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14 Methods for How I Cope with Mental Illness

man reading book on tree limb

Coping with mental illness has never been easy. There’s a lot involved, including your commitment to mental wellness goals and outside factors such as stigma. However, with the right routine, tools, and guidelines, you can cope with mental illness. You may wonder what those guidelines are. My battle with mental illness went on for about […]

Motivational Interviewing: A Counseling Method that Enhances the Motivation to Change

bearded man in counseling

What is Motivational Interviewing? Motivational interviewing (MI) is an evidence-based approach to therapy that aids in bringing about change in a person’s life and mental health. Therapy works best when the therapist and client have built a great rapport and work as a team to create positive change, so the collaborative approach of motivational interviewing […]

How Virtual Coaches Can Support People with Mental Health Conditions

professional woman in virtual meeting

Most people experience a mental health challenge at some point in their lives. It might be something relatively common, such as nervousness or anxiety. Or a constant vague fear that the details of one’s life are fragile and impermanent. Or maybe it’s something more than that. Either way, mental health issues touch most lives sooner […]

6 Ways You Can Improve Employee Mental Health and Well-being in Your Business Workplace

smiling co-workers

Mental health and well-being are growing concerns for businesses. People are more aware of how work and emotional well-being affect each other but may still have difficulty maintaining or improving their mental health. Here are six ways you can improve employee mental health in your business workplace. 1. Develop Concrete, Streamlined Strategies and Objectives Every […]

Managing a Mental Health Condition and Your Career

red haired woman using laptop

If you have a mental health condition such as anxiety, depression, or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), you can still have a satisfying and lucrative career even as you manage your condition. It’s an outdated practice to measure success at work as a fifty-fifty split between salary and job title. There is so much more to maintaining […]

Urgency Culture: On the Go or on the Nerve?

busy mother on phone with children

What is Urgency Culture? In the digital age, there has been a societal shift in our common ideas about productivity and leisure. As a psychotherapist, I find that my clients believe they must always be doing something in order to feel worthwhile or content. This phenomenon is commonly known as ‘urgency culture,’ which is the […]

7 Signs You Could Be Struggling With Mental Health

depressed woman looking at phone.

A common stereotype of mental illness is of someone speaking to imaginary beings or acting irrationally in public, not considering the effects of their behavior. Although these can be indications of a mental health problem, some other signs of mental illness are not so visible and may be hidden beneath a charming smile and clever […]

The Many Mental Health Stresses Faced by Law Enforcement Professionals

Black NYC police officer

Today’s law enforcement professionals confront a wide variety of challenges every day on the job. One of the most significant challenges they face is mental health stressors. These are strains or burdens on the emotions and cognitive processes that can lead to mental health problems if not treated adequately. Holding down a job with such […]

4 Journaling Techniques for Better Mental Health

journal with mindful quote

Positive Mental health is fundamental for your emotional, psychological, and social well-being. In fact, your mind influences not only the way you feel and think but also the way you act. Sadly, mental health issues have been rising: indeed, the World Health Organization states that there has been a 13% increase in mental health conditions […]

5 Reasons Why Creativity in the Plastic Arts Is Good for Your Mental Health

woman painting ceramics

Mental health is a complex subject. Mental health disorders affect people differently, and what typically works for one person may be a trigger for another. No treatment or activity is universally helpful in all cases. However, exploring your creativity through the plastic arts can be a fantastic method of boosting mental health. Let’s dive a […]

Why Is Cumulative Stress a Trigger to Mental Health Problems?

worried young woman

The world is becoming increasingly aware of mental health and how cumulative stress can interfere with our mental well-being. Despite this increased awareness and sensitivity to mental health needs, populations around the world are still experiencing rises in problems related to mental health. Many forces operating outside of the average individual’s control can play a […]

How Making Art Improves Mental Health and Boosts Creative Wellness

young woman painting a canvas.

