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The Mental Health Toll of Poverty: Understanding Challenges Faced by the Poor in the United States

homeless man on bench

Living in poverty is exhausting. People who cannot afford to live comfortably and pay all their bills often have to deal with extraordinary challenges while living under near-constant stress. In the United States, with its wealth, many people live below the poverty line. A surprising 12.8% of the population falls under the poverty line, with […]

Back to School Support for New Canaan College Students with Mental Health Conditions

students walking on college campus

As the summer draws to a close and the new school year approaches, college students with mental health conditions and their families should be taking steps to ensure the necessary supports are in place. Anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges can significantly impact a student’s academic and personal life. Laurel House and its gateway […]

How to Hack Your Stress Response and Overcome Adversity

woman jogging near water

Are you feeling overwhelmed and stressed? It’s natural to feel anxious when life throws a curveball at you. It doesn’t have to last forever—there are things you can do to help yourself become more resilient, manage your stress response, and find ways to thrive in the face of adversity. This post will help you build […]

Mental Health Issues Faced by Older Adults and How to Cope With Them

older man running

Older adults can experience mental health issues due to life changes, such as retirement or losing a loved one. They may also develop emotional problems because of physical disabilities or severe illness. Mental health and well-being are crucial in any stage of life, including older age. So, what mental health issues do older adults face, […]

Self-Care Practices for Better Mental Health Management

woman with headphones in bed

Self-care is more than just soaking in a bubble bath and applying expensive facial masks. It’s an essential part of our overall health and well-being and something we should all prioritize. Whether you’re dealing with chronic stress, struggling to get enough restful sleep, or simply looking for ways to boost your mood and energy, incorporating […]

Is Your Senior Loved One Struggling with Anxiety? Tips to Relieve the Worries and Fears of Older Adults

daughter and elderly mother

Anxiety is a natural response to stress or danger, and it can manifest as feelings of fear, apprehension, or unease. It is a common experience for people of all ages, but it can be particularly challenging for seniors who may already be dealing with physical or emotional changes. Addressing anxiety in seniors is crucial for […]

Motivational Interviewing: A Counseling Method that Enhances the Motivation to Change

bearded man in counseling

What is Motivational Interviewing? Motivational interviewing (MI) is an evidence-based approach to therapy that aids in bringing about change in a person’s life and mental health. Therapy works best when the therapist and client have built a great rapport and work as a team to create positive change, so the collaborative approach of motivational interviewing […]

How Virtual Coaches Can Support People with Mental Health Conditions

professional woman in virtual meeting

Most people experience a mental health challenge at some point in their lives. It might be something relatively common, such as nervousness or anxiety. Or a constant vague fear that the details of one’s life are fragile and impermanent. Or maybe it’s something more than that. Either way, mental health issues touch most lives sooner […]

Urgency Culture: On the Go or on the Nerve?

busy mother on phone with children

What is Urgency Culture? In the digital age, there has been a societal shift in our common ideas about productivity and leisure. As a psychotherapist, I find that my clients believe they must always be doing something in order to feel worthwhile or content. This phenomenon is commonly known as ‘urgency culture,’ which is the […]

7 Signs You Could Be Struggling With Mental Health

depressed woman looking at phone.

A common stereotype of mental illness is of someone speaking to imaginary beings or acting irrationally in public, not considering the effects of their behavior. Although these can be indications of a mental health problem, some other signs of mental illness are not so visible and may be hidden beneath a charming smile and clever […]

Why Is Cumulative Stress a Trigger to Mental Health Problems?

worried young woman

The world is becoming increasingly aware of mental health and how cumulative stress can interfere with our mental well-being. Despite this increased awareness and sensitivity to mental health needs, populations around the world are still experiencing rises in problems related to mental health. Many forces operating outside of the average individual’s control can play a […]

This Year, Choose Self-Care: Top Mental Health Apps for 2023

Mental health apps are a positive start toward improved mental health in 2023. This article will be especially helpful to beginning users who are confused about where and how to start.   These mental health apps can benefit anyone interested in health and wellness, as well as those with mental health conditions. They’re a perfect fit […]

Why Teens and Young Adults Need to Express Their Identity (And Why You Don’t Need to Worry)

happy friends in day-glo room

Finding an identity is an essential part of growing up. It’s something all adolescents and young adults go through as they become more and more aware of themselves and their place in the world. Also, the experience of finding identity can shape how well-adjusted teens become as they move into adulthood. If the process isn’t […]

