Our Latest Blogs

Do a Self-Check for Mental Health Conditions

woman in blue dress

Today, more and more people are developing an awareness of how important mental health is, especially with the uncertainty of the future due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many people are becoming concerned about their susceptibility to various mental health problems, such as depression, anxiety, and insomnia, among a list of several other disorders. Olympian Simone […]

Addressing Your Own Mental Health Hygiene While Employed in the Mental Health Workforce

happy person in café

Any occupation can be draining. Throw in some untreated mental health issues and pressure to keep struggling forward, and you have yourself a load that feels impossible to bear. Taking care of your own mental health while helping others take care of theirs feels like one of those burdens. As a mental health worker, I […]

How Writing Can Boost Emotional Intelligence and Improve Mental Health

young black man writing in journal

According to experts, one in every six people experiences a mental health problem at least once a week. It can be one of your friends, colleagues, or even you. For many people, discussing their mental health is taboo. However, it is frequently a debilitating daily struggle with a series of failures and battles with an […]

How Do Virtual Medical Consultations Work?

virtual consultation with doctor

Virtual medical consultations are consultations with a doctor or other medical professional that provide an alternative to in-person services for all aspects of the healthcare industry. A virtual medical consultation enables healthcare providers to provide services through video conferencing. Patients speak to their doctors using their devices of choice, such as a smartphone, tablet, or […]

Boosting Your Mood through Exercise

woman doing sit-ups

At some point in your life, you might have heard the phrase, “A sound body has a sound mind.” Well, it’s not just some sort of ancient wisdom; it’s proven science.  You already know exercising is great for your body. When you exercise, your body feels energetic and relaxed. If you exercise regularly, you become […]

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS): A Safe Alternative Treatment for Depression

yellow water lily

Globally, depression is the leading cause of disability, and in the United States, it impacts the lives of over 17 million people. It is one of the most common mental illnesses and can be significantly debilitating, yet current treatment options for depression are limited in variety, and most lack consistent or predictable results. Two-thirds of […]

5 Ways to Manage Stress and Boost Your Mental Health at Work

stressed woman at laptop

30-Second Summary Stress and poor mental health in the workplace can hamper your career. Not only are mental health disorders detrimental to an employee’s well-being, but they also affect the employer in the form of monetary losses. Poor memory due to stress can also lead to unsatisfactory performance at work, which can impact your earnings […]

Stress Signs and Symptoms: How Stress Affects Your Body

stressed woman rubs head

Stress is often talked about casually amongst friends and colleagues. We might joke about needing a glass of wine after a stressful day, or if we forget something, we might put it down to being worn out from work. The conversation often ends there, but in reality, stress isn’t something we should just accept as […]

Getting Help for Your PTSD: You Are Not Alone

black firefighter with gear.

Though PTSD is often mentioned in the same breath as the military, trauma can and does happen to anyone and comes in a nearly infinite variety of forms. Untreated post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can lead to many issues, some less severe like morning anxiety and others much worse, such as suicidal thoughts. No matter the […]

Living with ADHD? Explore the Top 10 Apps for Hyperactive Brains

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders affecting both children and adults. According to a study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 6.1 million children in the United States have been diagnosed with ADHD and ADD. However, many adults also experience this mental health disorder, […]

Night Owls May Have a Higher Risk of Depression: Why It Pays to Wake Up Early

close up owl face

Do you wake up naturally in the morning, or do you need several alarms before you manage to crack open your eyes and drag yourself back into a conscious being? Well, according to the latest research, night owls may be at a mood disadvantage. Waking up naturally means your body is in tune with your […]

5 Strategies for Talking to Your Kids About Mental Health Therapy

mother and daughter on bed

One of the most common challenges I encounter in my private practice is the stigma around mental health.  Parents frequently struggle with how best to discuss therapy with their children.  Maybe you are worried that your kid will refuse to go to therapy or that she will not engage with the therapist once she is […]

The Importance of Building Strong Family Relationships for Children

black family having fun time

If you have rock-solid family relationships, you can walk through all challenges of life. It is always a joy to come home to a positive, supportive family. Strong family relationships are crucial for proper child development, happiness, and success. What is the greater value of bonds within a family? How can you nurture positive, healthy […]

The Loop of Depression Will End – You Just Have to Trust

sun on grassy field

Being depressed, then getting out of it, then falling into it again—does that sound familiar? If you are a depression survivor, most likely you know how it feels. It may feel like you are walking on a never-ending path or a journey that keeps dragging you to the same point over and over again. But […]

