Our Latest Blogs

How to Stop Compulsive Hair Pulling: 10 Things You Can Do to Beat Trichotillomania

How to Stop Compulsive Hair Pulling: 10 Things You Can Do to Beat Trichotillomania

Trichotillomania is a recurrent, chronic compulsion to pull hair. It usually starts in early adolescence and can last a lifetime. The behavior causes significant distress physically and emotionally often causing people to withdraw socially for fear of judgment. There is no cure for this disorder, but it can be successfully managed. Therapy by a qualified […]

Managing Workplace Stress When You Live With Anxiety and/or Depression

Workplace stress affects millions of individuals—ones without depression and anxiety disorders. So what do you do when you have a mental health or mood disorder like anxiety or major depressive disorder and you’re dealing with a lot of workplace stress? You have to work to pay the bills, but you don’t want to compromise your […]

What Comes First: Addiction or a Mental Health Problem?

Mental health and addiction. What comes first?

According to the Journal of the American Medical Association: 53% of people with a mental health disorder also experience problems with alcohol or drugs. 29% of people with a mental health disorder have a co-occurring addiction disorder at some point in their lives. These statistics may lead you to believe that mental health problems cause […]

De-Stress in Nature: The Mental Health Benefits of Connecting With the Great Outdoors!

For millions of Americans, the search for remedies to stress can seem counterproductive. Stressors such as money, work, and our current political climate are difficult to escape, and when we do find a remedy, the real struggle is developing the discipline to stay with it. For anyone struggling with symptoms of mental illness, the above-mentioned […]

Co-Occurring Disorders: How Mental Health and Substance Use Are Linked

Co-occurring disorders are two or more behavioral health disorders which occur together in the same person.  The term is often used to describe any mental health disorder that is accompanied by substance abuse, a problem that affects millions of Americans. The reasons may vary widely from one individual to the next, but the symptoms are […]

6 Essential Skills Therapists Recommend to Help You Thrive in an Emotional Crisis

Thrive in Emotional Crisis. Girl in front of lake and mountains.

We all experience crises in our day-to-day life. Sometimes these crises are big, like a death, and sometimes they are small, like traffic. DBT distress tolerance skills help you get to a more manageable emotional place for crisis survival. Skill 1: TIPP When to use it: When you’re at your emotional breaking point. How to […]

‘Toughen Up, It’s Part of the Job’ – Coping with the Emotional Trauma of Emergency Service and Healthcare Work

Stressed medical professional struggling with mental health

This week we present a guest blog post from a British physician, Dr. Benjamin Janaway, who writes about medicine and politics for the international press.  Normally, our focus at www.rtor.org is on those who look to under-resourced and overstretched healthcare systems for help with mental health and emotional struggles, including trauma.  Dr. Janaway’s guest post […]

School Truancy: Could Depression or Anxiety be the Cause?

School children working in a classroom at desks. School Truancy, School Avoidance, School Anxiety, School Refusal

What is the significance of truancy? When students are repeatedly absent from school, the potential consequences are endless. Lower achievement, higher risk of dropout, legal troubles, and suffering relationships are a few on the individual level. On the national level, truancy means a less-educated and less-prepared workforce. Less education has implications for our communities when […]

6 Secret Techniques to Improve Anger Management for Men

The frequent ups and downs of your daily lives as men may lead you to experience feelings of anger. Anger stems from many experiences, such as frustration, disappointment, annoyance or hurt. In some men, anger is a defense mechanism, the only weapon they have when they feel powerless. This may have developed as a result […]

“Snow Fails to Tell Our Story:” A User Poem to Commemorate the ‘Bomb Cyclone’ of 2018

“Weather is a great metaphor for life, sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s bad, and there’s nothing much you can do about it but carry an umbrella.” – Terri Guillemets A few days ago, most of us had never even heard the term “bombogenesis.”  Now, many of  us who live on the east coast are experiencing the […]

Important Tips on Staying Sober Through the Holidays

Staying sober can be a struggle on any day, but the holidays tend to be some of the most challenging times to maintain one’s sobriety.  There is no shortage of parties, old memories, and the general pressures and stress of the season to weigh in on one’s mind. It is all too easy to end […]

4 Exercise Programs for Better Mental Health: Giving You the Endurance and Strength to Push Through Life’s Struggles

Life can be hard, and proof of this sobering reality are the 43 million Americans who suffer from some form of mental health condition, according to Mental Health America. Almost half of those 43 million have a co-occurring substance abuse problem, while some 9.6 million experience suicidal thoughts. Those figures might even increase in the […]

