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Harnessing the Power of CBT for Effective Relapse Prevention

three friends smiling

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on changing patterns of thinking or behaviors that can lead to problems in your life. CBT is a highly effective evidence-based practice used to treat a range of mental health problems, including anxiety, depression, and addiction. If you’re struggling to stay sober, CBT might […]

PCOS and Body Image: Embracing These Lifestyle Changes Helped Me Feel Empowered

smiling woman with curly hair

I was in my late twenties when I was finally diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) — a hormonal imbalance where the ovaries produce an excess of male hormones. After nearly two decades of irregular, painful periods, chronic inflammation, and rapidly increasing weight, I was equally relieved and overwhelmed to know what was wrong. Years […]

Becoming A Morning Person: A Beneficial Change that Supports Positive Mental Health

woman with morning coffee and laptop

Becoming somewhat of a morning person has been a stunning development in my life. Now, in my forties, early rising is part of a long-term program to sustain positive mental health. In short, I have a purpose and a routine that includes getting an early start on my work. I have coping strategies, but keeping […]

How Small Wins Can Start an Impactful Chain in Your Life

smiling man in cap and denim

In the business world, employers are always looking for ways to keep their employees motivated and engaged for a more productive work environment. The most popular technique is the small-wins approach, popularized by Teresa Amabile and Steven Kramer in their work on progress theory. I was always aware of this concept, having read about it […]

Frank S.K. Appah, Jr., MD PhD

RtoR Family-Endorsed Provider Profile Frank S.K. Appah, Jr., MD PhD Psychotherapist and Board Certified Adult Psychiatrist Westport, CT Dr. Appah is a board-certified psychiatrist specializing in emerging adult and adult psychiatry. He is the founder of Meroë Psychiatric, a Westport-based private practice providing psychiatric consultation, psychotherapy, pharmacogenetic testing, and medication management. Dr. Appah specializes in […]

Combating Holiday Season Loneliness When You’re in Recovery

Black family cutting Christmas tree

The holiday season, often considered a time of joy and celebration, can be a challenging period for many individuals, especially those navigating the twisting path of addiction recovery. For those who have embarked on the journey to overcome substance use disorders, feelings of loneliness during the holidays can be particularly troubling. The struggle to maintain […]

The Gut-Brain Connection: How Your Gut Health Affects Your Mental Wellbeing

woman with stomach pain.

An optimally functioning gut has trillions of microbes living harmoniously to provide essential nutrients while protecting the body from potential pathogens. These microbes also communicate with your immune system and the rest of the body through hormonal and neural messengers known as the gut-brain connection axis. Many studies show a connection between gut health and […]

Mental Health Recovery: Twenty Practical Tips To Take You From Broken To Better

post-it notes on vision board

Have you ever felt lost, hopeless, and overwhelmed? When you are in a dark and lonely headspace, you can feel desperate, and the scariest part is not knowing if it will get better. Hope, coupled with dedication, can light the path to a healthier mental state. Recovery involves a process of healing, adaptation, and growth. […]

Effective Strategies for Maintaining Sobriety During the Holiday Season

young woman in holiday street scene.

Navigating the holiday season while in recovery can be a challenging yet rewarding experience. Here are effective strategies to help you stay sober during the holidays, allowing you to embrace the joy and connection of this season without sacrificing any of its special qualities. Acknowledge Triggers and Practice Proactive Steps Being mindful of potential triggers, […]

How Stigma Impacts People with Mental Health Issues

locked chain link fence.