Zero to Hero: How DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) Techniques Can Help You Thrive

two young women at laptop

College drop-out. At the height of my anxiety, depression, and inner turmoil, I struggled to take care of myself, let alone do something as demanding as learning and participating in academics. Despite having gone to see therapists, cycling through medications, and buying a shelf’s worth of self-help books, I was floundering, barely able to keep […]

10 Ways Women Can Maintain Their Mental Health While in Addiction Recovery

multi-racial women on steps

Addiction is a chronic and relapsing disease. While there is no cure for addiction, it can be effectively treated. This typically involves a combination of medication-assisted treatment and psychotherapy like CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy). Of the 20.4 million over-12s diagnosed with substance use disorder in the United States, there are some key differences between men […]

5 Free Ways to Use Your Phone to Improve Your Mental Health

woman holding smartphone

I love my phone. Arguably, I’m very much addicted to my phone – and I know that I’m not alone in this. I used to spend hours on Instagram, Tiktok, Twitter, Facebook. I would be flooded with posts that made me insecure about my appearance, relationships, and accomplishments. Social media made me question my whole […]

The Gut Microbiome and Mental Health: How to Better Support the Brain-Gut Connection

healthy salad plate

An estimated one in five American adults experiences bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, or other mental illnesses each year. And scientists warn that several years of pandemic-related stress and social upheaval have not done our mental health any favors, although the exact implications are still being explored. Most Americans say that they significantly increased their use […]

Is Psychiatric Treatment for Eating Disorders Appropriate?

sad woman in chair

Hearing the words “eating disorder” conjures up the image of a person who has a troubled relationship with food and eating, often accompanied by body image distortion and low self-esteem. It might seem that these conditions are stand-alone issues. The reality, though, is that the visible signs of an eating disorder are an outward display […]

Medicare Mental Health Coverage: An Ultimate Guide

open laptop

According to a report shared by the National Institute of Mental Health, around one in five U.S. adults live with mental illness. Seniors are at a higher risk for mental health conditions, such as depression or anxiety, particularly when their health deteriorates and they face difficulty managing numerous diseases. So if you’re having persistent feelings […]

Familiar Cries Against Deep-Rooted Cultural Stigma: Why You Need to Search for a “Black Therapist Near Me.”

black professional woman

While the world might be developing at a faster rate than ever, cultural stigmas still seep into everyday lives. Black people have been sucked into a pattern of behavior to protect themselves from the uncountable atrocities thrown at them. This collective experience unites them in the similarities of their invisible pain, sufferings, and traumas. As […]

The Art of Processing: un.packing Grief and Trauma in the Brain

young woman writing

The nature of a traumatic event is not completely generalizable and varies from person to person. What constitutes trauma for one person does not necessarily translate to trauma for another. Several factors can determine how a person experiences crisis or otherwise stressful life events. Pain tolerance is not merely an attribute of physical hurt. Emotional […]

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Cardiovascular Disease – Can PTSD Cause Heart Problems?

man sitting outside

Post-traumatic stress disorder, otherwise known as PTSD, has been associated with one of the most dangerous killers in America, cardiovascular disease. Under stress, the human heart rate can rise to 38 beats more per minute. When the heart rate increases, the chest tightens, the breath shortens, and in some cases, people can find themselves on […]

Caregiver Burnout: How to Extend Support to Those Who Care for Others

wheelchair user and caregiver in sunlit field

My once able-bodied grandfather was diagnosed with Parkinson’s. The decline was sharp and sudden. His bodily functions and memory are gradually failing. But this story isn’t about my grandfather and the cruel reality of those afflicted with Parkinson’s disease. Rather, it’s about the daily stresses my father has to deal with as his primary caregiver. […]

The Benefits of Equine Therapy for Teenage Girls

teen girl and white horse.

Horse lovers around the world will agree that spending time with these beautiful, intelligent animals is both fun and therapeutic. Teenage equine therapy, or horse therapy for teens, uses this beneficial interaction to teach adolescents valuable life skills and improve mental health. If your daughter is interested in equine therapy, there are programs that are […]

Eating Disorders and Athletics – Risk Factors for Adolescents

gymnast legs on balance beam

Sports and athletic activities such as dance provide many routes for adolescents to develop physically and increase their skills in teamwork, leadership, and self-confidence. Sports can be a distraction, but they are just as likely to provide discipline that can help in schoolwork and later in life. On the other hand, body image and weight […]

Why I Finally Decided to See a Therapist

Angkor Wat lotus blossoms

I can still remember the first time it hit me. I was in high school. As my teacher handed my exam back to me with a failing grade printed on it, I felt nothing. What once would elicit an emotional response in me now didn’t even justify a second glance. It wasn’t anger. It wasn’t […]

