Our Latest Blogs

Understanding Bipolar Disorder: What It Is and How It’s Treated

concerned woman

Bipolar disorder is a mental health disorder characterized by intense mood variations. It has also been called manic depression or bipolar disease. While going through a manic phase, a person may experience an emotional high and a few events of depression. It can be troublesome for people with bipolar disorder to manage daily routine tasks […]

Mentally Managing the Holiday Season During a Pandemic

holiday face mask

The holidays are a joyous time, whether it is Thanksgiving, Christmas, Kwanza, Hanukkah, or New Years. However, every year millions of Americans battle substance use disorders and co-occurring issues like anxiety and addiction. The time from Thanksgiving to New Years is rough for people struggling with addiction, mental health issues, and anyone in recovery. Along […]

Combat Rumination through Mindfulness and Expressive Writing

mindful woman on beach

Rumination Do you ever find yourself replaying a situation over and over in your head? Questioning what went wrong and the consequences? This is rumination. Rumination usually occurs when there is an inconsistency between the goals you want to reach and what you have actually achieved. It will continue until you come closer to your […]

The Logic Behind Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and its Widespread Use

statue of marcus aurelius

Roughly 2000 years ago, the emperor of the Roman Empire sat in his tent to clear his head. He had plenty of reasons to decompress. Ugly border disputes threatened his legacy. Untrustworthy warlords schemed behind his back and unrelenting family issues from the premature passing of his wife and a difficult relationship with his only […]

The Risk of PTSD after a Car Accident

car crash

The experience of being in a car accident can be traumatic and frightening, so it should come as no surprise that car accidents are the leading cause of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in the general population. Unfortunately, car accidents are not an uncommon occurrence, with about six million happening in the U.S. every year, about […]

7 Ways to Support Veteran Mental Health this Veterans Day

soldier and spouse embrace

Veterans Day is a day set aside to remember and honor military veterans who have served and are serving our country. It is a celebration of gratitude for servicemen and women who willingly sacrifice and serve America near and far. Veterans are heroes who share similar military lifestyles. They’ve been trained to serve and protect. […]

Why We Ran Out of Yeast: A Mental Health Story About Life During the COVID-19 Pandemic

hands kneading dough

At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the fact that toilet paper, bottled water, and disinfectant wipes sold out nearly everywhere was common knowledge. What you may not know is that in some communities baking yeast was just as hard to find. During a time of complete and utter panic, many people turned to baking […]

8 Ways for Veterans to Improve Their Mental Health

female veteran of color

Sadly, it is all too common for war veterans to develop mental health problems after serving in the military. An estimated 20% of U.S. servicemen and women deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan experience post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) each year. This is just one mental health issue that can surface as a result of serving at […]

How to Quit Drinking or Using Drugs by Changing Your Thinking

support group holding hands

It can be difficult to quit drinking alcohol or using drugs. However, we can use the power of our mind and thoughts to stop. We can do this by focusing our thoughts on the long-term positive benefits and negative consequences of drinking compared to the short-term benefits. Although it may sound counterintuitive, it can actually […]

They Don’t Notice: Coping with Anxious Negative Thoughts

anxious black woman in bed

Today’s world is a world of constant controversy. No one seems to agree—on anything. No wonder anxiety plagues so many of us! I often wonder if I will ever get better—less depressed, less anxious, less paranoid, with this current state of things. It reminds me that although I was personally diagnosed with bipolar disorder, depression, […]

The Importance of Values in Mental Health Recovery

big leap at sunset

Recovery works best when it is a self-directed experience based on a mental health consumer’s own priorities and values.  Values are principles we care about that guide our behavior.  Examples of values people hold include integrity, choice, a positive attitude, independence, and financial security.  Whether we think about it or not, values play a large […]

Schizoaffective vs. Bipolar Disorder: How to Get an Accurate Diagnosis

woman before two doors

Researchers and clinicians have made tremendous strides in diagnosing and treating mental health conditions. Yet, for all this progress, which should be a source of hope for individuals and families affected by mental illness, there is still a large gray area when it comes to diagnosing some disorders. A case in point: schizoaffective disorder versus […]

Coping With Adult ADHD the Natural Way, With or Without Medication

bridge in nature

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects adults as well as children. Moreover, 60-80% of youngsters affected by ADHD will have the condition in adulthood.

Adults with ADHD exhibit many of the same symptoms as children.

Can Stress and Anxiety Trigger ADHD?

stressed out boy

Can stress and anxiety trigger ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder)? Can ADHD trigger stress or anxiety?

