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Top Mindfulness Apps to Help You Keep Calm During the Coronavirus Crisis and Beyond

man doing rooftop meditation

Our lifestyle is already stressful. On the inside, we may strive for relaxation and calmness to stay clear of anxiety. Many of us are eternally sleep-deprived and victims of chronic anxiety. While we try to pass this off as the inevitable collateral damage of a modern lifestyle, these stressors end up taking a toll on […]

National Depression and Mental Health Screening Month

woman standing alone next to lake

Mental health issues have long been misunderstood. Thirty years ago, even doctors might have told a depressed person to “snap” out of it. We’ve come a long way since then. Today we understand the disorder much better. Depression seldom resolves itself. It is hardly ever possible for people to “snap” out of it without support. […]

4 Actionable Ways To Build Mental Resilience In Your Life

black woman exercising

Mental resilience is a crucial but undervalued skill. With the world as it is today, with the coronavirus crisis still ongoing and a future full of uncertainty ahead of us, a strong mind is essential for helping us keep our heads above water. But how do you nurture such a quality? How can we strengthen […]

How to Avoid Anxiety and Take Control in Times of Uncertainty

young man thinking

We live in uncertain times. The coronavirus pandemic took everyone by surprise, and even though this prolonged break is good for the environment, it turns out to be damaging for some people. The way we relate to events around us tells something about ourselves. Some people might have seen this pandemic and lockdown as something […]

Overcoming Panic Attacks with Relaxation Techniques

woman doing yoga

I glanced down at the speedometer and realized that I was doing 80 mph, much faster than usual. After slowing down to a more reasonable speed, the engine of my beat-up station wagon was still revving strangely. Something wasn’t right. I pulled my foot off the brake and, as an experiment, removed it from the […]

How to Make Friends and Socialize Safely this Semester during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Whether your college has moved entirely online this semester or you’re working with a hybrid campus situation, this school year will be different from what you’re used to — and what you expected. Whether you’re embarking on the college experience for the first time or returning to your classes, the coronavirus pandemic will change the […]

The Link Between Insomnia and Depression

man laying in bed

Nothing is more frustrating than tossing and turning all night when you should be sleeping. Lying there, anticipating the alarm going off at 6:00 am as the hours tick by, can cause deep distress. You cringe when considering the coming day, knowing that you will be functioning on fumes. Insomnia is one of the most […]

The Benefits of Gardening for Your Mental Health

woman gardening

While gardening isn’t for everyone, its positive impact on physical and emotional wellbeing are something we could all use more of today. Gardening is beneficial for both physical and mental health. Your garden is a space where you can clear your mind and reduce stress as you become one with nature. Gardening encourages positive mental […]

Supporting Loved Ones with Mental Illness: Care For The Caregiver

supportive hand on shoulder

When someone suffers from a serious mental health disorder, family caregivers are also affected. It’s difficult to witness a loved one struggling with mental illness. Family caregivers go through a range of powerful, often unpleasant emotions. The stressful experience of looking after someone with extreme mental health problems may trigger emotional and behavioral distress in […]

9 Tips for Managing Anxiety During Quarantine

woman in yoga pose

We may not even be aware of the powerful role our mind plays in determining our mental health. Even when we feel that things are under control and stress during the COVID-19 pandemic is manageable, our brain could be telling the mind a totally different story. Brain chemistry is highly sensitive to our emotions, whether […]

Anxiety in Young Students and What Teachers Can Do to Help Relieve It

computer classroom

Learning is fun and exciting. However, there are some instances when young students become anxious because of pressure and other factors. Some anxiety is unavoidable as kids learn new things and are placed in unfamiliar situations. Today’s teachers must know the basics of dealing with anxious students.  Signs of Anxiety in Children Knowing the signs […]

Four Ways Your Period Can Impact Your Mental Health

expressive woman’s face

Women often endure crude jokes about it being “that time of the month” when they are not in their best mood. The truth is that more than 75% of women have experienced the effects of menstruation on physical and mental health in their lifetime. This is a time of the month when many women experience […]

60% Want To Work At Home – Is This The Start Of Better Mental Health At Work?

