Our Latest Blogs

How to Overcome Separation Anxiety During a Relationship Break?

unhappy couple on couch

It is widely assumed that a pause in a relationship means the couple is only a few steps away from a complete separation, which is not always the case. Many couples take a break from each other to meditate, introspect, and, hopefully, strengthen the relationship. However, for individuals who tend to develop separation anxiety, this […]

Reclaiming Happiness: A Guide to Managing Anxiety and Depression

woman doing outdoors yoga

Anxiety and depression often co-exist, filling a person with negativity. At some point, these two things affect almost everyone alive, manifesting uniquely in each person. The level of depression and anxiety varies for everyone, but even when they seem to get out of control, there are several ways to manage both. According to a report […]

8 Methods to Overcome Travel Anxiety (Before and During Travel)

happy tourist on boat

Travel anxiety is a common issue that affects many travelers. The thought of traveling can bring about feelings of stress, fear, and hesitancy. These feelings can arise from various concerns, such as: This article will provide eight methods to help you overcome travel anxiety before and during your trip. 1. Start Early on Your Plan […]

Dream Analysis: An Untapped Tool for Anxiety Relief

dreamy image of person flying into sunrise

Understanding Dream Interpretation and Its Role in Reducing Anxiety Dream interpretation, often sidelined in contemporary therapeutic practices, presents a straightforward yet profound avenue to combat stress and anxiety. It allows us to delve into our subconscious, uncovering insights that promote emotional clarity and well-being. This guide will illuminate the fundamentals of dream interpretation, its link […]

It’s Not a Rampaging Hippo, It’s a Towel: The Anxiety/Avoidance Cycle and How to Break It

towels on rack

I won’t be able to handle it. It’s too risky. Better to be safe than sorry. I had just washed my hands at my sister’s house and was staring at the towel hanging between the sink and the shower. It looked like it might be wet, so I knew someone else had used that towel. […]

An Extra Loud Mind: The Intersection of Anxiety and ADHD as Co-occurring Disorders

student surrounded by books

Living with co-occurring anxiety and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can feel like a never-ending uphill climb. Having both conditions contributes to what some describe as an “extra loud” mind, characterized by racing thoughts, worries, and distractions. The intersection of ADHD and anxiety can present in various ways, from struggling with organization and time management to increased […]

Out of the Clouds: Managing Anxiety-Induced Dissociation in the Age of Social Media Overload

woman on a mountain in the clouds

Every time we open our laptops or phones, we are bombarded with information: the latest crises at home and overseas, falling financial trends, eco-disasters, and the personal lives of hundreds of online friends and strangers. A study done in 2020 found that more than half of U.S. adults get their news through social media. What’s […]

Back to School for Children with Anxiety: Tips for Parents

children in classroom

As we usher in the back-to-school season, the hot, unstructured days of summer are giving way to school corridors. This transition can bring eager anticipation of new teachers, classes, and potential friendships. It can also bring nervousness and sometimes worry for children and parents alike. Transitions of this sort can feel scary because they take […]

10,000 Friends, One Lonely Soul: The Impact of Social Media on Stress, Depression, and Anxiety

laptop and smartphone

Social media has helped us connect and communicate with thousands of people around the world. However, as our connections grow in number, an emptiness within our hearts emerges. Many people around the globe are experiencing a feeling of loneliness, depression, and stress despite having thousands of friends online. A recent study found that reducing social […]

Panic Attack versus Anxiety Attack: Understanding the Difference and How to Cope

close-up of panicked eyes

If you have ever experienced a sudden surge of overwhelming fear or anxiety, you may have wondered if you were having a panic attack or an anxiety attack. While “panic attack” and “anxiety attack” are often used interchangeably, they are not the same. Understanding the difference between the two types of episodes and knowing how […]

Is Your Senior Loved One Struggling with Anxiety? Tips to Relieve the Worries and Fears of Older Adults

daughter and elderly mother

Anxiety is a natural response to stress or danger, and it can manifest as feelings of fear, apprehension, or unease. It is a common experience for people of all ages, but it can be particularly challenging for seniors who may already be dealing with physical or emotional changes. Addressing anxiety in seniors is crucial for […]