The Impact of Domestic Violence on Mental Health

Though domestic violence may leave you with scars and bruises, the harm often goes deeper than the physical. An experience of domestic violence can have a lasting negative impact on your overall well-being. One of the most common and severe effects of domestic abuse is adversely impacted mental health. Domestic abuse can leave you with […]

6 Ways Older Adults Can Boost Their Mental Health

man in hat painiting outdoors

Your mental health journey as a young adult was likely quite different from the one you now face. As an older adult, you may experience mental health concerns unique to this period of your life, such as depression, anxiety, and isolation. Thankfully, there are various ways to navigate these mental health challenges and any others […]

Making the Choice Between Inpatient and Outpatient Rehabilitation

torso of man on couch

Choosing between inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation programs isn’t easy, especially if you’re dealing with an addiction to alcohol or drugs. On the one hand, going to inpatient rehab allows you to fully immerse yourself in your recovery and work one-on-one with professionals who can help you overcome the hurdles around recovery while providing 24/7 support. […]

Tips for Reducing Anxious Thoughts that Keep You Up at Night

If you’ve ever lied awake at night staring at the ceiling, heart racing, and thoughts running through your mind uncontrollably, you know how damaging it can be to your sleep. Unfortunately, at night, when your body finally comes to rest is when your anxious mind comes alive. Anxiety affects over 40 million adults and ranges […]

Trauma and Social Isolation: How Do They Relate?

Today’s mental health landscape is turbulent. Worldwide events of the past few years have created some of the most widespread mental health strains and stress the world has ever known. Though awareness of mental illness and psychological health might be at an all-time high in many places, the number of people living with significant mental […]

Why Black Women Don’t Go to Therapy

Most of us have experienced being othered by an individual or an entire group. For some of us, this experience can be quite common. I’ve been traversing life in this Black skin for a few decades, and as a Black woman, that otherness invariably includes exaggerated perceptions of strength, resilience, and independence. From childhood, I’ve […]

Supporting Mental Health in the Workplace

Employee mental health problems can impact a business quite seriously. Approximately 80% of adults with depression report at least some difficulty with their work, home, or social activities, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Among the many dimensions of wellness, mental health in the workplace and associated issues are more difficult […]

“Life Is Suffering”: Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) for Emotional Peace

“Life is suffering.” This phrase is associated with Buddhism and its Noble Truths. If you have struggled with your mental health, you know well how painful it can be to simply reside in your brain. In the context of the Noble Truths, the term “suffering” is an English translation of the Sanskrit word “duhkha” (or […]

How Childhood Trauma Leads to Adult Mental Health Problems

These days, there is greater public awareness about the impacts of traumatic events. Books such as The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk and Trauma and Recovery by Judith Lewis Herman, among many others, have played an essential role in educating us about the effects interpersonal trauma can have across a lifetime. […]

How Hard Is It To Be a Closeted LGBTQ+ Person and Depressed?

Depression affects people from all walks of life and is one of the most common mental health problems in the United States. Depression among LGBTQ+ individuals is higher than among cisgender straight individuals. This article will look at how much pressure and depression closeted people experience compared with those who are out and proud. I […]

How to Prioritize Your Mental Health Over Everything

Staying mentally healthy is a lifelong journey. Just like a plant, mental health needs care, attention, and support to flourish over a long time. You may not have a mental health disorder, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have to work on your mental health—it’s just a part of being human. Whether you struggle with […]

The Mental Health Benefits of Spending Quality Time with Friends and Family

When you think about managing your mental health, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? For many people, it might be seeing a therapist or counselor, taking medication, or practicing deep breathing exercises or meditation. Those things can help your mental well-being, and other mental health boosters such as spending time outdoors and exercising […]

7 Essential Books on LGBTQ+ Mental Health for Pride Month

People who identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community are at a greater risk of anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues due to the discrimination, harassment, rejection, and judgment they may experience in society. And while there’s much to do about creating the type of change we need to see, one of the most […]

The Role of Discipline and Punishment in the Four Parenting Styles

It can be incredibly challenging for parents to determine the best approach to childrearing in certain situations. You may wonder if your way of parenting is too harsh and strict or if you are not enforcing enough boundaries or consequences. Many of these tendencies are encompassed by the four basic parenting styles. This article will […]