How I Faced Anxiety and Learned to Cope: A Young Adult Leaves His Comfort Zone in Scotland and Finds Relief

I feel like with any illness, whether it be mental or physical, there is always a denial period. For some this will be short and for others longer. For me, it was years! In this article, I’ll take you through my own personal story of anxiety: looking at how it gradually got worse and the […]

6 Things I Learned from Having a Daughter with Bipolar Disorder

My daughter is bipolar

My daughter is 14 years old, and was diagnosed for bipolar disorder with psychotic features when she was 11. The last three years have been the most difficult times I’ve experienced in my life. I grew up with a bipolar father, but with him the disease was on the periphery for me. With my daughter […]

Four Things to Remember When a Loved One Has Depression

When my psychiatrist first diagnosed me with depression, I put some real thought and preparation into how to tell my closest friends and family.  It’s not something one can easily bring up in casual conversation, (i.e.: “Hey, did you catch the ball game last night?  By the way, I’m depressed.”) It was not an easy […]

Recommended Treatments for Panic Attacks and Depression

Panic Attacks It is estimated that at least 18% of the US population suffer from panic attacks. Panic attacks are different from other anxiety disorders due to their relatively short and sudden nature. Panic attacks affect people differently, although they can still be treated effectively with a variety of methods as described below. Cognitive Behavioral […]

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) – More Than Just the “Winter Blues”

Most people look forward to the wonderful colors of fall and exciting holiday season after that. It is the time to enjoy being indoors with family and friends. However, for patients suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), the shortening of days and lack of sunshine is not something to look forward to. For these patients, […]

In Pursuit of Healing: My PTSD Story

PTSD Stories

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is very real. A diagnosis that extends far beyond members of the armed forces who have lived through combat, it affects people all over the world. This frequently misunderstood diagnosis, which often goes hand-in-hand with depression, does not have to instill fear, but can actually be an opportunity to embolden survivors. […]

Transitioning from College to the Workplace with ADHD

Joining the workforce is a challenge for anyone. For someone with ADHD, it can seem like an uphill climb with no end in sight. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. It is important for parents and caregivers to prepare the student for the transition into real life before college ends. A critical study […]

Understanding the Connection Between Mental Health and Substance Abuse

Nearly 45 million American adults struggle with mental illness each day. To complicate matters, individuals who have mental health disorders are much more likely to struggle with substance abuse than the general population. Approximately 20 million American adults have a diagnosed substance use disorder, and over eight million Americans struggle with both a diagnosed substance […]

How to Help Your Teen Through Depression When Being Bullied At School

October is National Bullying Prevention Month, a month-long observance to encourage communities nationwide to unite and raise awareness of bullying prevention through events, activities, and education. In recognition of this event, www.rtor.org has engaged psychologist Todd Griffin, Director of TG Psychology in Penrith, Australia to write a guest blog on bullying and depression in teens. […]

Abnormally Normal: How to Help a Friend or Family Member with OCD

All people have some form of obsession in their lives, it is what drives the human condition. For most people, they can simply rate these things on the standard scale of wants to needs. And with those wants and needs come compulsions to quell these wants and needs in their heads by doing something. Every […]

How to Find the Right Therapist for You

Finding the right therapist can be an intimidating task. You may be wondering where to begin, where to look, or what to look for. You may fear that you won’t know who is or isn’t a good fit for you and your particular needs. I’ve been there; I have had to navigate this process both […]

Yoga-Psychotherapy and Mental Health: Why It Might Be the Right Approach for You

September is National Yoga Month, a month-long observance designated by the Department of Health and Human Services to educate the public about the health benefits of yoga and to inspire a healthy lifestyle.  In recognition of this event, rtor.org asked one of its Family-Endorsed Providers to write a guest blog on this subject. Pamela Tinkham, […]

5 Easy Self Care Tips for When You Are Depressed

Coping with Depression | Depression Tips

Depression can be a crippling mental health disorder that can erase your happiness, steal your will, and cause physical symptoms to manifest that impact your health negatively. Depression  can be caused by genetics or life stressors, but can occur seemingly randomly. Knowing the causes does not help much when facing a depressive episode, but having […]

Healthy Diet, Healthy Brain: 15 Foods for Better Mental Health

The foods you eat can affect the health of your mind and body in a number of ways. Your diet can influence everything from your energy level to your body fat and even the appearance of your skin and hair. So it should come as no surprise that the foods you eat can also have […]

