Our Latest Blogs

Illness, Acceptance, and Grace: How I Finally Recovered

Illness, Acceptance, and Grace: How I Finally Recovered

The kindest thing I ever heard my father say about me is that I was smart. Really smart. My father never spoke for the sake of being kind. If reality happened to be kind, then so be it. So, when I heard him tell his long-time friend that his daughter, who he scarcely seemed to […]

Helping Your Teen Get Back to Healthy Living after Experiencing a Sexual Assault

Helping Your Teen Get Back to Healthy Living after Experiencing a Sexual Assault

Rape and sexual assault are never the victim’s fault. It can feel that way, though. If your teen has been through sexual assault, this is an incredibly confusing and painful time for both of you. Victims often feel alone, ashamed, and scared. They may get flashbacks or nightmares, or feel haunted by the memory of […]

What’s the Connection Between Sobriety, Spirituality, and Mental Health?

spirituality sobriety

The idea of spirituality and its connection to sobriety is common. Addiction programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) often start or end with the serenity prayer which says, “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom […]

How To Support Someone Who is Struggling with Depression

struggling with depression

 “If you know someone who’s depressed…Try to understand the blackness, lethargy, hopelessness, and loneliness they’re going through. Be there for them when they come through the other side. It’s hard to be a friend to someone who’s depressed, but it is one of the kindest, noblest, and best things you will ever do.” ― Stephen […]

Top Meditation Techniques to Fight Addiction

outdoors meditation

No matter what substance you use, if you do it regularly, some changes leading to addiction inevitably occur in your brain. To rewire an addicted brain, you need to undergo a treatment process that will heal not only body but mind as well. Reaching abstinence is a big victory. But the struggle will continue as […]

The Negative Impact of Stress on Mental Health

What is Stress? Stress can be defined as the way you feel when you’re under abnormal pressure. Everyone experiences stress from time to time, and it is a natural physical and mental reaction to life events. The below infographic from Study Medicine Europe examines the science of stress and offers an in-depth look as to […]

The Connection Between Mental Health and Intimacy

intimate friends

While most of us assume that intimacy is something we only experience physically, intimacy also depends on, and greatly impacts, our brains. In fact, mental wellbeing and intimacy are so closely related that each can affect the other. What is intimacy? Intimacy can be both emotional or physical, oftentimes both. Emotional intimacy refers to a […]

6 Emotional & Mental Health Issues on College Campuses

college ivy

With the college years being one of the busiest, and probably, the most stressful part of a young adult’s life, there definitely is a lot of risk for college students to experience a number of health issues. But aside from physical afflictions, there is also a possibility of experiencing mental and emotional health problems, if […]

How to Take Care of Elderly Parents with Mental Illness

elder care

Most seniors don’t seek treatment or even help because they view their mental changes as a natural part of aging or partly because they are ashamed of their condition. While it’s normal for elderly people to experience some level of forgetfulness, it’s important to seek professional help if they show obvious changes in behavior or […]

How to Help Your Child with an Eating Disorder

mother child support

An eating disorder is a huge problem for anyone, but it is so much more devastating when your child develops one. It can be a prelude to tragedy, considering that every 62 minutes a person dies as a consequence of this condition. Therefore, it is essential that you provide your child with treatment and support […]

How I Overcame My Deep Depression After I Got Hit By a Car on the Freeway

Overcoming Depression

“2:48 am” My body lay still as a doll as I dully gazed at the clock on my desk. My slow, sad, depressing music reverberated and echoed off the walls in my bedroom. I could not sleep. I did not want to get up, move, or feel anything at all. These long restless nights had […]

How Writing Can Improve Your Mental Health

mindful writing

Writing is a medicine for your mind. Whenever you feel mentally and emotionally exhausted, writing down the things that bother you will help you structure your thoughts and bring peace to your mind. Many therapists recommend investing time writing every day to improve your mental wellbeing. Dr. Mark Rowe MD, who is also an expert […]

Fighting Depression Without Medication

Overcoming Depression Without Medication

Clinical depression is more than just having a bad day. Depression is a real illness that impedes a person’s daily life and normal functioning. It causes pain both for those affected and the people close to them. Depression is one condition that is often overlooked or ignored because of the stigma and connotations associated with […]