Creative wellness is the practice of using creative arts, such as music, dance, or painting, to promote physical, emotional, and psychological good health. It is a form of self-care that involves appreciating beauty in oneself and the surrounding world and expressing oneself through participation in the arts. Consider a creative pursuit that brings you joy. […]

This Year, Choose Self-Care: Top Mental Health Apps for 2023

Mental health apps are a positive start toward improved mental health in 2023. This article will be especially helpful to beginning users who are confused about where and how to start.   These mental health apps can benefit anyone interested in health and wellness, as well as those with mental health conditions. They’re a perfect fit […]

Why Teens and Young Adults Need to Express Their Identity (And Why You Don’t Need to Worry)

happy friends in day-glo room

Finding an identity is an essential part of growing up. It’s something all adolescents and young adults go through as they become more and more aware of themselves and their place in the world. Also, the experience of finding identity can shape how well-adjusted teens become as they move into adulthood. If the process isn’t […]

Ways to Manage Stress Over the Holidays (That Don’t Involve Drinking) 101

For many people, the holidays are a time for celebration and gathering of loved ones. Whether you are hosting or visiting your family or friends for the holidays, there are always a few essential items included for the celebration, such as food, presents, and a common one: alcohol. If you are opening a bottle of […]

Overwhelmed by Life? Try These 5 Stress Management Techniques

Everyone feels stressed at times. It is a normal human response to threats. Your body adjusts to new circumstances with the assistance of stress reactions. Stress can keep us focused, determined, and prepared to stay out of harm’s way. If you have a big test coming up, a stress response might make your body work […]

How Yoga Benefits Your Mental Health

Taking care of your mental health is more important than ever. One of the best ways to do that is by practicing yoga. Combined with mental health treatment, yoga is an effective method for coping with anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). It can also help improve your sleep quality. Still, […]

What Are Cognitive Distortions and How to Deal With Them

Mental health is important no matter how old we are. Positive mental health enables us to handle life’s stresses, manage our responsibilities well, and maintain good relationships with others. Yet people with cognitive distortions have an increased tendency to view things negatively. Cognitive distortions or irrational thought patterns are not considered a mental illness. Rather, […]

3 Actionable Ways Business Leaders Can Create a Culture that Supports Employee Mental Health

A strong company culture plays a significant role in employee happiness and productivity. It’s something more employers and business owners need to pay attention to since an estimated 83% of American workers struggle with work-related stress. That kind of stress leads to less productivity in the workplace and can cause employee retention to suffer. More […]

Leslie Cohen-Rubury, LCSW

Leslie Cohen-Rubury, LCSW

RtoR Family-Endorsed Provider Profile Leslie Cohen-Rubury, LCSW Psychotherapist Redding, CT   Leslie Cohen-Rubery has been a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) for over 35 years and has a home-office private practice in Redding, CT. Her approach to therapy focuses on meeting clients where they are and working with them through an eclectic approach. She draws […]

How to Get a Mental Health Evaluation

Unresolved mental health problems and related issues can impact you negatively. About 25% of American adults over 18 have a diagnosable mental disorder. This usually co-occurs with anxiety disorders and substance abuse. And since the Covid-19 pandemic, over 42% of employees have indicated a decline in their mental health. If you have been feeling down, […]

Be Easy On Yourself: Healing Mental Health and Trauma After a Sexual Assault

Moments of extreme trauma can have life-changing impacts on your mental and emotional health. Immediately following a sexual assault, it’s easy to feel that things will never be the same again. You will be okay. The path to recovery takes time and effort. Following the right steps can make dealing with domestic violence or sexual […]

Do You Question Your Reality? Here’s How You Can Overcome Dissociation

Feeling disconnected? Do you experience dissociation? Is it so intense that you just blink and feel like a week has passed? How long were you away from your body anyway? Those are difficult questions to answer. Dissociation starts with feeling disoriented. Then there’s memory loss. I have years in my life that I don’t remember […]

