduates transitioning into college)

Student body size: 2-7 students per class

Student body type: co-ed

College preparation and placement assistance: Yes

Employment/volunteer placement assistance: Yes

Life skills preparation: Yes


In operation since: 2000 

Westfield Day School Mission Statement 

The Westfield Day School is dedicated to helping students overcome academic difficulties and personal obstacles, through carefully designed programs for individual achievement.

More about Westfield Day School

“We are dedicated to helping those students find academic success through personalized instruction, and individual and group therapy. Bright underachievers or those with learning differences benefit from the small, seminar classes and the “hands-on” attention of qualified teachers. Therapeutic understanding and support rounds out the comprehensive approach to helping students grow personally and academically.”

“Westfield is unique in its ability to link education and emotional support. We are of the belief you cannot have one without the other. Our goal is to help students feel better in a less stressful environment. The changes we see are so rewarding.”– Peter Schoenholtz, Director and therapist

“The academic program at Westfield is unique in its ability to link emotional and learning support for its students. This does not, however, impact the quality of education. The school offered three foreign languages including Spanish, French and Japanese. Five levels of Math are offered from basic Math through Pre-calculus. SAT’s and ACTs can be given at the school for students with accommodations. It follows NYS curriculum with attention to the Connecticut state mandates.”

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