How Depression (and Other Mental Health Disorders) Harms Your Oral Health

oral health

Depression doesn’t only affect your mental health and personality but also causes very noticeable harm to your physical health. Constant stress, emotional struggle, sleep disturbances, and unhealthy lifestyle related to depression can negatively impact the immune system. This makes the body vulnerable to different kinds of diseases and infections. Consequences of Self-Harming Behaviors There are […]

How Sleeping Can Help Destroy Exam Stress & Deliver Success!

stress relief sleep

Do you think you got enough sleep last night? Can you recall the last time you woke up without needing an alarm clock and actually felt refreshed, not needing coffee? If the answer to either of these questions was “no” then you’re not alone. Roughly 66% of adults throughout all developed nations fail to obtain […]

There is No Silver Bullet for Depression: Real World Tips for Coping

Coping with Depression

I have had a lifetime of experience with depression beginning when I was 16.  I have been treated for depression many times with both psychotherapy and drugs.  In 2002, I became a student of depression treatment because I was tired of cycling in and out of misery. I am an organizational psychologist and in the […]

How to Get Out of Stress and Depression after Divorce

meditation sunset

Divorces are devastating. They are a turning point in the lives of both the partners. Waking up one day without the one person who mattered to you the most, the one you loved more than anything a few days ago, and realizing that he or she won’t be ever coming back in your life can […]

Equine Therapy as a Rehabilitation Tool

woman with therapy horse

Once patients treated for addiction leave rehabilitation, there is still a long road ahead. Recovering from an addiction is a long process with many challenges and set-backs. Individuals who have left a rehabilitation center still need support to stay on the straight and narrow path. Equine therapy is an effective tool that has benefitted some […]

The Art of Self-Forgiveness: How to Let Go, Forgive Yourself, and Move Forward

wellness butterflies

 If you are really struggling with feeling bad about something, set aside those feelings of guilt or remorse for just one moment and listen… There is one simple truth about humans that is often forgotten–humans are not infallible. Everybody makes mistakes. The majority of us have made some terrible mistakes. Some mistakes may have cost […]

7 Ways To Combat Depression and Anxiety When They Hit You

happy jumping woman

Feelings of depression and anxiety can come seemingly out of nowhere, and they can be debilitating when they do. Knowing how to fight them off is important. There are a number of ways to redirect your mind when these feelings come creeping in and help you to learn how to combat depression and anxiety. Keeping […]

6 Scientific Ways to Help Your Brain and Feel Happy When You Are Depressed

We live in a world where we are constantly on the go. Almost every minute of every day is jam packed full of loud noises, bright lights, and a near constant state of hustle and bustle. And when you combine that with a whole lot of life-related stress, well things don’t end up so good. […]

Depression, Anxiety, Mental Health and Chiropractic Care

Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Anxiety

If you’re dealing with depression and/or anxiety, chiropractic care may help. Generally speaking, chiropractic care involves a mind-body approach that favors adjusting physical symptoms in order to improve mental ones. A chiropractor is well-equipped to take a holistic approach to your mental health, looking at all possible ways to make you feel better. New studies […]

How Impostor Syndrome Kept Me From Getting Help For My Mental Illness

imposter syndrome and mental health

Generally, you see “impostor syndrome” in the context of someone’s performance at work. However, in my experience, as well as Fiona Thomas’, it can occur with mental health as well.  Even more so, a few Google searches show its application outside of work performance—in relationships, parenting, talent, and then some. One thing that all people […]

Medicare and Mental Health for Seniors: What’s Covered and How to Get the Help You Need

Does Medicare Cover Mental Health?