How Melatonin Can Help You Sleep Better

Melatonin is a hormone produced in the pineal gland, a pea-sized gland close to the center of your cerebral cortex. It assists your body in determining when it’s time to rest and when it’s time to wake. The body normally produces more melatonin during the night, and it is common for levels to increase after […]

How Daily Exercising Can Help You Beat Anxiety

When coping with anxiety and depression, many options exist to help you deal with your daily struggle. Exercise has been proven to positively impact mental health, easing symptoms of anxiety, depression, and many other cognitive problems. There are also the obvious physical benefits of exercise, such as better heart health and improved quality of life. […]

Baby’s Got Back: Coping with the Aftermath of a Psychotic Break

I did not inherit Kim Kardashian’s butt. I inherited my father’s rear end – flat and wide. I passed this rear end down to one of our girls. The other lucked out and inherited her father’s butt – a cute pop-out affair from years of squats and deadlifts. Perfect for twerking, but her father and […]

Staying Mindful of Destructive Patterns When Engaging in Favorite Pastimes

Everybody loves getting lost in their favorite pastimes. Whether it’s eating fish and chips on the beach, sharing a bottle of wine with friends, or gaming late into the night, there’s nothing better than burning off steam and treating yourself to some luxury and fun. However, some habits can become destructive if taken to extremes. […]

The Impact of Domestic Violence on Mental Health

Though domestic violence may leave you with scars and bruises, the harm often goes deeper than the physical. An experience of domestic violence can have a lasting negative impact on your overall well-being. One of the most common and severe effects of domestic abuse is adversely impacted mental health. Domestic abuse can leave you with […]

10 Things College Students Can Do to Help Their Mental Health

college student studying

Student mental health challenges are real, and colleges struggle to keep up. The college years can be some of the most stressful and overwhelming times in a young person’s life. Balancing academics, social activities, and personal responsibilities can affect even the most well-adjusted student’s mental health. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, 1 […]

A Handy Guide to a Holistic Mind, Body, and Soul Approach to Mental Health

healthy salad

Taking a holistic approach to mental health is the best way to go. It ensures that mind, body, and soul are aligned and helps us reduce stress, increase our output, and stay in a healthier state of mind. Therefore, investing your time in different practices that help feed your mind, body, and soul is essential. […]

6 Ways Older Adults Can Boost Their Mental Health

man in hat painiting outdoors

Your mental health journey as a young adult was likely quite different from the one you now face. As an older adult, you may experience mental health concerns unique to this period of your life, such as depression, anxiety, and isolation. Thankfully, there are various ways to navigate these mental health challenges and any others […]

The Parenting Backpack: Middle School and Mental Health

girl with black backpack

Last spring, there were two suicides in the high-achieving Connecticut town where I live. They were separate tragedies, one involving a twelfth grader, the other a tenth grader. It rocked us all, especially the classmates of these young people. We need not know what drove them to their last desperate act. It is not our […]

How CBT Can Help Video Game Addiction

video game controller

Video games have been growing in popularity for decades. When gaming consoles and PCs first hit the market in the 70s and 80s, people could conveniently play their favorite arcade games without ever leaving the house. Fast forward to the late 90s and early 2000s, when multi-player role-playing games hit the scene, and gaming became […]

Making the Choice Between Inpatient and Outpatient Rehabilitation

torso of man on couch

Choosing between inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation programs isn’t easy, especially if you’re dealing with an addiction to alcohol or drugs. On the one hand, going to inpatient rehab allows you to fully immerse yourself in your recovery and work one-on-one with professionals who can help you overcome the hurdles around recovery while providing 24/7 support. […]

Tips for Reducing Anxious Thoughts that Keep You Up at Night

If you’ve ever lied awake at night staring at the ceiling, heart racing, and thoughts running through your mind uncontrollably, you know how damaging it can be to your sleep. Unfortunately, at night, when your body finally comes to rest is when your anxious mind comes alive. Anxiety affects over 40 million adults and ranges […]

Taking on Your Trauma: Tips for Dealing with PTSD

At some point in your life, you might experience a violent or frightening event that triggers a severe stress response and trauma symptoms. In many cases, those symptoms get better with time, but sometimes they get more intense and linger, interfering with your everyday life. Persistent trauma symptoms could mean you have post-traumatic stress disorder […]

How Can You Promote Positive Body Image for Your Teens at Home?

