Our Latest Blogs

Depression & Addiction: From Escaping Myself to Fighting the Problem

escaping myself

Almost half of those who live with a mental health disorder also experience a substance use problem (SAMHSA). Today’s guest author, Parker, lived with depression and addiction issues until he was able to find recovery. Parker’s inspiring story shows that there is hope and that recovery is possible. Thank you, Parker, for sharing with us at www.rtor.org. […]

The Power of Human Connection in Recovery


Today’s post comes from life coach, Jay Pignatiello, who has experience working in the psychiatric field. His post highlights the need for human connection and compassion especially in the context of mental health recovery. Thank you, Jay, for sharing with us at www.rtor.org. — Veronique Hoebeke, Associate Editor  From the age of 20, I began working in […]

“Out of the Ashes” by Sallie Crotty

mountain with sunset and "out of the ashes" A story of recovery and hope written over the images

  The following recovery story comes from Sallie Crotty who writes about her own experiences with a mental health disorder. Sallie takes us on a journey from her first day to her last day at the Menninger Clinic and what she learned about herself and mental health recovery in the process. We are grateful to Sallie […]

Inside The Recovery Kitchen

alex with casserole

The following story of recovery and hope comes from Alex, who has found a creative way to help himself recover from an eating disorder. Alex has started the blog The Recovery Kitchen where he details both his delicious recipes as well as his own journey in recovery. Today’s post details his personal struggles and triumphs with […]

The Healing Power of a Dog


Today’s wellness story comes from Jeff Fink, the founder of Go Fetch Wellness. Jeff’s story demonstrates the amazing impact animals can have on people’s lives and the importance of a holistic approach to mental health. We are grateful to Jeff for sharing his story with us at rtor.org. –Veronique Hoebeke, Associate Editor    Suffering, medications, […]

Alone in the Fog: A Story of Gratitude and Hope

alone in the fog

Today’s story reminds us all to be grateful for the blessings in our lives and to have hope for the future when times are hard. This story comes from Tom who used to lived in San Francisco. He experienced the traumatic loss of his mother at an early age followed by homelessness but he still made it out […]

“A Peer’s Recovery Ethic and Story” by Chris from Brooklyn

a peers recovery ethic and story

  The following story is written by Chris who is a Brooklyn, NY resident living with a mental health disorder. She shares her unique outlook on recovery as well as her hopeful message with us today. We are grateful that Chris is sharing her story on rtor.org. —Veronique Hoebeke, Associate Editor  Before I give the details of my recovery, I […]

“Looking Back and Laughing” by OCD Smiles

smiley face

Let me give you an idea of who I am, what type of OCD I have and what exactly I’m doing about it. I have an annoying OCD enemy situated at the forefront of my brain. We have been together for about 8 years on and off, we disagree on everything and I have been […]

“My Past Memory” A Young Man’s Story of Trauma and Hope

  The following story is written by 19 year old Salman, a Kenyan refugee who now lives in Omaha, Nebraska. We all know childhood trauma can have a very negative effect on one’s mental health yet Salman has not let the difficulties of his past stop him. Due to Salman’s persistence, positive attitude and desire […]

“Healing with Music and Getting Help when You Need It” – A Recovery Story

music notes

The following post is written by Drew Osbahr who uses his love of music as a way to recover from anxiety and depression. We are thankful that Drew has let us share his recovery story on rtor.org  -Veronique Hoebeke, Associate Editor  Hi, my name is Drew and I have been recovering one step at a time from […]

“Who Am I?”- A Recovery Story

pen and paper

 The following post is written by Bing Devine, a Connecticut resident who lives with mental illness. We are grateful to Bing for allowing us to share her story on rtor.org. -Veronique Hoebeke, Associate Editor Who Am I? I have been excited all day, for today I am going to meet all the tenants in my unit. We will assemble in […]

Thinking Well Activity Series: This Participant’s Poem Looks at Cognition from Within

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The following untitled poem was written by Betsi, a 54-year old participant in Laurel House’s Thinking Well program.  Thinking Well is a group activity that helps people with serious mental health conditions practice and improve their thinking skills for better functioning at home, work, school and the community. During her time in Thinking Well, Betsi […]

Three Little Known Facts About Persistence

typewriter close up

       .       Rtor.org is pleased to have disability advocate Michael De Rosa guest blogging on the site today. Michael is editor of the website dismantlingdisABILITIES.com and author of the soon to be published self-help workbook “Unlimited Potential: empowerment tools at your finger tips.” His lived experience with anxiety and other disabilities, […]

The Way Back from Mental Illness: 6 Reasons Why You Should Tell Your Story of Hope and Recovery

what's your story

“To be a person is to have a story to tell.” – Isak Dinesen Storytelling is one of the oldest art forms practiced by humans. Stories entertain and teach. They reflect on experience and create community. Stories about recovery also have the power to heal. What is a Story of Hope and Recovery? Recovery in […]