When you reach a certain age, you expect that your health may not be what it once was. Your bones may become brittle, you are more susceptible to accidents and injury, and it can take longer to recover from everyday illnesses, such as the flu or a cold, that never kept you down before. However, […]

Stress Busting Essentials for the New Year

stress busting meditation

As we step into a new year, it’s easy to let that overwhelmed feeling creep into our daily lives. With the holidays over and the stresses of work and school (or both!) weighing on us, it can be easy to slip into a stress-induced fog. To combat this feeling, it’s important to not only recognize […]

Uplifting New Year’s Resolutions for Your Mental Health

Mental and Emotional Health Resolutions

It’s that time of year again when we wave goodbye to one year and usher another one in. That means it’s also resolution time. The problem with New Year’s resolutions is the failure rate. According to U.S. News, 80 percent of resolutions fail by mid-February. Failure has become so common that most of us probably […]

How to Get Out of Bed When Depression Is Keeping You Down

Do you wake up in the morning and, within moments of opening your eyes to a day full of opportunity, think “what’s the point?” You are not alone. This feeling of constant dejection, that complete inability to feel any sense of self-belief or confidence, is something that often leaves you feeling weak and timid. Such […]

Do I Need a Life Coach? How to Determine If It’s Time to Seek Help

In life, often you find mentors to guide you towards the right path and to help train you for what’s needed to get to the final destination. We start with our parents to help us out, and then we have our siblings to help us navigate our social lives. A life coach can also help […]

Resilience: The Power to Bounce Back from Adversity

Overcoming Adversity

Everyone experiences challenges and setbacks, but some people can recover more easily than others due to their resilience. Resilience is the capacity to bounce back quickly from difficulties. Some people are just naturally more resilient than others and can let things easily roll off their backs. Likewise, other people tend to be more emotionally fragile […]

Why the Gig Economy is the Perfect Employment Option for Those in the Early Stages of Addiction Recovery

Taking time off for recovery from addiction is a brave first step toward regaining control over your mental health. But as you begin this journey, you may also be wondering how you can make ends meet until you’re ready to work again. Luckily, there are tons of gigs that can help you earn a little […]

3 Tips for Managing Situational Anxiety

Situational Anxiety

Are there certain situations that, no matter what you do, seem to cause your nerves to completely spike? For many people, public speaking is one such circumstance. As they stand up to speak, their hands instantly begin to tremble. Their voices change from steady to shaky. Beads of sweat pool at the top of their […]

Panic Attacks and How to Cope with Them

A panic attack can be a terrifying experience, often causing the sufferer to believe he or she is  having a heart attack and about to die. The distressing nature of the attack can compound the person’s anxiety and make the attack even more intense and long lasting. Worrying about when the unpleasant symptoms of the […]

Concussions in Teen Sports: Why they Happen, What to Look for, and What to Do for Positive Mental Health

Concussions occur when the brain hits the inside surface of the skull. This sudden impact makes the brain “dance” inside the skull and, in so doing, nerves and/or tiny blood vessels may get damaged. About 90% of concussions do not lead to loss of consciousness and MRIs or CAT Scans taken after the impact will […]

My Life With Borderline Personality Disorder: A Young Adult’s Perspective

A lot of older people say that kids nowadays are coddled and overprotected; shielded from figuring out how to fight their own battles so they can function in a cruel unforgiving world, a world where emotional regulation and conflict resolution skills are essential. I can’t speak for every millennial but in my case, they would […]

Marijuana’s Effects on Mental Health and How to Quit

Young woman vaping marijuana.

Doctors regularly prescribe marijuana. It is legal in many states, widely available at neighborhood dispensaries and has become part of mainstream culture. But does that mean it’s safe and beneficial? The answer depends on who you ask. Certainly, there is plenty of evidence about the reported harmful effects of cannabis, including lowering a user’s IQ […]

How to Maintain Positive Mental Health During Freshman Year: College Tips for Young Adults with Mental Health Issues

group of college students having fun while studying

Change can be a wonderful and scary thing. For those starting their first year of college, this has never been more true. For some, change is an opportunity to propel themselves forward in a journey of self-discovery. For others, the stress and anxiety of being responsible for themselves and their success can be overwhelming. As […]

5 Self-Care Practices that Will Benefit Your Mental Health

Practicing self-care is about knowing what we need to do to take care of ourselves. It involves taking deliberate actions to support our overall health and wellness. Often overlooked, these practices can improve mental health and reduce the risk of disorders like depression and anxiety. Anyone can take these simple steps to support a healthy […]

Your Guide to Dealing with Anxiety at Work

Dealing with Anxiety at Work

When dealing with an anxiety disorder, one of the biggest obstacles you will face is trying to prevent your condition from disrupting your life. This is especially true in the workplace, where it is quite likely that symptoms of your anxiety disorder will crop up rather often. If this describes your work situation, you should […]