You’ve overheard your teenage daughter saying she wants to lose weight. Maybe she’s spent too much time scrolling through content from influencers on Instagram. Or perhaps a comment you made about another person’s body stuck with her. In today’s world, teens are inundated with messages about how they should look online. Yet, their perception of […]

How Professionals Can Work to Provide Health, Emotional, and Recovery Support to Communities of Color

People of color face many challenges, from substance abuse to health concerns and trouble accessing mental health resources. Though employment programs, mental health clinics, and free rehab centers have been put in place to offer assistance, those in communities of color dealing with these issues still lack proper care and recognition. Professionals working with BIPOC […]

Trauma and Social Isolation: How Do They Relate?

Today’s mental health landscape is turbulent. Worldwide events of the past few years have created some of the most widespread mental health strains and stress the world has ever known. Though awareness of mental illness and psychological health might be at an all-time high in many places, the number of people living with significant mental […]

Why Black Women Don’t Go to Therapy

Most of us have experienced being othered by an individual or an entire group. For some of us, this experience can be quite common. I’ve been traversing life in this Black skin for a few decades, and as a Black woman, that otherness invariably includes exaggerated perceptions of strength, resilience, and independence. From childhood, I’ve […]

Supporting Mental Health in the Workplace

Employee mental health problems can impact a business quite seriously. Approximately 80% of adults with depression report at least some difficulty with their work, home, or social activities, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Among the many dimensions of wellness, mental health in the workplace and associated issues are more difficult […]

“Life Is Suffering”: Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) for Emotional Peace

“Life is suffering.” This phrase is associated with Buddhism and its Noble Truths. If you have struggled with your mental health, you know well how painful it can be to simply reside in your brain. In the context of the Noble Truths, the term “suffering” is an English translation of the Sanskrit word “duhkha” (or […]

Understanding Hoarding Disorder: What You Need to Know

Do you know that saving or storing material items of little worth can be a sign of a mental health problem? Hoarding disorder is a condition in which people have persistent difficulty letting go of things that are not useful and end up storing them unnecessarily. What is Hoarding Disorder? According to Mayo Clinic, compulsive […]

How Childhood Trauma Leads to Adult Mental Health Problems

These days, there is greater public awareness about the impacts of traumatic events. Books such as The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk and Trauma and Recovery by Judith Lewis Herman, among many others, have played an essential role in educating us about the effects interpersonal trauma can have across a lifetime. […]

How Hard Is It To Be a Closeted LGBTQ+ Person and Depressed?

Depression affects people from all walks of life and is one of the most common mental health problems in the United States. Depression among LGBTQ+ individuals is higher than among cisgender straight individuals. This article will look at how much pressure and depression closeted people experience compared with those who are out and proud. I […]

How to Prioritize Your Mental Health Over Everything

Staying mentally healthy is a lifelong journey. Just like a plant, mental health needs care, attention, and support to flourish over a long time. You may not have a mental health disorder, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have to work on your mental health—it’s just a part of being human. Whether you struggle with […]

The Mental Health Benefits of Spending Quality Time with Friends and Family

When you think about managing your mental health, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? For many people, it might be seeing a therapist or counselor, taking medication, or practicing deep breathing exercises or meditation. Those things can help your mental well-being, and other mental health boosters such as spending time outdoors and exercising […]

How Postpartum Issues Affect Your Mental Health

Although giving birth is usually a joyous occasion, pregnancy, delivery, and aftercare strain the mother’s body physically and mentally. While you may want to smile and cuddle your little one, cherishing the happy moments, the mind may signal other feelings: triggering sadness, nervousness, and fear. These upsetting emotions interfere with your health and are often […]

7 Essential Books on LGBTQ+ Mental Health for Pride Month

People who identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community are at a greater risk of anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues due to the discrimination, harassment, rejection, and judgment they may experience in society. And while there’s much to do about creating the type of change we need to see, one of the most […]

How Can You Support a Loved One With a Mental Illness?