6 Simple Techniques to Reduce Anxiety, Stress, and Worry

reading a book with a cup of coffee

There is always a lot going on in life, and you don’t need the extra burden of anxiety, stress, and worry. Left unchecked, stress can affect your mental well-being and lead to serious mental health issues such as depression. Once you become stressed, it can be hard to feel good again, but there are tactics […]

The Warning Signs of Depression and Anxiety in College Students

exhausted college student

College can be a stressful and overwhelming time. Students with depression or an anxiety disorder may struggle to function and pass their classes. Students dealing with these issues for the first time may not even recognize they have a problem. Without help, they may have serious trouble coping in this new environment. Knowing the  warning […]

The Importance of Screening for Anxiety and Depression

In September of 2022, the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) released draft recommendations stating that all adults under age 65 should be screened for anxiety and depressive conditions. The Task Force, an independent voluntary panel of national experts in disease prevention and evidence-based medicine, cites that Americans are reporting symptoms of mental health […]

How Daily Exercising Can Help You Beat Anxiety

When coping with anxiety and depression, many options exist to help you deal with your daily struggle. Exercise has been proven to positively impact mental health, easing symptoms of anxiety, depression, and many other cognitive problems. There are also the obvious physical benefits of exercise, such as better heart health and improved quality of life. […]

Coping with Intense Social Anxiety

Does hearing laughter as you walk by a group of people make you feel self-conscious? Are you a lover of the great indoors, specifically your home? You walk into a room of seated people, and they’re looking at you. How do you feel? Everybody experiences social discomfort throughout their lives. It’s the reason for common sayings […]

What Natural Anxiety Relief Works Best for You?

happy older man in yoga class

Anxiety is a feeling that everyone experiences at some point. It’s normal to feel anxious when making important decisions, meeting new people, interviewing for a job, or encountering stressful situations. However, when anxiety ramps up and interferes with normal daily activities, this is known as an anxiety disorder. Medication is often the first line of […]

4 Holistic Practices to Decrease Anxiety and Depression

“man looking out on mountain lake

Anxiety and depression are real. They continue to plague our society, arguably more so now than in past years. Life is already incredibly challenging. Slap a pandemic and economic turbulence on top of that, and out comes a surge of anxious emotions and depressing thoughts. Since most of these external events influencing our emotions are […]

Receiving VA Disability Benefits for Depression and Anxiety

worried man in business suit

It is always an honor to serve one’s country. However, no one really gets out of the military completely unscathed. According to the RAND research organization, there are more than nine million veterans who are currently enrolled in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) health care system. There was a time when the only […]

Is Pulse PEMF Therapy Effective against Anxiety and Depression?

happy woman with red hat

Are you or your loved ones struggling with anxiety or depression? Have you tried conventional treatment methods that aren’t helping? It’s high time to consider pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy to relieve depression and anxiety symptoms. Before continuing with the effect of PEMF therapy on anxiety and depression, let’s see how the statistical reports on […]

How to Reduce Your Stress and Anxiety from Distance Learning

Asian student with laptop

With the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic and the coming hyper-connected post-COVID world, distance learning is now more popular than ever before. Yet, it’s bringing with it a new wave of problems, including anxiety, stress, and other mental health issues. Since distance learning is a relatively new thing, these unforeseen problems are still being discovered, […]

Making Connections when You Have Anxiety or Depression: Three Tips on Building a Strong Social Network

female friends take a break from art

If you’re using this site, you likely believe that family support is essential for managing a mental illness. And you would be right, for all the reasons cited in this article. And yet, most children and young adults crave some connection with peers and may suffer from loneliness if they do not have a social […]

Easy Morning Activities to Ease Anxiety

man looking a the sunrise

The past two years of COVID-19, working from home, not seeing family and friends, avoiding restaurants, and not doing much of anything have led to anxiety in many of us. Some people develop anxiety when they are young and others when they get older. No matter the cause, anxiety can be unbearable, seriously affecting our […]