Choose Your Mental Health Apps Wisely

There are anywhere between 10,000 to 20,000 mental health apps available today. Choosing wisely becomes a challenge when you have to pick one out of 10,000 anything – be it shampoo, pizza sauce, or investment options. It can only get harder when it comes to choosing a mental health app. Few of these apps are […]

A Practical Guide to Self-Care for the LGBTQ+ Community

group of people walking under pride flag

It’s Pride Month — a time when we are reminded of the triumphs of people in the LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning) community. We recognize their contributions in fields such as music, art, entertainment, and politics. Most importantly, we recognize that it’s an ongoing struggle for them, made more difficult by the COVID-19 pandemic. […]

Moving On: The Effect of Stagnation on Your Mental Health and Wellbeing

bored person looking at cellphone

Growth is evidence of life. There are times in life when we thrive and shine. We have so much energy to reach our goals and even surpass our expectations.  Then there are times we don’t feel up to the task – times when it seems that every aspect of life has come to a standstill, […]

How Learning a New Language Can Improve Your Cognition for Better Mental Health

students at foreign language board.

You probably know that speaking at least one foreign language is already a good booster for your career. It helps you connect with more people and keeps you open to various job opportunities abroad. But did you know that learning a new language can help your mental health? There’s been some research proving that foreign […]

The Child of Two Alcoholics Became the Alcoholic… and Recovered

woman drinking wine on floor

I am 6 years old. My dad and mom are fighting—this time over a field trip that I missed because my parents slept in too late. The screaming starts. I go into the kitchen to see what the commotion is about. I hear my dad yell at my mom and then push her into the […]

5 Biggest Stresses LGBTQ Students Face in College Life

young black man in front of pride colors.

It’s hard enough for young people to learn to be themselves and cope with other’s opinions of them. Students who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer/questioning (LGBTQ) may find this phase of life particularly stressful or difficult. In reality, when it comes to mental health, they face specific challenges. Discrimination toward LGBTQ students and […]

How Naomi Osaka Is Shaking Up Our Old Assumptions about Mental Health in the Workplace: It’s Okay Not to Be Okay

Naomi Osaka on the court

In a shocking announcement, tennis superstar Naomi Osaka announced her withdrawal from Roland Garros (known in the US as the French Open) following a win in the first round. This comes after a bitter fallout with tennis officials over her decision to boycott all media activity at the Grand Slam event. Osaka had announced that […]

LGBTQ+ Mental Health Resources: Barriers and Disparities in LGBTQ Mental Health and Healthcare

gay couple head on shoulder

The last few decades have seen numerous signs of progress for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer/questioning (LGBTQ+) community. But even as equal rights continue to expand, there are numerous issues the community faces that have historically been difficult to address. LGBTQ+ mental health disparities still exist within the healthcare world, but it’s important […]

Keeping Your Mental Health in Check When You Work from Home

black woman working from home

You get out of bed. You roll up the blinds. You take a few steps, and you’re there – at your workplace. There are no colleagues, no small talk, no change of environment. Just you and your computer making it through one day at a time. That kind of isolation and monotony can easily take […]

Facts about ADHD: Symptoms and Treatment

boy running

The number of children struggling with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in the United States is astounding. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a  2016 survey of parents found that 6.1 million children have been diagnosed with ADHD. In fact, ADHD is one of the most commonly diagnosed mental health conditions in children. […]

Sacred Summer: How I Built My Resilience During the Summer of 2020

woman in black shirt and mask

In some ways, Summer 2020 beat me down hard: COVID-19 was rampant, my kids were home, my business was slow, and my anxiety was high. However, last summer also lifted me up in ways I never would have expected. How? The resilience I needed to develop to cope with the challenges of that summer became […]

Why We Need a Mental Health ‘Vaccine’ for Young People

person in coffee shop wearing mask with to go cup

It is widely accepted that older age groups (60 and older) are at increased risk of serious illness and death if they develop COVID-19. As a result, several regions have made the vaccine a priority for older adults. Young people are less likely to develop serious health problems if they develop COVID-19 and are therefore […]

How to Support Veterans with PTSD on Memorial Day

man with beard and baseball cap

For many civilians, Memorial Day weekend means relaxation and barbecues, family and friends, and maybe a bit of travel. However, because it is a day dedicated to our fallen men and women in uniform, Memorial Day can be challenging for some veterans living with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The condition can conjure painful memories, images, […]