What’s the link between these three conditions?

If you are living with ADHD, you may want to know if the condition can also cause you stress and anxiety. Again, if you are experiencing stress or anxiety, you may want to know if there are chances of developing ADHD.

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: The Domestic War

dove of peace and hope

“Hey babe, I uhhh…I think I have PTSD,” I stammered out quickly over the phone to my husband. This sudden revelation came after I had been in a library working, and someone sat down behind me, and I had become so anxious that I had to get up and leave the library completely. I couldn’t handle someone sitting behind me reading a book because I couldn’t see that person. My brain couldn’t stop telling me to be fearful, and I didn’t know why. All I knew was I had to get out. Immediately.

Understanding Addiction as a Disease: A Guide for Friends and Family

supportive hands

If you have a loved one who struggles with substance use, you might have wondered what triggers the behavior. Is it a choice? Genes? Oftentimes it can be hard for friends and family to understand addiction, but science might make it easier. Researchers have confirmed that addiction has nothing to do with morality or willpower. […]

Childhood Sleep Disorders vs. ADHD: The Risk of Misdiagnosis

sleeping boy

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a serious condition that affects around 6.1 million children between the ages of 2 and 17 years old in the United States alone. This translates to 9.4% of children in that age group, highlighting how prevalent the chronic condition has become.

But what’s worrying an increasing number of parents is that children might be misdiagnosed with ADHD when the real problem could be a sleep disorder. Given ADHD’s impact on mental and social functioning and the treatments involved, that’s very understandable.

Tips for Managing Gaps in Your Resume Due to Mental Illness

job interview

Getting your resume right is imperative if you are looking to start or further your career. Unfortunately, many of us find that we really struggle with resume writing, and it can be even more challenging if you are also living with a mental health disorder. Indeed, the challenges of mental illness can make writing a […]

4 Actionable Ways To Build Mental Resilience In Your Life

black woman exercising

Mental resilience is a crucial but undervalued skill. With the world as it is today, with the coronavirus crisis still ongoing and a future full of uncertainty ahead of us, a strong mind is essential for helping us keep our heads above water. But how do you nurture such a quality? How can we strengthen […]

Overcoming Panic Attacks with Relaxation Techniques

woman doing yoga

I glanced down at the speedometer and realized that I was doing 80 mph, much faster than usual. After slowing down to a more reasonable speed, the engine of my beat-up station wagon was still revving strangely. Something wasn’t right. I pulled my foot off the brake and, as an experiment, removed it from the […]

Elizabeth Jorgensen, CADC

Elizabeth-Jorgensen Headshot

Elizabeth Jorgensen is a certified alcohol and drug counselor who specializes in adolescent and young adult psychotherapy and substance abuse counseling. Liz has over 30 years of experience as a psychotherapist and is a nationally recognized expert in counseling, particularly in engaging resistant teens and motivating them to change.

4 Steps to Getting Back into the Flow When You Feel Stuck

chain link fence on water

What does it mean to feel stuck? Feeling stuck is like having an aching sense that you need to do something, anything to propel you out of your current state – but you can’t. It’s like you’re frozen. Nothing feels available or good enough. When your mind presents something, you convince yourself it’s not the […]

The Benefits of Gardening for Your Mental Health

woman gardening

While gardening isn’t for everyone, its positive impact on physical and emotional wellbeing are something we could all use more of today. Gardening is beneficial for both physical and mental health. Your garden is a space where you can clear your mind and reduce stress as you become one with nature. Gardening encourages positive mental […]

Stress and the Isolating Effects of COVID-19 Make Suicide Prevention Awareness More Important Now Than Ever

sad teen with smartphone.

This week marks National Suicide Prevention Week, a week when we are urged to learn more about suicide and how each of us can take steps to prevent deaths by suicide in our communities and our country. This year it comes after months of battling the COVID-19 pandemic, and as many of us face the stress of family members returning to school, college, or work under uncertain conditions. With so much on our minds and with a pandemic threatening our health, is it really important to talk about suicide? The answer is yes.