home office zoom session

2020 disrupted the world as we knew it. A global pandemic forced businesses across the globe to close their doors and work remotely as we all got used to a new way of living. Some businesses have taken the change for good, as Shopify’s CEO Tobi Luke stated that “Shopify is a digital by default […]

How to Lessen Anxiety During the COVID-19 Pandemic

quarantine fresh air

As coronavirus continues to spread around the globe, you may realize your life has changed. You’ll have to wear a face mask for quite some time, get used to physical distancing, or even work from home. You might find yourself going back to your workplace, still fearing the virus and what it can do to […]

Innovation in Mental Health Care: Telepsychology and New Technologies as Allies in the Therapeutic Process

text therapy

The world has changed. Day-to-day activities such as paying bills, working, studying, shopping, communicating with family or a co-worker no longer need to be done in person. The technology allows each of these activities to be done by the computer or via smartphones. Wi-fi networks enable interactions between people and groups anytime, anywhere in the […]

How A Panic Attack Affects The Body

anxious woman

A panic attack can be frightening for the person going through it, and the experience isn’t much easier for those who see it happen to a loved one. A panic attack is a sudden and sharp rise in fear or anxiety accompanied by physical symptoms, such as an increased heart rate and shortness of breath. […]

A Guide for Young People on Coping in Times of COVID-19

young couple during quarantine

The global outbreak of COVID-19 changed the lives of people around the world. The situation was unpredictable and caught entire societies off guard. As of now, the pandemic is still not over, with many new cases reported every day. A global crisis on such a scale is, understandably, difficult to deal with. It may cause […]

Sleeping when Everything Haunts You – Learning to Cope with Disturbing Thoughts when You Just Want to Rest

night sky lightning

“I can’t stop them from coming; it’s like I’ve lost the will to even try!” I said, pushing through my embarrassment. I took a deep breath and waited some time before speaking again. “Sometimes they start with a nightmare, where I’m chasing an ex who is running away from me, or I’m talking to a […]

College Students – How to Self-Develop While Stuck at Home Over the Summer

woman reading

Due to coronavirus, you may not be able to work at an internship or travel anywhere new this summer. Thankfully, it’s still possible to learn and grow while you stay home. In fact, it’s probably the best way to use your free time. When you aren’t at school, you can continue to gain knowledge that’s […]

Steps to Take if You Think You Need Help With an Eating Disorder

serious young woman

According to the NEDA (National Eating Disorders Association), almost 30 million Americans have or will experience an eating disorder in their lifetimes. Worryingly, the most-impacted segment of the population is adolescent girls and young women, although the stereotype that only girls experience eating disorders is a myth. Girls and young women aged 15 – 24 […]

I Have Anxiety and Depression. This Is How the Pandemic Has Affected Me.

girl in medical face mask

The World Health Organization recognizes that mental health disorders are the leading cause of illness and disability worldwide. That’s 450 million people suffering from a mental health disorder today. That’s a lot of people!  With the Covid-19 pandemic at its peak, the number of diagnosed mental health disorders worldwide is rising daily, as observed by […]

How I Healed: My Traumatic Brain Injury and Journey Back from Depression

young woman hiking

In 2015, I fell off of a cliff. I faced a long recovery from orthopedic and internal injuries, but thankfully, I made it out alive. From gaining strength and mobility to walk again to learning to live with a traumatic brain injury, each step of my healing journey presented a new set of challenges. What […]

The Line Between Low Self-Esteem and Body Dysmorphia

clothed man sitting in shower

“3,2,1, action!” Actors across the globe hear this count down and immediately spring into their roles. On the big screen, these professionals are responsible for bringing our fantasies to life. We want to talk like them, we want to dress like them, and most of all, we want to look like them.  It is no […]

Top 7 Signs to Look for in Bipolar Disorder

girl with bipolar disorder

What is Bipolar Disorder? According to a recent study, bipolar disorder affects around 2.3% of the American population, which equates to some six million people who have been diagnosed with this mental health disorder. Symptoms can occur at any age, but bipolar disorder is typically diagnosed at around twenty-five years old and is less common […]

Does Mindfulness Help ADHD?