5 Best Anxiety Apps to Improve Mental Health

woman in café with smartphone.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, one in five US adults experiences mental health symptoms, with disorders varying in severity. From an economic standpoint, the demand for mental health services is dramatically outgrowing the supply. In a survey by the American Psychological Association, a third of psychologists said they are seeing more patients […]

9 Ways to Turn Anxiety to Your Advantage!

woman in suit playing guitar

Benefits of Anxiety If you ask a roomful of anxious people whether they believe their anxiety could be working toward their advantage, I will bet that 95% of them would say ABSOLUTELY NOT! That feeling of being uncomfortable in your skin, that last breath you can’t take, or that racing heart that’s about to pop […]

Deep Thoughts on the Origin, History, and Experience of Anxiety

shoes hangin off cliff over ocean

“Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom.” Those words are from the Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard’s treatise The Concept of Anxiety. His definition of anxiety makes intuitive sense. Anxiety is a mental condition you feel in your body. It can seize your gut with a nausea-inducing dizziness. Freedom comes with choice, and choice – specifically, the […]

Quiet Your Distressing Thoughts: 7 Mind Games to Distract You When Your Anxiety Is too Much

magnetic poetry word tiles

We all experience anxiety. That feeling of creeping fear is an integral part of being human. For millennia, it’s alerted us to danger and ultimately kept us alive in the face of predators and other threats. In the 21st century, city-dwellers are seldom faced with hungry wild animals. Yet, people seem to be experiencing greater […]

4 Signs of Social Anxiety in Teens that Every Parent Should Know

shy Asian youth with glasses.

Social anxiety disorder (SAD) refers to feelings of fear and anxiety that prevent individuals from experiencing everyday social interactions to the fullest. Social anxiety can occur during many stages of a person’s life, but prevalence rates are highest between the ages of 13 and 18. Social anxiety can be difficult to identify for many parents […]

How Weekly Planning Can Ease Anxiety and Calm a Busy Mind

writing in weekly planner

Planning is a creative way to get things done and a form of self-help to support our mental health. It keeps our minds clear of clutter, releases us from internal and external pressures, and gives us a clear direction to follow. In this article, we’ll explore an accessible weekly planning practice to keep anxiety levels […]

The Basics of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety Disorders

woman standing before two doors

The most effective treatment for anxiety disorders is cognitive behavioral therapy. It is proven to be a reliable and commonly chosen treatment with significant positive results. Using these psychotherapy techniques, all types of anxiety disorders improve. If you have an anxiety disorder and don’t begin treatment, your mental and emotional health could worsen. Learn how […]

Meditation Can Worsen Your Depression and Anxiety: How to Avoid That

woman in forest

Meditation is a well-known practice that people value for self-improvement.  Millions, if not billions, of people practice it often so that they can find peace, happiness, and improved overall well-being in this chaotic world. However, research has found that it can also worsen the same health issues it is known to help with, like anxiety […]

5 Things to Keep in Mind if You Have Social Anxiety

teen sitting apart from others

Going for a walk in the park isn’t necessarily enjoyable when the whole time you’re on high alert, overthinking how you’re being perceived. This is the everyday experience of having social anxiety, the fear that you’re constantly being judged, laughed at, and disliked for doing simple everyday things. Those of us battling social anxiety disorder […]

Back to Work and School, Back to Anxiety

masked man in front of office building

Millions of people have received vaccinations against SARS-CoV-2 and its variants in an effort to prevent contracting and spreading COVID-19. That could mean that millions of people may be returning to work or school soon or may have done so already. Even with such returns, things might not be back to normal. People might still […]

Back-to-School Anxiety: How Students – and Schools – Can Manage Mental Health When Returning to In-Person Learning

masked children at school.