Watching a loved one struggle with a mental illness can be difficult and heart-wrenching. Many people don’t know what to do and how to best help that loved one during these trying times. Sometimes, good intentions go awry and what we think will help ultimately does more harm than good. Every person is different, each […]

What Is Psychotherapy and Its Different Approaches?

Psychotherapy is a form of treatment that involves talking to a trained counselor or therapist to understand, change, or cope with troubling thoughts and emotions. It uses emotional insights and interpersonal relationships to help people change their behavior, thoughts, and feelings. Doing so can help you understand yourself better and work through issues that might […]

How to Calm an Overactive Nervous System

There are plenty of things that can help calm the nervous system. Deep breathing, relaxation techniques, and certain medications can help to ease anxiety and nervousness. Sometimes, simply taking a break from whatever is causing the stress can be enough to help the nervous system relax. In some cases, though, more drastic measures may be […]

3 Ways Debt Affects Mental Health

You didn’t plan to owe money. You’re financially aware of your income. However, life happens sometimes, and now you’re faced with more bills than you anticipated. Maybe your car broke down, leaving you with more prominent credit card payments. You had to take out student loans to receive a higher education only to find out […]

Brain and Body: The Mental Health Benefits of Exercise

When you’re battling mental health disorders such as anxiety or depression, the last thing you want to do is exercise — but it’s actually one of the best and most important steps you can take. Moving your body can do so much good, even beyond burning calories and reducing your risk of disease. This is […]

The Role of Discipline and Punishment in the Four Parenting Styles

It can be incredibly challenging for parents to determine the best approach to childrearing in certain situations. You may wonder if your way of parenting is too harsh and strict or if you are not enforcing enough boundaries or consequences. Many of these tendencies are encompassed by the four basic parenting styles. This article will […]

Outrun the Sad Days: 5 Indoor Activities to Improve Your Mental Health

It’s okay to feel sad. Some days we’re happy, and on other days we feel sad. It’s a normal emotion, and you need to allow yourself to go through the sadness. Don’t mask it or shove it aside. It’ll do more damage if you keep it bottled up. Accept the emotion but don’t dwell on […]

Recognizing the Signs and Symptoms of PTSD

While many people have heard of PTSD, there is still widespread misunderstanding about it and the various ways it can show up in people. We often connect PTSD with flashbacks, but many are unaware of the cognitive symptoms and avoidance behavior that are also prominent for those who live with the disorder. This article will […]

Compassion Fatigue from the COVID-19 Pandemic: Understanding the Current Mental Health Needs of Nurses and Other Healthcare Professionals

Healthcare professionals, particularly nurses, have been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. Working longer hours, risking infection, and dealing with the anxiety and stress that the past few years have brought, nurses are beginning to question whether their job is worth the anguish. Duquesne’s School of Nursing’s Dr. Mai-Ly Nguyen Steers believes “the pandemic has […]

How to Help Someone in a Mental Health Crisis

May is Mental Health Month. It’s a great time to become more intimately acquainted with your own mental health needs and educate yourself on specific topics within the field of mental health. Just as it’s essential to keep a first aid kit on hand to ensure your preparedness for medical emergencies, it is vital to […]

How Daily Routines Can Benefit Your Mental Health

Routine and habit are ingrained in the human psyche. Adult personalities take at least 20 years to form, which is true for the behaviors and habits we acquire. Sadly, some of those habits and routines are not always beneficial to us. There aren’t many forces as powerful as your daily routines when it comes to […]