6 Ways That Depression May Lead to Substance Abuse

Depression is a mood disorder that can wreak havoc on your life. It comes with feelings of sadness, hopelessness, numbness, and isolation. It is this numbness, the inability to feel anything at all, that drives many people to substance abuse. Drugs and alcohol provide a shock to the brain so that suddenly, after months of […]

How Kids with Anxiety Can Make a Smooth Transition to a New School

For kids, moving from one school to the next without any training or warning is tougher than adults remember. Because of fast moving technological advances and new teaching styles, it’s almost impossible for students to stay current in learning curves and social trends. Things like the common core are giving both children and young teens […]

Where Has The Time Gone? Sending Your Young Adult Off To College

I saw a college bound young adult in my practice last week who described needing to create emotional distance between him and his parents in order to make the experience of leaving more manageable and palpable. He effortfully tried to create tension, but his parents would either apologize, try to be supportive or attentive toward […]

Recognizing a Mental Health Problem in a Child or Teen: 10 Signs I Needed Help

girl in field

As a child, I showed quite a few signs of mental illness. But I didn’t get the help I needed until I decided to take things into my own hands at the age of 26. I grew tired of feeling anxious all the time and wanted a solution to the problem. In 2015, I received […]

6 Tips for Managing Depression

depression tips

We are fortunate to all be living in an age when mental illness has significantly less stigma attached to it than it once did. Anyone who is suffering from depression can be forthcoming about their condition as well as be openly proactive in finding ways to mediate their symptoms and strive towards living with their […]

9 Ways to Actively Take Care of Your Mental Health


Taking care of your mental health can be difficult. The stresses and responsibilities of day-to-day life can get in the way of taking care of yourself. Here are nine ways that you can actively work on your mental health and take control of your overall wellness. 1. Evaluate Your Situation Taking care of your mental […]

Depression & Addiction: From Escaping Myself to Fighting the Problem

escaping myself

Almost half of those who live with a mental health disorder also experience a substance use problem (SAMHSA). Today’s guest author, Parker, lived with depression and addiction issues until he was able to find recovery. Parker’s inspiring story shows that there is hope and that recovery is possible. Thank you, Parker, for sharing with us at www.rtor.org. […]

The Power of Human Connection in Recovery


Today’s post comes from life coach, Jay Pignatiello, who has experience working in the psychiatric field. His post highlights the need for human connection and compassion especially in the context of mental health recovery. Thank you, Jay, for sharing with us at www.rtor.org. — Veronique Hoebeke, Associate Editor  From the age of 20, I began working in […]

Depression in Teenagers and What to Do About It

teen depression

Today’s post comes to us from blogger, Erica Silva. Her article breaks down teenage depression and its treatment options into simple terms that any teenager could find helpful. If you are a parent of a teenager who might be experiencing depression, this post could help him or her better understand what is going on with […]

How to Address Mental Health Issues In The Family With Your Children

woman and child

Today’s post comes to us from Caroline who is a health and tech blogger. She discusses the importance of having open and honest communication with your children about the mental illness of a family member. Thank you, Caroline, for sharing with us at www.rtor.org. –Veronique Hoebeke, Associate Editor   How to Address Mental Health Issues In […]

The Power of Mindful Writing

mindful writing

Just in time for National Poetry Month, today’s post comes to us from Family-Endorsed Provider, Marianela Medrano, PhD, LPC. Dr. Medrano is a psychologist, poetry therapist, and an accomplished writer. She shares her insights on the influence Mindful Writing can have on our mental health. Thank you, Dr. Medrano, for sharing your insights with us at […]

Supporting vs. Enabling: Do’s and Don’ts for Families and Supporters of People in Eating Disorder Recovery

mom and daughter

To get a head start on National Eating Disorder Awareness week, today’s post comes to us from Gillian Tanz, Assistant Clinical Director at Monte Nido River Towns. Gillian discusses the do’s and don’ts of supporting a family member or friend who is in eating disorder recovery. Thank you, Gillian, for sharing your knowledge with us at […]

Building Resilience From The Ground Up


Today’s post comes to you from Family-Endorsed Provider, Alex Diaz, Ph.D. He discusses how to build resilience so we can better handle the challenges of day-to-day life. Thank you, Alex, for sharing with us at www.rtor.org. –Veronique Hoebeke, Associate Editor  In terms of human development, resilience is known as the ability to successfully overcome challenges and […]