Shopping for school supplies and new clothes used to get kids excited to go back to school. Now they may dread the idea of sitting in a classroom all day because they’ve adjusted to virtual learning.  Ongoing COVID-19 concerns can make returning to school seem scary. No one should walk into school with a cloud […]

Better Approaches for Helping Teens Manage Their Anxiety

mother and upset daughter

We’ve known for a long time that teens often have anxiety and worry as they transition from childhood into young adulthood.  And as we’re now aware that the human brain takes much longer to become fully mature, generally by the early to mid-20s, it’s good to remind ourselves that we’re dealing with people who are […]

How to Adjust to a New Environment as a Person with Anxiety

diverse workplace

Anxiety comes in all shapes and sizes. As with other mental states such as depression, individuals who occasionally have anxious feelings do not necessarily have to be clinically diagnosed and medicated. If the anxious feelings occur daily for an extended period, medical help is worth considering. However, if your anxiety stems from a new environment […]

Ways to Help Seniors with Anxiety and Depression

So many seniors feel as though their lives will end soon. They have either achieved everything they wanted to or received word that their health is in poor shape. It’s not easy for seniors who have lived long and happy lives to suddenly, out of nowhere, feel trapped in their bodies as they grow older. […]

Ways to Manage Depression and Anxiety and Other Mental Health Problems

Rubik’s Cube close-up

30-Second Summary There are 6 healthy choices you can make to change your life. They are the following: Working out:Releases hormones for cell growth and supplies more oxygen to the brain. Watch your food:Replace unhealthy snacks with a balanced diet of vitamins, proteins, minerals, and plenty of water. Stressbuster: Talk about your thoughts and emotions […]

Tips for Coping with Anxiety During the Continuing COVID-19 Pandemic

man and woman standing on sidewalk wearing medical masks

These are unprecedented times. It is not unusual to have anxious feelings about the COVID-19 pandemic. Perhaps you have experienced waves of panic, worry, or stress. It is understandable to experience such emotions. They are normal human responses to perceived or actual threats. In the last year, we have faced new realities such as home-schooling, […]

Phobia Exposure: The Ultimate Solution for Coping with Social Anxiety Disorder

crowded street in Hong Kong

Ever-increasing urbanization and overpopulation are inevitable in today’s world. Such phenomena can lower ordinary people’s living standards due to the reduction of living spaces, increasing risks of interpersonal conflicts, and loss of privacy. For individuals who experience social anxiety disorder (SAD), living in a collective space can be far more challenging. I have been suffering […]

Anxiety Disorders in Children: Diagnosis, Types, and Treatment

young girl running

Detection of Anxiety Disorders in a Child All children are afraid of something. If the feeling of fear passes quickly, there is nothing wrong with it. But when it lasts for some time, interfering with all aspects of life, parents need to give close attention to it. Detecting anxiety disorders at an early stage is […]

Signs Your Child May Be Struggling with Anxiety and What She/He Needs from You

anxious girl

The moment I found out I was pregnant with my firstborn, I was elated. After seeing the positive sign on the pregnancy test, like many first-time moms, I immediately envisioned the type of child I would have and the kind of parent I was going to be. My expectations were all very positive, and I […]

Finally Beginning to Deal with Anxiety after a Trip to the Emergency Department

emergency department sign

For the ten millionth time, I recently ended up in the emergency department (ED) for shortness of breath, chest pains, and nausea.  What I didn’t realize is that these symptoms are also symptoms of a panic attack or anxiety.  Panic attacks can come on unexpectedly and manifest in physical symptoms.  This is something that has […]

Preparing for a Job Interview When You Have Anxiety

two women at a table

Job interviews can be nerve-wracking, especially when you struggle with anxiety. The experience of having to prove your worth and being evaluated by people can be really difficult and are major triggers of anxious feelings. This is completely normal and very common, although that doesn’t mean you should have to put up with it. You […]

Do You Have Anxiety? Here’s What You Can Do About It.

anxious woman with head in hands

Every person will feel anxious at some point in their lives. It is because anxiety is a physiological stress response. Your Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) activates in stressful situations, which kicks off a hormone rush. When you feel anxious, what you’re experiencing is your body going into “fight or flight” mode. Now imagine an amplified […]