How Your Emotions Influence Your Health and Wellbeing

painted smile rock

In today’s fast-paced world, many of us are exposed to stress. That’s why full emotional intelligence is essential if we want to be emotionally healthy. Emotions, experiences, and general wellbeing have a huge impact on a person’s health. Good health is important because it allows us to live a full life. What is emotional intelligence? […]

Why We Should Be Educating Ourselves about PTSD in 2021

male firefighter gearing up.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is by no means a new mental health condition. However, the heightened public awareness of anxiety and depression in recent years has many people re-evaluating their relationship with mental health and looking to improve their interactions and make life more manageable for others. Educating ourselves about PTSD is important not just […]

My Father’s Son: How My Dad’s Drinking Drove Me to Stop

drunk businessman passed out on bed

My dad was a brilliant, hardworking attorney with a great sense of humor and loads of charisma. My dad was also an alcoholic. In many ways, I followed his footsteps. I was 13 when I started working in his law office, and I went to college and pursued a career as an attorney. I worked […]

6 Ways Developing Your EQ (Emotional Intelligence) Can Increase Your General Well-Being

smiling black woman with glasses

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) refers to the ability to perceive, evaluate, and manage the emotions of oneself and others. Because it involves identifying, understanding, and analyzing feelings and interactions on a day-to-day basis, EQ has become an important part of life that influences behavioral changes and decision-making. With that said, EQ has become a foundation in […]

What Is Gaslighting? How to Recognize It and Protect Yourself

old-fashioned gaslights

The term gaslighting has nothing to do with gas or lighting. It refers to an intense form of psychological manipulation that can erode the victim’s self-esteem and sense of reality. The gaslighter makes a victim feel anxious and doubtful about his or her own feelings, memories, and thoughts. Victims feel like they are always on […]

Early Signs and Symptoms of Depression in Women

woman lying on her side

According to studies, women are more vulnerable to depression than men, especially young women ages 14-25. However, this number decreases as women grow older. Moreso than men, women experience different types of depression, which we will discuss later. Knowing the early signs and symptoms of depression will give you a chance to help women in […]

Helping Children with ADHD Focus Without Medication: 7 Tips for Parents

hispanic father and child reading in bed

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a mental health condition that causes abnormally high levels of activity and impulsiveness. It is usually diagnosed at around seven years of age. It can also occur in adults, but because symptoms typically appear between ages three and six, parents and medical practitioners tend to catch it early. For many families, […]

How Assistive Technology Can Help Empower Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder

biracial kid with tablet

We’re becoming increasingly aware of the prevalence of autism in young children. Today, one in 54 kids has autism spectrum disorder (ASD), which leads to differences in responsiveness to social, communicative, and behavioral cues. Students with ASD can also experience symptoms that make learning difficult, especially in a traditional classroom setting. They must interact with […]

The Impact of Traumatic Brain Injury on Mental Health

Mental health disorders and brain injury are often seen and treated as two completely separate diagnoses and are sometimes even confused as being the same. While brain injury and mental illness can be entirely different issues, traumatic brain injury (TBI) can lead to the development of mental health concerns. It is also possible for the […]

The Serious Public Health Issue We Aren’t Talking About: Alcohol Use

alcoholic drinks on bartop

Underlying the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is another public health crisis that has devastated American lives for decades: alcohol misuse and addiction. For years, medical professionals and organizations, including the American Cancer Society, have warned against excessive consumption. Now, the isolation, uncertainty, and stress created by the COVID-19 pandemic has only exacerbated alcohol misuse, as more […]

Keeping Your Marriage Strong while Navigating Your Child’s Mental Health Disorder

couple holding hands

There is no way to sugarcoat that parenting a child with a mental health disorder (such as anxiety, OCD, depression, etc.) puts a significant strain on one’s marriage. This can occur for many reasons. First, the mental health issue can be exhausting for parents. Tears, meltdowns, tantrums, and obsessive rituals can become so time-consuming and […]

The Benefits of Journaling for Mental Health

hand writing in planner

Journaling can improve mental health. The chaos and sunkenness that come with mental health disorders are nearly impossible to interpret and understand on the fly. Unfortunately, when struggling with mental health, we can’t effectively “figure everything out” simply by ruminating for a day or two. Negative thoughts, emotional pain, fears, issues, triggers, and potential solutions […]

Outlining the Symptoms of Bulimia Nervosa

young woman in baggy sweater

Bulimia nervosa is a prevalent eating disorder that can’t be identified just by looking at someone. For family members and others who are worried that their loved one has bulimia nervosa, it may seem like a challenge to determine if they need to seek out eating disorder treatment centers. Here, we’ll outline some common symptoms […]