Outrun the Sad Days: 5 Indoor Activities to Improve Your Mental Health

It’s okay to feel sad. Some days we’re happy, and on other days we feel sad. It’s a normal emotion, and you need to allow yourself to go through the sadness. Don’t mask it or shove it aside. It’ll do more damage if you keep it bottled up. Accept the emotion but don’t dwell on […]

How Daily Routines Can Benefit Your Mental Health

Routine and habit are ingrained in the human psyche. Adult personalities take at least 20 years to form, which is true for the behaviors and habits we acquire. Sadly, some of those habits and routines are not always beneficial to us. There aren’t many forces as powerful as your daily routines when it comes to […]

How to Deal with Overthinking: 8 Tricks that Helped Me Find Peace of Mind

overthink* verb Think about (something) too much or for too long. The term ‘overthinking’ has been increasingly used by people around the world over the past two years, thanks to a pandemic. A lot of people overthink, especially young adults. According to a study at the University of Michigan, 73 percent of Americans aged 25-35 […]

The Link Between a Children’s Development and Mental Health: Symptoms and Treatment of Children’s Mental Health Disorders

Experiences are like bricks that lay the foundation of children’s mental health. If the bricks are weak, they will never sustain the pressure and weight. Thus, the building is at risk of collapsing. Just like that, traumatic childhood experiences destabilize the foundation of children’s mental health, leading to serious problems later in life. How Do […]

Managing the College Stress Epidemic for Students

College can be an exciting time in young people’s lives, as they explore their independence and prepare for a bright future. However, it can also be a period of transition, growth, and changes, often leading to stress in college students. While some stress can be beneficial in motivating students to develop their competencies and skills, […]

Self-Care for the Post-COVID Era: Understanding and Accommodating Your Personal Mental Health Needs

Mental health is complex and can involve many different factors, from the environment around you to your genes to what’s going on in your life. We are all individuals, and it’s important to remember that when considering your own needs. The COVID-19 pandemic has been incredibly stressful for a large portion of the population, and […]

Understanding and Controlling Rage: The Complex Interplay of Mental Illness, Substance Abuse, and Anger Regulation

You love your family. You cherish your friends. You find pleasure and fulfillment in your work. You have every reason to be a happy, well-adjusted person in almost all respects. Sometimes, though, the pressures of the day and the inevitable challenges of life get to be too much. You lash out. You lose control and […]

How Seniors with Limited Mobility Can Cope with Social Isolation by Getting Outdoors

Limited Mobility and Social Isolation

Spending time outdoors is essentially crucial for people of all ages. Interacting with nature lifts spirits and boosts physical and mental health, and is a perfect way to relax and find peace. While being outdoors is important for every person, it is particularly crucial for seniors with limited mobility. Experts advise that spending time outdoors […]

Black Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) Mental Health Fact Sheet

compiled by Danielle Leblanc, LMSW, Diversity Outreach Resource Specialist, Laurel House, Inc. & www.rtor.org Resources to Recover (www.rtor.org) and its sponsor, Laurel House, Inc., are committed to the advancement of racial equity and social justice, and to making mental health services available to all. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, nearly one in […]

What Natural Anxiety Relief Works Best for You?

happy older man in yoga class

Anxiety is a feeling that everyone experiences at some point. It’s normal to feel anxious when making important decisions, meeting new people, interviewing for a job, or encountering stressful situations. However, when anxiety ramps up and interferes with normal daily activities, this is known as an anxiety disorder. Medication is often the first line of […]

How You Can Deal With Financial Stress-Induced Mental Health Issues

calculating bills

Financial stress is a serious problem in America. Data collected by the American Psychological Association (APA) found that 61% of Americans say they feel stressed about money, and nearly three-quarters of respondents said they experienced mental health issues such as feeling overwhelmed, headaches, fatigue, and changes in sleep habits. The good news is that the […]

What is Mental Health: An Introduction to Mental Health Disorders and Their Symptoms

man walking on beach

Mental health includes a person’s emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It impacts everything we do—how we think, feel, and behave. In addition, it plays a role in how we cope with stress, relate to other people, and make certain choices. As a result, mental health is essential at every stage in life, whether childhood, adolescence, […]

Academic Burnout in College Students: How to Prevent It

happy young woman studying.