young woman mindful meditation

ADHD, which is usually characterized by a display of inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity, has an incidence of 4 percent in the adult population. Both children and adults with ADHD experience two common and persistent daily challenges in their lives – maintaining self-regulation and paying attention. This highlights the fact that any attention training that helps to […]

Helpful Tips To Start Your Journey To Recovery From Depression

Coping with depression is a difficult task for many. It drains you of your energy and hope, leaving you feeling numb, and even the tasks that you once enjoyed doing seem meaningless. At GNC Dubai (German Neuroscience Center), a leading neurology hospital in Dubai, we make sure to provide depression support groups to help those […]

Anger Management: How to Control It and Express It the Right Way

angry argument

Just like any other emotion, anger coveys a message. There are different ways in which we express our anger: in the way we speak, the way we take action, and in the way we behave in general. While it’s a natural response to certain situations, it may get out of hand, and sometimes it becomes […]

7 Trustworthy Tips on How to Stay Physically and Mentally Healthy Right Now

friends running on beach

Humanity is going through a unique period in its history. Stress, worries, anxiety, and fear of the unknown are upsetting us all. Sure, some are more affected than others. That’s why we have to be mindful of the most vulnerable. Society must relinquish selfishness, especially in times where the fate of one impacts on many. […]

A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding Anorexia Nervosa

concerned young woman

Anorexia nervosa is a well-known and relatively common type of eating disorder that affects people of all types, afflicting individuals regardless of ethnicity, age, socioeconomic status, or gender, although it is more common in adolescent girls and young adults. Parents and loved ones of an individual who shows the signs and symptoms of anorexia nervosa […]

Narcolepsy: Symptoms, Causes, and Diagnosis

woman asleep at desk

Narcolepsy is a chronic sleep disorder characterized by a loss of boundaries between sleep and wakefulness.  An affected person becomes very tired while awake and may fall into sleep in any relaxing situation during the day, such as sitting on a comfortable chair. Narcolepsy is often accompanied by cataplexy, a partial or total loss of […]

Helping Students with Anxiety in School

girl trying to concentrate

A Note from the Editor This guest post on school anxiety was submitted to us prior to the onset of the coronavirus pandemic in the United States. Students with anxiety may be feeling a temporary reprieve from symptoms as schools have either closed or offer remote learning via online classes. However, the problem will be […]

Sound Body, Sound Mind

yoga pose

Just how closely is your mental health connected to your physical health? Your mental health and physical health might be more connected than you think.  Envision your mental health and your physical health as two sides of a shiny new coin.  On the mental health side is your emotional, psychological, and social well-being.  Flip it […]

5 Simple Habits to Boost Your Mental Health during Quarantine

woman with umbrella

Who would have known that the spring of 2020 would start off with everybody stuck in their homes isolated away from the outside world? Many businesses are losing money or have even shut down, and companies are furloughing employees just to survive. Some workers were able to go remote to work from home while others […]

Finding Your True Self during the Coronavirus Lockdown

self-care tablet

The coronavirus COVID-19 has had an unquestionable impact on our lives and the lives of people across the globe. One of the biggest challenges faced by humans as a collective has been going into lockdown. For the time being, our movements, our ability to see friends and loved ones, and even where we work, is […]

5 Tips to Maintain Your Mental Health as a New Mom

new mother and baby

As you move through each trimester of your pregnancy, you and your doctor will focus on many aspects of your physical health. You’ll monitor your blood pressure, heart rate, and weight to make sure you’re progressing without any medical problems. You’ll also keep an eye on any chronic conditions, such as diabetes or heart issues […]

Managing Anxiety During the Coronavirus Crisis: Guidelines for Parents

parent and child homework

A Note from the Editor With the coronavirus pandemic as the top worry on everybody’s mind these days, we bring you a guest post by a Fairfield County therapist writing about anxiety in the era of COVID-19. Tracey Masella is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in private practice in Wilton, CT. Kim O’Rielly, the Young […]

How to Complement Your Mental Health Care with At-Home Self-Care

elephant drawing

Even though mental health isn’t talked about in the same way that other health problems are, it affects a large portion of the population. In 2017, an estimated 46.6 million American adults had a mental illness, or 18.9 percent of all U.S. adults (almost 1 in 5). As more research and statistics come to light, […]