When people struggle with mental health, it can feel like no one else understands what they’re going through. This lack of understanding can create an isolating feeling that makes their struggles worse. The stigma surrounding mental health can make many afraid of sharing their mental health struggles with friends and family, worried that they might […]

Nurturing Physical and Mental Well-being in Adolescent Boys

teen boy with backpack

Adolescence can be a challenging time for many boys as they experience the onset of puberty and must navigate new social situations. Many boys feel confused during this time and need extra support. Parents should be available to answer questions and reassure their teenage sons whether they’re on the right path or need a change […]

Navigating the Intersection of Psychology and Psychiatric Care for Mental Well-being

two professional women

The United States has a major mental health problem. Not only are there millions of people living with mental health conditions, but a significant portion of them go through life without any form of treatment at all. Many factors contribute to this unfortunate situation. For many years, mental health stigma was a driving force. People […]

Advancements in Medical Treatments for Mental Health Disorders

health professional at laptop

There have been remarkable advancements in medical treatments for mental health disorders in recent years. These breakthroughs offer hope and relief to millions worldwide who grapple with conditions such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. The collaboration between pharmaceutical companies, healthcare professionals, and contract research organizations (CROs) has led to significant progress in understanding […]

Georgette Harrison LPC, CCMHC

RtoR Family-Endorsed Provider Profile   Georgette Harrison LPC, CCMHC Psychotherapist New Canaan, CT Georgette Harrison is a psychotherapist specializing in infant, early childhood, and parent mental health. She helps families address the issues of early childhood (feeding, sleeping, tantrums, bonding difficulties, power struggles, socializing, concentration) so parent and child can have the relationship they want. […]

What Is the Actual Relationship between Mental Illness and Gun Violence? A Look at the Science Behind Mass Shootings

Strangers hold hands at Aurora, CO memorial

For years, psychologists, politicians, and policymakers have debated whether or not mental illness causes mass shootings. Due to the high rates of mental health disorders and the increase in mass shootings in the United States, people have begun to assume that the two are inevitably related. Following the occurrence of another tragic mass shooting in […]

Narcissistic Abuse and Codependency: Breaking the Enmeshment Cycle

troubled couple sitting on curb

Being partnered with an abuser can be as disorienting as it is devastating, creating challenges that are not always immediately apparent. Victims of narcissistic abuse, subjected to varying levels of manipulation and control, often find themselves slipping into patterns of codependency, defined as maintaining a relationship that is one-sided or abusive in nature.[1] Such interactions […]

Teen Bullying Is the New Epidemic: What Steps Should Parents Take?

worried teen with smartphone

In July 2023, News 18 reported on Aydin Pedone, a 15-year-old teenager from Hudson Falls, who fell prey to bullying. An online video clip of the teen in a Spiderman costume showed that he was subjected to severe bullying, leading to a broken nose. According to the New York Post, Aydin was coerced into coming […]

The Comprehensive Healing Power of Holistic Therapy

serene waterfall in woods

Holistic therapy, also known as holistic psychology, considers the entirety of an individual, encompassing the physical, emotional, cognitive, and spiritual dimensions of being. By emphasizing the interconnected facets of a person’s existence, this therapeutic approach has become increasingly favored among those open to supplementary and unconventional mental health treatments. How Can Holistic Mental Health Care […]

How Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy (CBGT) Can Help Teens Challenge Cognitive Distortions

older teens talking

“I failed at the swimming tryouts today. I’m no good at swimming, so I should just quit.” “What if I study now but still fail the exam tomorrow?” “My teacher complimented my art, but I know he was just being nice to me.” You might hear comments like these often from your teen. These are […]

Social Media Can Kill: The Illicit Drug Trade Goes Online

young adult on smartphone

“The package came in the mail for my daughter—I put it on the counter with everything else. I didn’t give it a second thought. Why would I?” My friend—a retired cop—had called me every day and spoke the exact same words, sometimes more than once in a single conversation. The strange thing was that his […]

What is Your Learning Language? Part 2: Learning Through Teaching Pathways

couple assembling furniture

Based on the concept of the Love Languages by Gary Chapman, I developed a series of 15 Learning Languages or Learning Styles I present here to help people understand how we learn throughout our lifetimes. Learning Languages 4-8 are about Learning through Teaching Pathways. Teaching Pathways include being self-taught and having others instruct you. Anyone […]

Mental Health Screening: A Proactive Approach to Well-Being

man standing in front of window

Mental health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being. It relates to how we think, feel, and act and plays a significant role in determining our quality of life. Unfortunately, mental health conditions are often overlooked or stigmatized, leading to the neglect of necessary treatment and support. As such, a proactive approach to mental health […]