Benefits of Mindfulness for Young Men

happy man in red shirt

If you have not experienced the benefits of meditation, it’s time to rethink your mindfulness practice. While you might enjoy hiking, weight lifting, and running to reduce stress and improve your health, mindfulness is another way you can strengthen your mind and even improve your motivation. Mindfulness is not just sitting in a dark room […]

The Benefits of Online Schooling for Students with Autism

child with laptop in online school

Virtual learning has become a reality for most students due to the pandemic. It’s been an adjustment for everyone involved, including students, teachers, and parents. Educators have had to find new ways to adapt their teaching methods, and students often find it more challenging to stay focused. Many kids also experience technical difficulties, which does […]

The Role of Technology in Addiction and Recovery

hands on keyboard

There is no single aspect of healthcare in the modern digital world that is not impacted by technology. Like most things in life, there is a duality at play regarding the positive and negative role of technology on personal well-being. Relying on the media consumed via smartphones and tablets, people can either improve their mental […]

5 Things I’ve Learned from 4 Years of Talk Therapy: How to Make the Most out of Your Sessions

thoughtful woman drinking coffee

I started struggling with anxiety and depression when I dropped out of university. I had spent one day in my new dorm, surrounded by unfamiliar faces, and felt an overwhelming dread. I asked my dad to pick me up, and when I got into the car, I immediately broke down in tears. When my parents […]

How Spirituality Benefits Mental Health

hand reaching for the sky

For ages, the terms religion and spirituality have often been used interchangeably. Both have to do with trying to understand the meaning of life. Spirituality and religion also offer a sense of comfort and peace to people who are in distress. Both can also make an impact on a person’s mental health. Despite all the […]

Addiction and Mental Illness in the Family: 5 Guiding Principles for Reclaiming Hope

black women hugging

Family connections are usually our closest relationships in life and have the greatest impact on our well-being. When a family member suffers from the disease of addiction or mental illness – everyone in that family suffers. Our thoughts can quickly become consumed with worry and anxiety due to both the illness and the challenges our […]

Finding Relief from Depersonalization Caused by COVID-19 Lockdown

stressed man in face mask

Are you feeling that life is dreamlike or that everything is strange and unreal? You are not alone. The current lockdown has increasingly caused people to develop dissociative symptoms. If you’re one of them and are interested in getting back to normal, then keep reading. The lockdown resulting from COVID-19 has been extremely stressful on […]

Book Review: Judgment Detox

frustrated man with hand on face

Judgment Detox: Release the Beliefs that Hold You Back from Living a Better Life Book by Gabrielle Bernstein “You’ve judged yourself five times, and you’ve only been here about 8 minutes.” My counselor told this to me in a not unkind way as I sat in a session. As someone diagnosed with depression, anxiety, and […]

Fun Ways to Stimulate Your Brain for Better Mental Health

Staying mentally fit keeps you sharp and alert. It improves day-to-day life and helps prevent the natural aging process from taking too much of a toll on your brain. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health and stimulating your brain is just as vital to your wellbeing as physical exercise. You […]

The History of Women’s Mental Health Awareness

salem with trial

After centuries of stigmatization, misdiagnosis, and mistreatment, mental health awareness has finally become a huge talking point in recent years. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, millions of people suffered from depression, anxiety, and similar conditions. Now, nearly one in five adults lives with a mental health disorder — and that doesn’t even include those living […]

Negative Stereotypes and Stigma in Mental Health

close-up of angry eye

If you spend your life surrounded by people you can rely on, sharing thoughts and feelings probably comes naturally. In an atmosphere of mutual trust and care, staying mentally healthy often seems like a goal that’s not too difficult to accomplish. Unfortunately, not every environment is equally affirming. In some cases, people who feel anxious, […]

Book Review: The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook

black woman reading

The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook Authors: Kristin Neff, PhD, Christopher Germer, PhD Have you ever wanted the tools to comfort yourself with compassion and kindness? Do you resist experiencing emotions? Do you find yourself getting stuck in patterns of worry? If so, this book is for you. I picked this book up one desperate day in […]

How to Remain Strong and Deal with the Threat of Social Isolation During the COVID-19 Pandemic

woman doing sit-ups

Millions of people across the world are struggling with social isolation during this time. As a social species, humans need interaction with others. Even the most introverted individuals are having a hard time not being able to see friends, family, and colleagues while they try to stay safe and socially distance from those outside their […]