9 Ways to Help Your Child Handle College Stress

college student laptop

Alex was an outstanding high school student. He took all the AP classes he could and left for college with a number of credits already under his belt. Life was good. The shock came pretty quickly. Here was a completely new “ball game.” While he breezed through his high school courses, the academic expectations of […]

7 Ways Pets Improve Your Mental Health

7 Ways Pets Improve Your Mental Health Dogs, cats, and other pets are cute and cuddly companions that many people welcome into their family. In recent years, society has started to appreciate the intelligence and calming effect pets can have on their owners. The increasing number of pets has caused a booming pet industry for […]

Emotional Survival Guide for COVID-19

A Note from the Editor This week’s featured guest post is by psychologist, Dr. Joanna Fava. Dr. Fava wrote this article for the clients of her therapy practice, to help them cope with the stress and uncertainty of the unfolding coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. As soon as  I read it, I knew it was something we […]

Maintaining Health and Wellness at College

college student studying

This guest post by student wellness expert Alyssa Abel was added to our publishing queue more than a month ago, before the advent of the coronavirus COVID19 in the United States. Now, with many colleges and universities moving to online classes and scaling back on-campus operations, these tips for maintaining student health and wellness are […]

Ways Working in the Gig Economy Can Negatively Impact Your Mental Health

uber driver

Over the last decade, the way we work has dramatically changed. Freelance, contract, and gig work have become a dominating force in the modern employment landscape. And the gig economy shows no signs of slowing down: According to Forbes, 36% of the U.S. workforce is involved in the gig economy, which equals about 57 million […]

Can Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Help Treat Eating Disorders Like Bulimia Nervosa?

A prominent eating disorder which is defined by binge eating episodes that are followed by purging (for example, self-induced vomiting) to avoid gaining weight, bulimia nervosa affects almost two percent of adult women in the United States at some point in their lives. Although bulimia nervosa, like all other eating disorders, can become deeply ingrained […]

Live Your Best Life: 7 Mental Health & Wellness Tips for the LGBTQI+ Community

best life heart in wood

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the risk of having mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety disorders is almost three times higher for those identifying as LGBTQI+. Even more disturbing is the suicide rate among the LGBTQI+ community, which is the second leading cause of death among those ages 10 to […]

8 Best Mobile Apps for Mental Health

apps for mental health

One in four people in the entire world will be affected by mental illness or neurological disorders at some point in their lives – World Health Organization (WHO) Yes, let that sink in. With mental health affecting the lives of millions, and individuals not seeking help due to the associated stigma, it also remains one […]

The Relationship Between Seasonal Affective Disorder and Depression

Seasonal Affective Disorder

The end of daylight savings time means the days get shorter and it gets dark earlier. This can make anyone feel a little depressed, but for some people, those feelings take on a different level and lead to seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and depression. Many people may just disregard their feelings, but doing so can […]

Addiction and the Elderly: Why Drug and Alcohol Abuse is on the Rise

elderly addiction

It’s no secret that binge drinking is a cultural problem in the U.S. and around the world. The behavior is primarily associated with young people, but increasingly, senior citizens are drinking alcohol excessively. In fact, a 2019 study found that more than 10% of Americans aged 65 and over engage in binge drinking on a […]

A Beginner’s Guide to Bulimia Nervosa

eating fast food

What Is Bulimia Nervosa and What Sets It Apart from Other Eating Disorders? Bulimia nervosa is a very serious mental health condition that is characterized by reoccurring cycles of compulsive binge eating episodes followed by purging (most often by self-induced vomiting). When a person with bulimia nervosa binge eats, they typically eat a very large […]

Robert S. Laitman, MD

RtoR Family-Endorsed Provider Profile   Robert S. Laitman, MD Mount Kisco, NY   Dr. Robert Laitman is an internist who specializes in the use of clozapine in an optimal fashion for individuals with schizophrenia or other psychotic spectrum disorders. When his son was diagnosed with schizophrenia in 2006, Dr. Laitman became an expert on the […]