What do Taxi Driver, Death Note, and The Scream have in Common with the Genius of the Human Psyche? Understanding the Human Condition through Dostoevsky’s Literary Legacy

hands holding open book

When it comes to the human psyche and its imprint upon literature, no other writer is discussed and celebrated more than the Russian author Fyodor Dostoevsky. Also referred to as ‘Shakespeare of the lunatic asylum,’ his realistic portrayals of mental anguish and exploration of the darkest impulses of the human mind make for some of […]

The Crucial Role of Nutrition in Mental Health

family preparing healthy food

In the pursuit of better mental health, various factors come into play. One often overlooked aspect is nutrition. The food we consume can significantly impact our mental well-being, influencing mood, cognition, and overall mental health. This article will explore the vital connection between nutrition and mental health, shedding light on how a well-balanced diet can […]

Post-Divorce Depression: Causes, Risks, and Treatment

sad woman with crossed arms.

When a marriage falls apart, it can significantly impact a person’s life. One common health hazard that often accompanies divorce is depression. Feeling sad or down for a brief time after divorce is a normal reaction to the breakup of a marriage. However, an increasing number of divorced people stay in a depressive state for […]

Overcoming Trauma with a Holistic Approach to Therapy: Mind, Body, and Soul

person standing before sunset

Sitting on a couch is a therapist with a clipboard. We talk about our problems. We discuss them in great detail. We connect them back to problems in our childhood. Then we expand upon those problems. Sometimes we leave the session feeling more anxious and distraught than when we started. Or maybe we leave the […]

Top Screen Time Management Tips for Those with Mental Health Conditions

smartphone selfie

As technology continues to develop at a rapid pace, it’s virtually impossible to avoid screens and digital devices. From work to leisure time, it has become all too easy to spend hours on end looking at a screen without considering the impact on your health. By being more aware of your devices’ impacts, you can […]

Maternal Depression in Second Pregnancies: The Untold Story

toddler with newborn sibling

Pregnancy is one of the most life-changing events a woman can experience. A number of physiological and psychological changes occur as the body prepares to nurture and grow new life. However, people often hype the first-time pregnancy experience, while the second and subsequent ones are seen as less important. The second pregnancy is treated more […]

What’s Standing in the Way of Improved Mental Health for All?

serious African American man

Most people experience mental health challenges from time to time. However, the signs of a problem aren’t always obvious. Common indicators are stress, insomnia, anxiety, or depression—conditions millions of people suffer silently through each day. With all of the qualified professionals and tech-based solutions available, it is easier than ever to get mental health help. […]

Mental Health Misdiagnoses in Children: What to Look Out for in Diagnosing Childhood Mental Health Disorders

child with painted hands

When a child has mental health issues, getting the right treatment and care for that child is critical. Unfortunately, many children are misdiagnosed with the wrong mental health disorder, which ultimately means they may not receive adequate treatment. Find out why mental health misdiagnoses happen so often in children, what conditions are most commonly misdiagnosed, […]

Teen Suicides Are on the Rise: What Can Parents Do?

male teen wearing hoodie

In April 2023, Bloomberg reported deeply disturbing news involving Chase Nasca, who died by suicide at age 16. In the days before his death, his TikTok feed was full of videos glorifying suicide. To the horror of Chase’s parents, the social media app was still pushing suicide-obsessed content to his feed more than a year […]

Empower, Don’t Enable: How to Stop Enabling Loved Ones with Addiction Issues

Enabling is a pattern of behavior in which a parent, partner, or loved one with addiction issues assists or supports that person’s harmful or self-destructive habits, often unintentionally. This can take many forms, such as giving someone money or covering up for a loved one’s relapse. Enabling can come from a genuine desire to help, […]

The Mental Health Toll of Poverty: Understanding Challenges Faced by the Poor in the United States

homeless man on bench

Living in poverty is exhausting. People who cannot afford to live comfortably and pay all their bills often have to deal with extraordinary challenges while living under near-constant stress. In the United States, with its wealth, many people live below the poverty line. A surprising 12.8% of the population falls under the poverty line, with […]