What Parents Need to Know about Psychotherapy

boy in therapy

Today’s post comes to us from Certified CBT Psychotherapist and Family-Endorsed Provider, Elise Munoz, LCSW-R. Her article answers the many questions parents might have about getting their child started in therapy. Thank you, Elise, for sharing your knowledge with us at www.rtor.org. — Veronique Hoebeke, Associate Editor   If your child or teenager is struggling with emotional, […]

This New Year’s Choose Values Over Resolutions

new years

Today’s post comes to us from Family-Endorsed Provider and Eating Disorder Specialist, Susan Schrott, DCSW, CEDS. In her post, she discusses the importance of reconnecting with one’s values before committing to any kind of change. Some of this advice is tailored to those who live with eating disorders but anyone can learn from her message. […]

‘Tis the Season to be Stressed: 5 Tips for Happier Holidays with the Family


Today’s special blog post for the holidays was co-written by Randi Silverman, CEO of the Youth Mental Health Project (YMHP) and Wendy Ward, Executive Director YMHP.  Randi is the co-writer and producer of the multi-award winning film No Letting Go.  Wendy has extensive corporate experience in advertising, marketing and human connections, and in the last […]

Understanding & Identifying OCD in the Classroom

OCD in the classroom

Today’s blog post comes to us from one of our Family-Endorsed Providers, Carla Kenney, LMHC. She writes on the importance of both educators and family members noticing the possible signs of OCD in children. Thank you, Carla, for sharing your expertise with us at rtor.org. —Veronique Hoebeke, Associate Editor Children say and do unusual things on occasion, or […]

6 Smart Strategies for Stress Management 

6 Smart Strategies for Stress Management

Today’s post comes to us from Dr. Alex Diaz who is a psychologist and licensed clinical social worker as well as one of RtoR’s Family-Endorsed Providers. His post highlights the toll stress takes on our well-being and how we can learn to handle stress more effectively. Thank you, Dr.Diaz, for sharing with us on rtor.org. –Veronique Hoebeke, Associate Editor  What is stress?  […]

We Say We Want A Revolution

woman by lake

  In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, we are inviting different guest bloggers each week in the month of May to write about their perspectives on mental health. Today’s guest blog post comes from Lisa Scott whose post highlights the importance of gratitude and the power of speaking out about mental health issues. Be sure to check out Lisa’s […]

I Love Natural Remedies and Modern Remedies


  In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, we are inviting different guest bloggers each week in the month of May to write about their perspectives on mental health. Today’s guest blog post comes from The Mental Runner whose post details how a combination of living a healthy lifestyle and taking medication has helped him manage his mental health conditions and live a […]

Managing Depression with Gratitude and Art

debi strong gratitude heart

  In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, we are inviting one guest writer a week in the month of May to write about their perspectives on mental health. Today’s guest blog post comes from Debi Strong who currently has an art exhibit, 365 Days of Gratitude, that is touring several venues around the country. Her post covers her struggles with life-long depression […]

How You Can Help Someone Struggling with Mental Illness: Support Before Advice


  In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, we are inviting one guest writer a week in the month of May to write about their perspectives on mental health. Today’s guest blog post comes from Farsh Askari whose post covers the need for more supportive dialogue when discussing mental illness. Be sure to check out his blog, The OCD Memorist. Thank […]

Spotting the Early Warning Signs of Heroin Addiction

Spotting the Early Warning Signs of Heroin Addiction

  In honor of Alcoholism and Drug Dependence Awareness Month, today’s guest blog post comes to us from Matt Abbasfard from Northbound in Newport Beach, CA. He discusses the warning signs of heroin and opioid addiction and the importance of seeking help for a loved one who might be struggling with a substance use disorder. Heroin […]

“Out of the Ashes” by Sallie Crotty

mountain with sunset and "out of the ashes" A story of recovery and hope written over the images

  The following recovery story comes from Sallie Crotty who writes about her own experiences with a mental health disorder. Sallie takes us on a journey from her first day to her last day at the Menninger Clinic and what she learned about herself and mental health recovery in the process. We are grateful to Sallie […]

Adoption and It’s Unique Emotional Challenges

family hug

  Here at rtor.org we are dedicated to helping families and that includes the many different ways people make up a family. A large variety of families exist outside of the typical nuclear family consisting of a father, a mother and their biological children; this includes families formed by adoption. It’s estimated that about 5 million people […]