Using VR (Virtual Reality) to Treat Social Anxiety

woman with VR headset

First, What is social anxiety? Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is one of the most common types of anxiety disorders in the world today. SAD is a serious and complex mental health condition that makes a person constantly fear social situations. Social anxiety is nothing new to psychologists. However, current data suggest that the number of […]

5 Steps for Dealing with Anxiety in Difficult Times

adele in concert

There are different forms of anxiety, with some being more complex and others lighter. For example, some may worry that they will not be successful, and others that they are too successful, such as the singer Adele. Once during a Rolling Stones interview, Adele admitted that she has stage fright and tries to avoid large […]

How to Stop an Anxiety Attack Before It Starts (5 Ways that Helped Me Cope With It)

and breathe neon sign

There I was, breathing rapidly and heavily. I didn’t know what was happening. Then it hit me; I was having my first anxiety and panic attack. And it was terrible. I can tell you that. You might be in the same boat, especially today when we’re living in times of high stress and insecurity – […]

Top 5 Easy Ways to Support Someone with an Anxiety Disorder

positive affirmation note

People with anxiety disorders experience panic and a profound sense of fear over things that to you may seem irrational. Pointing that out is the one thing you should never do. Anxiety disorders are real, and managing them can be quite overwhelming. As a friend,  family member, spouse, or colleague, the best thing you can […]

Treating Addiction and Anxiety Disorders

glass of alcoholic drink

Addiction and anxiety are serious disorders that can damage your physical and psychological wellbeing. In many cases, treatment is the only way to break the cycle. While anxiety occurs due to our body’s natural response to stress, addictions usually develop over time. About 8.1% of the total United States Population (21.7 million people) is either […]

Caring for a Child with Anxiety: Avoiding Caregiver Burnout

mother and anxious child

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, one in eight children is diagnosed with an anxiety disorder (Boyle, 2016, p 520). Anxiety affects many aspects of children’s lives. It will appear in their thought processes, causing them to believe they are in constant danger or under a constant threat. Anxiety manifests itself in […]

Does Your Child Have Separation Anxiety? Here Are Some Tips

mother hugging crying child

If your mornings are fraught with a crying child, panicked screams, clinging arms — this article is for you. Whether it’s your child’s first time in a classroom or this is an annual occurrence, separation anxiety can make every day a challenge. Families struggling with these morning rituals may feel as if there’s no hope, […]

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) Therapy for Anxiety Treatment

blue eye

EMDR or eye movement desensitization and reprocessing is a unique psychotherapy technique. It is incredibly useful in treating various kinds of anxieties. All around the world, psychotherapists have used EMDR in their work as a complement to traditional treatment methods. The technique is effective for those patients who have experienced different emotional traumas. Up to the […]

Social Anxiety in the Rear-View Mirror: 3 Things I Wish I Knew When I Was Younger

man sitting in café

“It’s all in your head!” I heard these words countless times growing up, typically after sharing some unshakeable feeling that was swirling around in my head. You see, my family never got in the weeds when it came to talking about topics like mental health. It was taboo. Instead, they would resort to shouting platitudes […]

The Complex Relationship between Sleep and Anxiety

young woman with insomnia

One-third of our lives are spent sleeping, but over time, sleep has become unappreciated. In the world’s current pace, everybody is consumed in using their 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Sleep has become such an interference in our daily activities that we often forget its benefits and the implications of its loss. […]

How to Deal With Depression and Anxiety as a Recent Veteran

helping hands for veterans

Depression and anxiety were once silent torments that people dealt with in isolation. But society has evolved to a stage where we’re encouraged to tackle these problems openly in the way that works best for us.

Anyone can suffer from these mental health issues, with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs reporting that 11% of military personnel do at some point in their lives. This means that you or a veteran you know may have to deal with depression or anxiety.

Can Stress and Anxiety Trigger ADHD?

stressed out boy

Can stress and anxiety trigger ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder)? Can ADHD trigger stress or anxiety?