The Impact of Combat Exposure on Veterans’ Mental Health and Strategies for Coping

Strategies for Coping When combat veterans end their service and come home, they often leave one battle behind to begin another. For many veterans, the mental health battle is one they face alone. Some will experience difficult emotions such as anxiety, guilt, anger, and feelings of worthlessness. These painful emotions can develop into mental health […]

How Nursing Interventions Can Help Families Affected by Mental Health Conditions

nurse sorting medications

Families affected by mental conditions often face significant challenges in their daily lives. The impact of mental health issues extends beyond the individual to the entire family unit, affecting relationships, communication, and overall well-being. According to the nonprofit news outlet The Conversation, parents struggling with depression tend to exhibit increased negativity towards their children, such […]

Promoting Mental Health Awareness in Rural Communities Online

small-town America

Mental health is essential to overall well-being, yet it can be difficult for many individuals to access the resources and support they need. Alongside general obstacles to treatment and knowledge, different communities can face challenges specific to their populations and environments. This is why it is crucial to establish tools most relevant to each community’s […]

Back to School Support for New Canaan College Students with Mental Health Conditions

students walking on college campus

As the summer draws to a close and the new school year approaches, college students with mental health conditions and their families should be taking steps to ensure the necessary supports are in place. Anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges can significantly impact a student’s academic and personal life. Laurel House and its gateway […]

A Multidisciplinary Approach to Schizophrenia Management

young female professional

Schizophrenia is a long-lasting, serious, and often disabling neurological condition that impacts an individual’s cognition, behavior, and emotions. It can make it hard to distinguish between what’s real and not real, think clearly, and make decisions. Schizophrenia symptoms include hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that aren’t there), delusions (false beliefs), and disorganized thinking. According to […]

How to Hack Your Stress Response and Overcome Adversity

woman jogging near water

Are you feeling overwhelmed and stressed? It’s natural to feel anxious when life throws a curveball at you. It doesn’t have to last forever—there are things you can do to help yourself become more resilient, manage your stress response, and find ways to thrive in the face of adversity. This post will help you build […]

Flexing Your Mental Muscles: The Power of Brain Exercises

happy woman writing on paper.

Flexing the muscles in your brain is just as important as working out the muscles in the rest of your body. Just as doctors tell you to exercise regularly to keep your body healthy, exercising your brain helps keep it in the best shape possible. Keeping your brain active and your mind sharp can improve […]

Navigating the Intersection of Mental Health and Social Justice: Understanding the Impacts of Oppression on Mental Wellness

Toni Morrison quote on protest sign

Mental health and social justice are vital topics that significantly affect our well-being. The intersection of these two areas has gained increasing importance in recent years. Oppression, discrimination, and inequality can profoundly impact mental wellness. This article aims to examine the effects of oppression on mental health and emphasize the significance of comprehending and promoting […]

Managing Job Search Stress: Tips for Maintaining Your Mental Health During the Search Process

woman in job interview

We know it’s important for employers to support employee well-being, but for job hunters, the hard part comes before they’re hired. When you need to find work quickly or are in a difficult financial situation, job hunting can be a very stressful experience. The process of looking for a job is frequently lengthy and exhausting. […]

InStride Health

RtoR Family-Endorsed Provider Profile InStride Health Virtual Evidence-Based Pediatric Behavioral Health Practice Available to residents of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island   InStride Health provides youth ages 7-22 and their families with research-backed, insurance-based treatment for those experiencing moderate to severe anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Developed […]

School Refusal: What to Do If Your Child is Avoiding School

stubborn girl in pink

Does your child repeatedly ask to stay home from school when feeling anxious or afraid? Do anxiety and worry cause your child to skip classes or avoid doing homework? School refusal is a growing problem in the US, affecting up to 5% of children.  What is school refusal? According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of […]

16 MBTI Personality Types Under Stress

young woman with emotion signs

MBTI, which stands for Myers Briggs Type Indicator, is a personality assessment tool that explains our individual psychological preferences. If you’ve ever wondered what makes you unique in your perceptions and relationships, this tool can help you understand. The core concept of MBTI personality types revolves around the idea that we all have distinct preferences […]

How to Know If You Need a Break from Social Media

close up of man holding smartphone.