Managing Your Addiction Virtually During the COVID-19 Pandemic

window view of rainbow

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused massive worldwide disruption in addition to untold physical and financial devastation, negatively impacting countless areas of our lives. Unfortunately, this has hit more areas than many of us ever would have dreamed, and that includes addiction services. Due to the pandemic, hundreds of millions of people were forced to stay […]

9 Tips for Managing Anxiety During Quarantine

woman in yoga pose

We may not even be aware of the powerful role our mind plays in determining our mental health. Even when we feel that things are under control and stress during the COVID-19 pandemic is manageable, our brain could be telling the mind a totally different story. Brain chemistry is highly sensitive to our emotions, whether […]

Anxiety in Young Students and What Teachers Can Do to Help Relieve It

computer classroom

Learning is fun and exciting. However, there are some instances when young students become anxious because of pressure and other factors. Some anxiety is unavoidable as kids learn new things and are placed in unfamiliar situations. Today’s teachers must know the basics of dealing with anxious students.  Signs of Anxiety in Children Knowing the signs […]

What Adult ADHD Is Like for People at Midlife

distracted man with smartphone

Did you know that about 3.3 percent of adults between 44 and 85 years have attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)? What this means is that about 70 million adults may not be aware that they have ADHD until the challenges and demands of life become overwhelming and unbearable. Adults who may be facing the challenges of caring […]

Four Ways Your Period Can Impact Your Mental Health

expressive woman’s face

Women often endure crude jokes about it being “that time of the month” when they are not in their best mood. The truth is that more than 75% of women have experienced the effects of menstruation on physical and mental health in their lifetime. This is a time of the month when many women experience […]

How to Lessen Anxiety During the COVID-19 Pandemic

quarantine fresh air

As coronavirus continues to spread around the globe, you may realize your life has changed. You’ll have to wear a face mask for quite some time, get used to physical distancing, or even work from home. You might find yourself going back to your workplace, still fearing the virus and what it can do to […]

Innovation in Mental Health Care: Telepsychology and New Technologies as Allies in the Therapeutic Process

text therapy

The world has changed. Day-to-day activities such as paying bills, working, studying, shopping, communicating with family or a co-worker no longer need to be done in person. The technology allows each of these activities to be done by the computer or via smartphones. Wi-fi networks enable interactions between people and groups anytime, anywhere in the […]

Reparenting Ourselves During Troubled Times: Learning to Live with Our Inner Critic

worried woman

According to the National Science Foundation, we have about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts a day, and 80% of them are negative. I used to be a quiet person who never asked many questions because of my painful past experiences, which included body shaming and bullying. I clamped myself up into an uninteresting bespectacled woman with […]

Art Therapy Is More Important Now than Ever During the COVID-19 Pandemic

family art time

Art, by definition, is the expression of human creativity and imagination. Visual art can take many different forms and express a multitude of emotions. Whether you are creating art for the first time or returning to practice, it can be a powerful way to cope with stressful times. At the time this article was written, […]

Andrea Deutsch, PhD

Andrea Deutsch, PhD, is a clinical psychologist who works with adolescents, young adults, and adults who are struggling with a wide range of issues.  Dr. Deutsch helps individuals address a wide range of mental health issues including anxiety, depression, and trauma, as well as relationship issues, life transitions, loss and grief, and family crisis.

Access to Mental Health Care for Blacks and People of Color: The Role of Provider Supply and Organization in Reducing Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Care

BIPOC support group

The mental health sector in the U.S. isn’t perfect. Extensive studies have shown that some demographic groups are negatively impacted by racial and ethnic disparities. This means that Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) may experience cultural barriers, social and economic inequalities, and even reduced access to mental health care. So how can we […]

The Massive Challenges Faced by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) Who Live with Mental Health Disorders

man in bipoc pride shirt

In the past decade, there has been a growing movement to practice diversity and inclusion in the mental health field. To fully understand the plight of BIPOC mental health, we need to take a deeper look at the obstacles that keep them from seeking help.

College Students – How to Self-Develop While Stuck at Home Over the Summer

woman reading

Due to coronavirus, you may not be able to work at an internship or travel anywhere new this summer. Thankfully, it’s still possible to learn and grow while you stay home. In fact, it’s probably the best way to use your free time. When you aren’t at school, you can continue to gain knowledge that’s […]

Stamford, Connecticut

Located northeast of New York City, Stamford is the third-largest city in Connecticut with a population of over 130,000. It is the fastest-growing city in the state with a rapidly growing millennial population. The community of Stamford is racially and ethnically diverse, with more than one out of three residents (35%) being foreign-born. […]

The Line Between Low Self-Esteem and Body Dysmorphia

clothed man sitting in shower

“3,2,1, action!” Actors across the globe hear this count down and immediately spring into their roles. On the big screen, these professionals are responsible for bringing our fantasies to life. We want to talk like them, we want to dress like them, and most of all, we want to look like them.  It is no […]