What’s the link between these three conditions?

If you are living with ADHD, you may want to know if the condition can also cause you stress and anxiety. Again, if you are experiencing stress or anxiety, you may want to know if there are chances of developing ADHD.

How to Avoid Anxiety and Take Control in Times of Uncertainty

young man thinking

We live in uncertain times. The coronavirus pandemic took everyone by surprise, and even though this prolonged break is good for the environment, it turns out to be damaging for some people. The way we relate to events around us tells something about ourselves. Some people might have seen this pandemic and lockdown as something […]

9 Tips for Managing Anxiety During Quarantine

woman in yoga pose

We may not even be aware of the powerful role our mind plays in determining our mental health. Even when we feel that things are under control and stress during the COVID-19 pandemic is manageable, our brain could be telling the mind a totally different story. Brain chemistry is highly sensitive to our emotions, whether […]

Anxiety in Young Students and What Teachers Can Do to Help Relieve It

computer classroom

Learning is fun and exciting. However, there are some instances when young students become anxious because of pressure and other factors. Some anxiety is unavoidable as kids learn new things and are placed in unfamiliar situations. Today’s teachers must know the basics of dealing with anxious students.  Signs of Anxiety in Children Knowing the signs […]

How to Lessen Anxiety During the COVID-19 Pandemic

quarantine fresh air

As coronavirus continues to spread around the globe, you may realize your life has changed. You’ll have to wear a face mask for quite some time, get used to physical distancing, or even work from home. You might find yourself going back to your workplace, still fearing the virus and what it can do to […]

I Have Anxiety and Depression. This Is How the Pandemic Has Affected Me.

girl in medical face mask

The World Health Organization recognizes that mental health disorders are the leading cause of illness and disability worldwide. That’s 450 million people suffering from a mental health disorder today. That’s a lot of people!  With the Covid-19 pandemic at its peak, the number of diagnosed mental health disorders worldwide is rising daily, as observed by […]

How Practicing Gratitude Helps You Deal with Anxiety

grateful woman in field of flowers

Gratitude is something that each one of us must practice on a daily basis, anxiety, or no anxiety. It makes us aware of all the good things in our lives that we usually take for granted. If you’re suffering from anxiety, you’re not alone. According to research, it affects almost 18.1% of the US population […]

Signs of Anxiety in Young Kids

anxious child

Everyone experiences anxiety – it’s a natural response to certain stressors. Anxiety disorders, on the other hand, are characterized by frequent, intense, excessive anxiety. It’s important to note that it’s not uncommon to see signs of anxiety in children regardless of whether or not they have an anxiety disorder. Because children (especially young children) don’t […]

Finding Your Flow: How Mindfulness Can Lower Your Anxiety

guitar player

Does your mind wander as aimlessly as mine? When you were preparing your dinner last night, were you really thinking about chopping those onions? Where were you mentally? If you’re like me, you were mulling over the ever-growing, ever-overflowing to-do list you keep track of in your head. Often I’m daydreaming about my fantasy vacation. […]

Helping Students with Anxiety in School

girl trying to concentrate

A Note from the Editor This guest post on school anxiety was submitted to us prior to the onset of the coronavirus pandemic in the United States. Students with anxiety may be feeling a temporary reprieve from symptoms as schools have either closed or offer remote learning via online classes. However, the problem will be […]

How I Functioned through Test Anxiety

studying for exam

First grade, the earliest I can recall is the feeling of a flood of overwhelming thoughts and body sensations. First grade was when it all started, timed math tests and pop spelling quizzes. Even in my youthful brain, I had racing thoughts, self-criticism, and negative self-talk and butterflies in my stomach, both before and during […]

Overcoming Any Fear: Using Exposure and Response Prevention Techniques to Cope with Anxiety

overcome anxiety drawing

May is Mental Health Awareness Month Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health condition in the United States, affecting 40 million individuals age 18 and older (18.1% of adult Americans) every year. When two brothers from the United Kingdom offered to share an animated video focusing on this common but potentially disabling group of […]