Social media has many wonderful uses. It is a place to share meaningful experiences—a place to make connections with like-minded people and feel that you are a part of something bigger. Despite its usefulness as an amazing tool for human connection, social media has some drawbacks. If not used appropriately, it can negatively impact your […]

Postpartum Depression: Causes, Risks, and Treatment

mother and newborn

Becoming a parent is one of life’s most exciting moments. But this event can also trigger fear, anxiety, or even depression. New moms who experience postpartum depression need to receive the right treatment to manage their symptoms and bond with their babies. Below, we’ll discuss the common causes of postpartum depression, its risks, and common […]

5 Steps to Healing from Burnout

sunflower blossom

If work has left you feeling exhausted, on edge, or disinterested, you may be suffering burnout. Long hours, heightened responsibilities, and a lack of balance between work and home life have become the norm for many Americans following the COVID-19 pandemic, leaving workers feeling drained, pessimistic, and burnt out. What is burnout? Burnout is an […]

Breaking the Stigma of Mental Health in the Workplace

diverse business workgroup

In today’s fast-paced and competitive business world, mental health has become an increasingly important issue. Mental health concerns in the workplace can affect the performance and productivity of employees, as well as the overall success of a company. Yet, despite the growing awareness of the importance of mental health, there is still a stigma associated […]

Opioid Addiction Signs, Symptoms & Prevention

pensive man in orange shirt

While there’s no denying that opioids can effectively treat pain, opioid addiction doesn’t discriminate and can affect anyone—even those who take the drug as per their doctor’s instructions. Because of this, learning about what opioid addiction is, how to recognize it, and how to prevent it is of utmost importance if you or your loved […]

The Science of Sleep: Understanding Your Circadian Rhythm and Tips to Boost Restfulness

man sleeping in bed

We all know how important sleep is for our health and well-being, but have you ever wondered why we need it and how our bodies regulate it? The answer lies in our circadian rhythm – our body’s natural 24-hour cycle that regulates our sleep-wake cycle, hormones, and metabolism. Our circadian rhythm is controlled by an […]

Reduce Stress with Mindfulness Techniques

man doing tai chi outdoors

Stress is a common concern in today’s fast-paced world, affecting people of all ages and backgrounds. It’s no secret that chronic stress can negatively affect your mental and physical health, causing issues such as sleep disturbances, anxiety, and even a decrease in heart rate variability (HRV), an essential indicator of your autonomic nervous system’s balance.  […]

The Hidden Cost of Caregiving: Understanding the Emotional Toll of Caring for Aging Parents

tired woman on couch

When elderly parents lose the ability to care for themselves, it can be chaotic and demanding. You’re scrambling to figure out what they need and how to get it for them. You may spend enormous portions of the day helping them complete basic human functions. You think about money. How much it costs for medications, […]

Mental Health Issues Faced by Older Adults and How to Cope With Them

older man running

Older adults can experience mental health issues due to life changes, such as retirement or losing a loved one. They may also develop emotional problems because of physical disabilities or severe illness. Mental health and well-being are crucial in any stage of life, including older age. So, what mental health issues do older adults face, […]

How the Race for Grades in College Affects Students’ Mental Health

stressed student studying

We expect schools, professors, and parents to check in on their students and be aware of their mental health. Putting constant pressure on students to become adults without providing relief and periodic guidance to encourage them in positive ways is a toxic practice that can lead to academic disaster. In this article, we’ll explore the […]

Self-Care Practices for Better Mental Health Management

woman with headphones in bed

Self-care is more than just soaking in a bubble bath and applying expensive facial masks. It’s an essential part of our overall health and well-being and something we should all prioritize. Whether you’re dealing with chronic stress, struggling to get enough restful sleep, or simply looking for ways to boost your mood and energy, incorporating […]

Coping with the Stress of College: Tips for Students

3 students in café.