6 Things Colleges Can Do for Better Student Mental Health

college lecture

College can be a hard time for some students. In addition to the anxiety that comes with leaving home and forming new friendships, they face academic stress and worry over their future. Many students struggle to keep up with their classes while handling personal mental health conditions. How can campus officials do more to promote […]

How Does Someone Develop Co-Occurring Disorders?

co-occurring disorder

By John Kahal, CEO of Capo by the Sea Imagine being trapped in the vicious cycle of both a mental health disorder and a substance use disorder. On a daily basis, one condition continually aggravates and fuels the other, regardless of which one happened to emerge first. The co-occurring disorders, often referred to as a […]

Overcoming Social Anxiety and Shyness

Overcoming Social Anxiety and Shyness

Social Anxiety is defined as an extreme state of emotional discomfort or fear when encountering large crowds of people in a social setting. For those who suffer from social anxiety, it can be a very crippling and debilitating problem faced almost every day. Imagine that you are suffering from social anxiety, feeling very shy and […]

Drug Abuse and Addiction Among Executives and Professionals

executive drug abuse

By Ken Seeley, Founder and CEO, Ken Seeley Communities You know the signs of the trailblazing workaholic. He seems to have unlimited reserves of energy, remaining laser-focused on his work for hours on end while his mortal colleagues are fading fast. You may scratch your head in awe of his unique ability to plow through […]

10 Coping Techniques When on the Verge of Addiction Relapse

Substance Abuse Relapse Prevention

It is an oft-used phrase that “relapse is a normal part of recovery.” No one ever wants to relapse back into substance use. Not really. They may romance the past or desire the buzz, but anyone who has devoted so much time, attention, and treasure to overcoming addiction surely doesn’t desire to fall down. Regardless […]

How to Navigate College and Combat Unhealthy Perfectionism

How to Combat Maladaptive Perfectionism

Striving for perfection is a good thing—isn’t it? Turns out, the answer may not be that simple. According to experts, the response to perfectionist tendencies is what matters most. With all the pressures they face, college students are especially vulnerable to the hazards of perfectionism and the effects it can have on mental health and […]

Running for a Healthy Mind: Defeating Depression with Freeform Jogging

jogging for mental health and depression

Even individuals with sunny dispositions have their dark times. It is therefore not a stretch to imagine that people who suffer from depression go through excruciating intervals of suffering when their mood takes a nosedive. The root-causes of depression can be manifold: they can be genetic, stress-related, caused by an ailment, or even diet. However […]

Supportive Mental Health Services for College Students

If you’re heading off to college, no doubt you feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness. However, if you live with a mental health disorder, you may experience greater anxiety than other students. You probably have a host of questions, too. Where can you turn if you find yourself in crisis while on campus? How […]

Struggling with Depression and the Natural Road to Recovery

healthy biking

Over the last few years, depression has become much more widespread. We’ve all heard it before, “mental health issues don’t discriminate,” and that quote couldn’t be more accurate. Depression impacts people in the suburbs and on farms, in inner cities and refugee camps, in boardrooms and in classrooms. It is estimated that over 300 million […]

5 Ways to Support Veterans Suffering from PTSD

Support Veterans with PTSD

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) impacts military veterans all over the country. The Vietnam War alone caused nearly 500,000 cases of PTSD. More recently, the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan have caused 12.5% of vets serving in the war to develop symptoms of PTSD. This mental health condition is common among military members. Unfortunately, it’s also […]

The Link Between Addiction and Anxiety

The Link Between Anxiety and Addiction

Everybody at some point will experience periods of uncertainty and unease in their lives. This can lead to feelings of anxiety. Luckily for most people, these feelings are temporary and will recede with some simple breathing exercises and a re-evaluation of the problem that is causing them stress. However, this is not the case for […]

Illness, Acceptance, and Grace: How I Finally Recovered

Illness, Acceptance, and Grace: How I Finally Recovered

The kindest thing I ever heard my father say about me is that I was smart. Really smart. My father never spoke for the sake of being kind. If reality happened to be kind, then so be it. So, when I heard him tell his long-time friend that his daughter, who he scarcely seemed to […]