College is supposed to be a safe place where learning, growth, and fun interconnect to give young adults a once-in-a-lifetime experience. However, the quest for academic validation, success, and the natural human desire to learn new things can become a daunting experience—leaving students with nothing but stress and apathy. We call that academic burnout. According […]

13 Ways to Deal with Loneliness During the Holidays

Christmas kitten tangled in lights

The pandemic made it harder than ever to connect with others and meet new people, triggering a sense of loneliness in many. Now the holidays are upon us, making some of us feel lonelier than ever. This is especially true for those struggling with mental health issues or separated from their loved ones at this […]

Mental Health in an Unequal World

young African American woman sitting beside bed

The theme observed for this year’s World Mental Health Day (October 10, 2021) was ‘Mental Health in an Unequal World.’ The subject is apt and relevant for these times of social protest against various forms of inequality: classism, sexism, racism, discrimination based on sexual orientation, religion, age, or disability. The list is long, and the […]

How to Improve Your Life with Mental Health Activism

three friends clapping

There is no doubt that mental health activism positively impacts those with diagnoses, but you may be surprised to learn that doing activism can improve your own physical and mental health. So why not do both—help others and yourself? When people think about activism, they often get stuck on stereotypes of protesting or calling elected […]

How OCD Affects People in Adult Life

woman in front of window blinds

Mental health is a challenge for many people. Over 26% of US adults a year are diagnosed with a mental health disorder, and of those, 2.2 million are affected by obsessive-compulsive disorder. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental health disorder that causes people to have unwanted thoughts and compulsions. Obsessions are typically intrusive thoughts or […]

7 Benefits of Gratitude and How Being Grateful Can Make You Happier

grateful blessed sign

Thanksgiving is a time of year to show gratitude for all your blessings in life. Sometimes we get so caught up in the hustle and bustle that we forget to take a moment to reflect and give thanks for everything we’ve been given. Being grateful can provide many benefits to overall well-being, which can help […]

What They Don’t Tell You About OCD

woman at seashore

There’s a lot that’s unknown about mental health disorders. They are widely misunderstood. They carry stigmas, are joked about, and lack proper research. You may ask yourself: Why is that? Many people struggle with their mental health. Research shows that  20.6% of U.S. adults deal with mental illness. This translates to one in five adults […]

5 Ways to Manage Stress and Boost Your Mental Health at Work

stressed woman at laptop

30-Second Summary Stress and poor mental health in the workplace can hamper your career. Not only are mental health disorders detrimental to an employee’s well-being, but they also affect the employer in the form of monetary losses. Poor memory due to stress can also lead to unsatisfactory performance at work, which can impact your earnings […]

Stress Signs and Symptoms: How Stress Affects Your Body

stressed woman rubs head

Stress is often talked about casually amongst friends and colleagues. We might joke about needing a glass of wine after a stressful day, or if we forget something, we might put it down to being worn out from work. The conversation often ends there, but in reality, stress isn’t something we should just accept as […]

How to Bounce Back From a Mood Disorder

man jumping in street

Invincible one day, in pieces the next; head in the clouds, feet in hell. That is the fate for those of us facing mood swings. The biggest suck of mood disorders is feeling like we’re always taking one step forward and one step back. It feels like we’re living inside a movie where a ruthless […]

5 Mental Health Microaggressions You Might Be Committing

annoyed facial expression

Microaggressions are subtle but distinctly intolerant comments, actions, behaviors, or environments directed against marginalized people or groups of people. They are a vague and ambiguous form of discrimination. Those who commit microaggressions are often influenced by internalized biases they themselves may not even recognize. This makes it very difficult for a person on the receiving […]

10 Ways Women Can Maintain Their Mental Health While in Addiction Recovery

multi-racial women on steps

Addiction is a chronic and relapsing disease. While there is no cure for addiction, it can be effectively treated. This typically involves a combination of medication-assisted treatment and psychotherapy like CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy). Of the 20.4 million over-12s diagnosed with substance use disorder in the United States, there are some key differences between men […]

How to Adjust to a New Environment as a Person with Anxiety

diverse workplace

Anxiety comes in all shapes and sizes. As with other mental states such as depression, individuals who occasionally have anxious feelings do not necessarily have to be clinically diagnosed and medicated. If the anxious feelings occur daily for an extended period, medical help is worth considering. However, if your anxiety stems from a new environment […]