Life is stressful. There is no way around it. But it can be even more stressful for students graduating from high school and continuing to college. Many teens already have busier schedules than they can manage. The transition from the family home to a college dorm or off-campus housing creates more pressure on them. Having […]

How to Cultivate Self-Compassion and Improve Your Relationships

happy partners selfie

Self-compassion, the tendency to be kind and understanding to yourself when confronted with personal failures and challenges, is a strong predictor of positive mental health (Muris, 2015; Hwang, 2016). Studies indicate that high levels of self-compassion are linked to better life satisfaction and happiness and decreased self-criticism, depression, and anxiety (Neff, 2009). Self-compassion not only […]

Mindfulness Techniques for ADHD: How They Can Help

calming lake scene

This article by clinical psychologist Dr. Adeel Sarwar discusses the benefits of mindfulness techniques in managing ADHD symptoms. Do you often find it hard to stay focused, concentrate on tasks, and manage your emotions effectively due to your ADHD symptoms? If so, you are not alone. However, there is a solution – mindfulness techniques. Incorporating […]

The Benefits of Group Art Therapy for PTSD

man in beret painting

If you or a loved one are dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), you know how difficult it is to go through every day. The trauma takes hold of a person’s thoughts and emotions, making life extremely difficult. The prevalence of PTSD worldwide is about 3.9% of the general population. Those who deal with PTSD […]

Mental Health Disparities among College Students of Color

serious young woman with laptop.

College students of color too often face mental health disparities that can have a devastating impact on their well-being. From increased rates of some disorders to unequal access to care, these disparities can be challenging to overcome. Research has shown that students of color are more likely to drop out of college due to mental […]

8 Easy Life Hacks To Improve Your Quality Of Sleep

cat sleeping

From waking up in the middle of the night to finding it difficult to nod off, failing to get a good night’s sleep can leave you feeling awful the next day. In this article, we’ll explore eight simple hacks to boost your sleep quality—for good.  So keep reading if you want to discover the key […]

The Biological Reasons Why Alcohol Increases Depression

man drinking alcohol.

Most of us know how great alcohol can make us feel—and how terrible. However, the adverse effects of drinking can extend well beyond a Sunday-morning hangover. For some people, regular alcohol use can also contribute to depression, anxiety, or a generally low mood. These effects won’t necessarily be severe for a casual social drinker, but […]

How to Reduce Stress with Positive Thinking

stressed woman at laptop.

Everyone experiences stress differently and to varying degrees of intensity; it is an unavoidable aspect of life. While some stress is acceptable and may even be beneficial in certain circumstances, excessive stress may be harmful to both physical and mental health. The good news is that by developing a positive mindset, we can learn how […]

Teaching Kids to Be Resilient: How to Help Them Find Strength in Difficult Times

parents teaching kids to cook

Building Resilience in Children: Strategies for Helping Them Cope with Difficult Emotions Helping children understand and manage their emotions is challenging but provides them with a better and healthier life. It is particularly critical as they mature because their lives will only get more complex and their emotions more demanding. Helping your children develop problem-solving […]

How to Endure a Job Loss without Depression: 7 Practical Tips for Coping

pensive man on couch

Job loss can be one of the most challenging experiences to endure. It doesn’t matter whether it’s due to a company downsizing, economic downturn, or personal reasons. Losing your job can leave you feeling lost and vulnerable. However, it’s normal to feel a range of emotions during this time, including anxiety, fear, anger, and sadness. […]

How Depression Affects Your Energy Levels

tired man on couch

Depression is a serious mental health disorder that affects masses of people around the world. While it is typically associated with feelings of sadness, apathy, and low motivation, it can also negatively impact energy levels. Understanding how depression affects liveliness and vigor can give you a fuller understanding of this condition and its impact on […]

Help, My Child Is Cocooning and Stuck! How to Help Teens and Young Adults Who Have Been Impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic Behaviorally and Emotionally

teen girl on bed with smartphone

Adolescents and young adults are experiencing the highest rate of anxiety and depression ever reported in the US. According to a report from the COVID States Project, “…nearly half (49%) of respondents reported symptoms of depression, with 26% reporting moderate symptoms or worse, the level at which follow-up care would typically be recommended in a clinical […]