Inside The Recovery Kitchen

alex with casserole

The following story of recovery and hope comes from Alex, who has found a creative way to help himself recover from an eating disorder. Alex has started the blog The Recovery Kitchen where he details both his delicious recipes as well as his own journey in recovery. Today’s post details his personal struggles and triumphs with […]

The Healing Power of a Dog


Today’s wellness story comes from Jeff Fink, the founder of Go Fetch Wellness. Jeff’s story demonstrates the amazing impact animals can have on people’s lives and the importance of a holistic approach to mental health. We are grateful to Jeff for sharing his story with us at rtor.org. –Veronique Hoebeke, Associate Editor    Suffering, medications, […]

Alone in the Fog: A Story of Gratitude and Hope

alone in the fog

Today’s story reminds us all to be grateful for the blessings in our lives and to have hope for the future when times are hard. This story comes from Tom who used to lived in San Francisco. He experienced the traumatic loss of his mother at an early age followed by homelessness but he still made it out […]

“A Peer’s Recovery Ethic and Story” by Chris from Brooklyn

a peers recovery ethic and story

  The following story is written by Chris who is a Brooklyn, NY resident living with a mental health disorder. She shares her unique outlook on recovery as well as her hopeful message with us today. We are grateful that Chris is sharing her story on rtor.org. —Veronique Hoebeke, Associate Editor  Before I give the details of my recovery, I […]

“Looking Back and Laughing” by OCD Smiles

smiley face

Let me give you an idea of who I am, what type of OCD I have and what exactly I’m doing about it. I have an annoying OCD enemy situated at the forefront of my brain. We have been together for about 8 years on and off, we disagree on everything and I have been […]

Renaming Mental Illness: Getting Your Feedback

rename mental illness

  Does the term “mental illness” bother anyone else as much as it bothers me? As a treatment provider helping people to determine if they would like to discuss their “disability” with an employer, I have been in the uncomfortable situation of informing someone that their anxiety disorder, depression,  PTSD or some other DSM diagnosis […]

“My Past Memory” A Young Man’s Story of Trauma and Hope

  The following story is written by 19 year old Salman, a Kenyan refugee who now lives in Omaha, Nebraska. We all know childhood trauma can have a very negative effect on one’s mental health yet Salman has not let the difficulties of his past stop him. Due to Salman’s persistence, positive attitude and desire […]

Riding Backwards: Retraining Your Brain to Cope with Trauma


  Remember how you learned to ride a bike?  What if you had to unlearn everything you knew about this basic task you probably learned in childhood? This video illustrates how hard it is to re-train the brain to think differently.  The narrator of this video speaks about his experiment riding a backwards-handled bike.  During […]

“Healing with Music and Getting Help when You Need It” – A Recovery Story

music notes

The following post is written by Drew Osbahr who uses his love of music as a way to recover from anxiety and depression. We are thankful that Drew has let us share his recovery story on rtor.org  -Veronique Hoebeke, Associate Editor  Hi, my name is Drew and I have been recovering one step at a time from […]

“Who Am I?”- A Recovery Story

pen and paper

 The following post is written by Bing Devine, a Connecticut resident who lives with mental illness. We are grateful to Bing for allowing us to share her story on rtor.org. -Veronique Hoebeke, Associate Editor Who Am I? I have been excited all day, for today I am going to meet all the tenants in my unit. We will assemble in […]

Thinking Well Activity Series: This Participant’s Poem Looks at Cognition from Within

word magnets

The following untitled poem was written by Betsi, a 54-year old participant in Laurel House’s Thinking Well program.  Thinking Well is a group activity that helps people with serious mental health conditions practice and improve their thinking skills for better functioning at home, work, school and the community. During her time in Thinking Well, Betsi […]

Three Little Known Facts About Persistence

typewriter close up

       .       Rtor.org is pleased to have disability advocate Michael De Rosa guest blogging on the site today. Michael is editor of the website dismantlingdisABILITIES.com and author of the soon to be published self-help workbook “Unlimited Potential: empowerment tools at your finger tips.” His lived experience with anxiety and other disabilities, […]

Trading Places: An Audio Simulation Sensitizes a Professional to Potential Challenges Faced by People Who Hear Voices

Laurel House Employment Specialist Elizabeth Fouracre, LMSW, writes this week about her experience with a training program that simulates the subjective experience of a person with schizophrenia hearing voices. CNN news anchor Anderson Cooper undergoes a comparable sensitivity exercise and afterwards describe in terms similar to Elizabeth’s how profoundly difficult and isolating this experience was for him. Watch […]