How The Gig Economy Benefits Those With Mental Health Disorders

How the gig economy benefits those with mental health disorders

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., and they affect tens of millions of adults. Approximately 72 percent of individuals polled claim daily stress and anxiety interferes with their lives in some capacity — 56 percent while working. Speaking of which, depression is among the top three personal employee problems in […]

Therapy in Nature: 4 Mental Health Benefits of Nature Exposure

Many people overlook the positive impact that the natural environment has on mental health. Your surroundings can vastly affect the way you think and feel – and regular exposure to nature has been shown to be healthy for the mind, body and soul. Here are four of the reasons why connecting to nature is crucial […]

Improving Mental and Physical Health – The Yoga Way!

As many as 1 in 5 Americans live with mental illnesses that include depression, anxiety and schizophrenia, among others. Many of these individuals often face problems in accessing health care that they desperately require, and even then, available medications or treatment may not be sufficient, resulting in unsatisfactory progress. Due to this and other reasons, […]

Three Evidenced-Based Treatments for Anxiety

Anxiety disorders are the most prevalent mental health disorders in the world. But despite the number of people (both children and adults) who experience these disorders, the majority of cases still go untreated. While anxiety disorders are quite common, we should not overlook the adverse effects they have on many people’s lives. In children, anxiety […]

The Truth About Bulimia: 8 Common Myths About This Eating Disorder Exposed

the truth about bulimia

Bulimia is not a fad, nor a phase. It is a serious mental health disorder, which affects both men and women of all ages. On the surface, it can appear to be associated solely with food or body image. But bulimia is beyond that. It is a double-edged sword. The disorder is characterized by a […]

Dealing With Post-Accident Depression

It is very common to feel helpless and anxious after an accident. These symptoms can speak to the development of post-traumatic depression. Depression occurs when one feels powerless over upsetting surges of negative emotions. While this involves different emotions for different people, most of those entering rehabilitation services while suffering from post-accident depression report a […]

What You Need to Know About Anxiety Medication: Pros and Cons

Anxiety is a broad term used to describe a naturally occurring phenomenon in the human body.  Stress, worry, and anxiety are all natural reactions to the problems of life. And while a healthy amount of anxiety can be helpful motivation, for some, it can be a recurring hindrance to productivity rooted in a biological condition […]

14 Reasons Being Sober Makes Your Life Better

Being sober can be a scary prospect. Much of our social behaviors involve the use of substances in one form or another. Even if you’re not an addict, living a sober lifestyle can seem like a difficult feat. However, once you give up drinking or drugs, your life will change for the better in a […]

New York Artist GH Kleiner Showcases His Creative Work on RTOR.ORG for May Mental Health Awareness Month

Today, we kick off May Mental Health Awareness Month with a guest blog post from a New York man who found a way back from the pain of a mental health crisis through the exercise of creativity. GH Kleiner describes himself as “an empath who can visualize and draw my thoughts and feelings.”  His artwork […]

Why “Love Yourself” Is Good Advice to Follow When Struggling With Mental Health

“Love yourself.” Everywhere I go these days, I feel I hear or see some form of this advice. The truth is, some days it’s hard to love anything in the world if you struggle with mental illness, let alone yourself. When I began what I’d call my “journey to recovery” or, better, my “journey back […]

5 Ways You Can Help Your Addict Child

When I was little, my mom used to make my siblings and I put on jackets whenever she felt cold, even if we weren’t cold at all. She didn’t want us to get sick, so, even though we lived in Southern California and it was barely ever chilly, she always made sure we were protected […]

Don’t Let Anxiety Destroy Your Dreams of College: 5 Lifestyle Changes to Help You Succeed at College

I had my first panic attack in Kindergarten.  I was cast as the Mayor in our elementary production of The Pied Piper.  Shortly before I was to be on stage, I found myself flat on my back, out of breath, and terribly nauseous.  What we assumed at the time was a little stage fright was […]

Some Advice for Parents of Depressed Teens

When I was a teenager suffering from major depression, my parents tried their best to support me, yet ended up doing all the wrong things. This isn’t something they can be blamed for — understanding another person, even those closest to us, is difficult enough even when mental health issues don’t come into play. When […]

How Do Nutrition and Mental Health Work Together For Your Benefit?