Medicare Mental Health Coverage: An Ultimate Guide

open laptop

According to a report shared by the National Institute of Mental Health, around one in five U.S. adults live with mental illness. Seniors are at a higher risk for mental health conditions, such as depression or anxiety, particularly when their health deteriorates and they face difficulty managing numerous diseases. So if you’re having persistent feelings […]

Familiar Cries Against Deep-Rooted Cultural Stigma: Why You Need to Search for a “Black Therapist Near Me.”

black professional woman

While the world might be developing at a faster rate than ever, cultural stigmas still seep into everyday lives. Black people have been sucked into a pattern of behavior to protect themselves from the uncountable atrocities thrown at them. This collective experience unites them in the similarities of their invisible pain, sufferings, and traumas. As […]

The Art of Processing: un.packing Grief and Trauma in the Brain

young woman writing

The nature of a traumatic event is not completely generalizable and varies from person to person. What constitutes trauma for one person does not necessarily translate to trauma for another. Several factors can determine how a person experiences crisis or otherwise stressful life events. Pain tolerance is not merely an attribute of physical hurt. Emotional […]

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Cardiovascular Disease – Can PTSD Cause Heart Problems?

man sitting outside

Post-traumatic stress disorder, otherwise known as PTSD, has been associated with one of the most dangerous killers in America, cardiovascular disease. Under stress, the human heart rate can rise to 38 beats more per minute. When the heart rate increases, the chest tightens, the breath shortens, and in some cases, people can find themselves on […]

Caregiver Burnout: How to Extend Support to Those Who Care for Others

wheelchair user and caregiver in sunlit field

My once able-bodied grandfather was diagnosed with Parkinson’s. The decline was sharp and sudden. His bodily functions and memory are gradually failing. But this story isn’t about my grandfather and the cruel reality of those afflicted with Parkinson’s disease. Rather, it’s about the daily stresses my father has to deal with as his primary caregiver. […]

The Pressure of Disappointed Expectations as a Young Adult: Why Pleasing Your Parents Is Not The Most Important Thing

young backpacker at base of mountain

As children grow up, they look to their parents for just about everything. Parents care for and nurture their kids, providing them with education, food, and a place to live and instilling morals and values that have passed through the family. Once children reach a certain age, they begin making choices on their own. Whereas […]

The Benefits of Equine Therapy for Teenage Girls

teen girl and white horse.

Horse lovers around the world will agree that spending time with these beautiful, intelligent animals is both fun and therapeutic. Teenage equine therapy, or horse therapy for teens, uses this beneficial interaction to teach adolescents valuable life skills and improve mental health. If your daughter is interested in equine therapy, there are programs that are […]

Tips for Coping with Anxiety During the Continuing COVID-19 Pandemic

man and woman standing on sidewalk wearing medical masks

These are unprecedented times. It is not unusual to have anxious feelings about the COVID-19 pandemic. Perhaps you have experienced waves of panic, worry, or stress. It is understandable to experience such emotions. They are normal human responses to perceived or actual threats. In the last year, we have faced new realities such as home-schooling, […]

LGBTQ+ Mental Health Resources: Barriers and Disparities in LGBTQ Mental Health and Healthcare

gay couple head on shoulder

The last few decades have seen numerous signs of progress for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer/questioning (LGBTQ+) community. But even as equal rights continue to expand, there are numerous issues the community faces that have historically been difficult to address. LGBTQ+ mental health disparities still exist within the healthcare world, but it’s important […]

Why We Should Be Educating Ourselves about PTSD in 2021

male firefighter gearing up.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is by no means a new mental health condition. However, the heightened public awareness of anxiety and depression in recent years has many people re-evaluating their relationship with mental health and looking to improve their interactions and make life more manageable for others. Educating ourselves about PTSD is important not just […]

Why You Should Be Journaling on Your Lunch Break (and Why Bullet Journals Are the Way to Go)

laptop and bullet journal

Spending just 15-20 minutes each day writing down your thoughts in a journal can dramatically improve your mental and physical health. Coincidentally, this is a chunk of time that can easily be slotted into your lunch break at work or school. There are many benefits to keeping a journal. Sometimes, though, it can seem daunting […]

The History of Women’s Mental Health Awareness

salem with trial

After centuries of stigmatization, misdiagnosis, and mistreatment, mental health awareness has finally become a huge talking point in recent years. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, millions of people suffered from depression, anxiety, and similar conditions. Now, nearly one in five adults lives with a mental health disorder — and that doesn’t even include those living […]