The Wealth Health Organization1 defines mental health as a complete state of well-being and not just an absence of any disease. It would include your ability to deal with everyday stress and your healthy interaction with people around you. And the factors that govern this state of well-being range from genetic to environmental conditions. According […]

Top 5 Mental Health Benefits of Quitting Drugs and Alcohol

I remember my struggles with quitting drugs and alcohol quite vividly. I was at a point in my life when chasing intoxicated states was all that I could think about. It was a way for me to escape the negative feelings and the harsh realities of where I was in my life. My thought process […]

Downward Dog Your Way out of Depression

The Benefits of Yoga on Mental Health Depression is a common disorder that affects people from every nationality, religion, and gender. Depression does not discriminate when it chooses its victims. According to the University of Southern California, as of 2016, mental health and well-being was among the top five public health concerns in the United […]

Can You Really Beat Anxiety By Exercising?

Best Exercise for Anxiety

It’s been suggested that when your brain is feeling stressed or anxious it’s likely to negatively impact other parts of the body. Becoming fatigued, losing concentration and experiencing physical symptoms such as shaking and dizziness are common. Can exercise make your body feel better by banishing your negative thoughts and actually give you peace of […]

Daily Rituals You Can Do At Home to Promote Long-Term Health and Mental Strength

Daily rituals have been linked to long-term health. In Japan, which is known for its long lifespans, researchers have found that seeing “small joys in everyday life” makes life more fulfilling and might even be associated with living a longer, happier life. For decades, researchers from around the world have been seeing a trend among […]

How to Stop Compulsive Hair Pulling: 10 Things You Can Do to Beat Trichotillomania

How to Stop Compulsive Hair Pulling: 10 Things You Can Do to Beat Trichotillomania

Trichotillomania is a recurrent, chronic compulsion to pull hair. It usually starts in early adolescence and can last a lifetime. The behavior causes significant distress physically and emotionally often causing people to withdraw socially for fear of judgment. There is no cure for this disorder, but it can be successfully managed. Therapy by a qualified […]

Managing Workplace Stress When You Live With Anxiety and/or Depression

Workplace stress affects millions of individuals—ones without depression and anxiety disorders. So what do you do when you have a mental health or mood disorder like anxiety or major depressive disorder and you’re dealing with a lot of workplace stress? You have to work to pay the bills, but you don’t want to compromise your […]

6 Essential Skills Therapists Recommend to Help You Thrive in an Emotional Crisis

Thrive in Emotional Crisis. Girl in front of lake and mountains.

We all experience crises in our day-to-day life. Sometimes these crises are big, like a death, and sometimes they are small, like traffic. DBT distress tolerance skills help you get to a more manageable emotional place for crisis survival. Skill 1: TIPP When to use it: When you’re at your emotional breaking point. How to […]

Important Tips on Staying Sober Through the Holidays

Staying sober can be a struggle on any day, but the holidays tend to be some of the most challenging times to maintain one’s sobriety.  There is no shortage of parties, old memories, and the general pressures and stress of the season to weigh in on one’s mind. It is all too easy to end […]

How I Faced Anxiety and Learned to Cope: A Young Adult Leaves His Comfort Zone in Scotland and Finds Relief

I feel like with any illness, whether it be mental or physical, there is always a denial period. For some this will be short and for others longer. For me, it was years! In this article, I’ll take you through my own personal story of anxiety: looking at how it gradually got worse and the […]

Recommended Treatments for Panic Attacks and Depression

Panic Attacks It is estimated that at least 18% of the US population suffer from panic attacks. Panic attacks are different from other anxiety disorders due to their relatively short and sudden nature. Panic attacks affect people differently, although they can still be treated effectively with a variety of methods as described below. Cognitive Behavioral […]

In Pursuit of Healing: My PTSD Story

PTSD Stories

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is very real. A diagnosis that extends far beyond members of the armed forces who have lived through combat, it affects people all over the world. This frequently misunderstood diagnosis, which often goes hand-in-hand with depression, does not have to instill fear, but can actually be an opportunity to embolden survivors. […]