How Practicing Gratitude Helps You Deal with Anxiety

grateful woman in field of flowers

Gratitude is something that each one of us must practice on a daily basis, anxiety, or no anxiety. It makes us aware of all the good things in our lives that we usually take for granted. If you’re suffering from anxiety, you’re not alone. According to research, it affects almost 18.1% of the US population […]

ADD/ADHD vs. Personality Disorder – How to Get an Accurate Diagnosis

frustrated teen

Attention deficit disorder/attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADD/ADHD) can be a crippling neurological impairment. It’s also more treatable today than ever before, thanks to new therapies and medications. As with any medical condition, though, the key to effective ADD/ADHD treatment is getting an accurate diagnosis—which isn’t always easy. Why ADD/ADHD Can Be Easy to Misdiagnose as […]

The Dangers of Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms

drunk man with bottle

Coping is hard. Life gives us problems, and sometimes they’re not really fixable. They remain sore spots for us throughout our lives, even as we grow and change and move on from the old places and things that used to scare us. Too often, we don’t take the time to process and accept the things […]

Top 7 Signs to Look for in Bipolar Disorder

girl with bipolar disorder

What is Bipolar Disorder? According to a recent study, bipolar disorder affects around 2.3% of the American population, which equates to some six million people who have been diagnosed with this mental health disorder. Symptoms can occur at any age, but bipolar disorder is typically diagnosed at around twenty-five years old and is less common […]

Online Counseling Will Likely Continue Beyond COVID-19 – Here’s Why

online counseling on phone outdoors

During this pandemic, you’ve likely seen half a dozen online counseling services advertised on your social media and TV. From BetterHelp to TalkSpace and others, these applications offer therapy sessions that take place wherever you are – at home, at work, in the car, or even outside. COVID-19 has forced many of us to stay […]

Does Mindfulness Help ADHD?

young woman mindful meditation

ADHD, which is usually characterized by a display of inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity, has an incidence of 4 percent in the adult population. Both children and adults with ADHD experience two common and persistent daily challenges in their lives – maintaining self-regulation and paying attention. This highlights the fact that any attention training that helps to […]

Substance Abuse Treatment in Times of COVID-19

group face masks

The COVID-19 pandemic and global quarantine made people’s lives enormously hard. Especially, people with chronic diseases or different addictions suffer because their treatment was impacted the most. For the first weeks of the quarantine, people were not able to get their regular treatment in hospitals, some of them even had to stop it. People with […]

Is There a Link Between ARFID and Past Trauma?

bowl of fruit and grains

Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) is a type of eating disorder in which individuals compulsively and, in some cases, totally avoid eating certain types of food. ARFID is different from other eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa in that it is not primarily driven by concerns about body weight or image, though ARFID can lead […]

Anger Management: How to Control It and Express It the Right Way

angry argument

Just like any other emotion, anger coveys a message. There are different ways in which we express our anger: in the way we speak, the way we take action, and in the way we behave in general. While it’s a natural response to certain situations, it may get out of hand, and sometimes it becomes […]

EMDR Therapy for Trauma Recovery

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If the coronavirus pandemic has taught us anything, it is how very precious, and how very fragile, our health is. But all the physical strength, stamina, and well-being in the world mean nothing if you don’t also have peace in your mind and tranquility in your spirit. Unfortunately, for far too many people, that kind […]

Signs of Anxiety in Young Kids

anxious child

Everyone experiences anxiety – it’s a natural response to certain stressors. Anxiety disorders, on the other hand, are characterized by frequent, intense, excessive anxiety. It’s important to note that it’s not uncommon to see signs of anxiety in children regardless of whether or not they have an anxiety disorder. Because children (especially young children) don’t […]

7 Trustworthy Tips on How to Stay Physically and Mentally Healthy Right Now

friends running on beach

Humanity is going through a unique period in its history. Stress, worries, anxiety, and fear of the unknown are upsetting us all. Sure, some are more affected than others. That’s why we have to be mindful of the most vulnerable. Society must relinquish selfishness, especially in times where the fate of one impacts on many. […]

What High School Graduates Can Expect for College Post-Coronavirus

student face mask

Graduating from high school should be an exciting time when all students celebrate their academic achievements. This spring, many new grads have had a complicated reaction to leaving their schools. On the one hand, it’s thrilling to await the college independence that’s right around the corner. On the other hand, coronavirus has created many new […]

How to Cope with Receiving a Mental Health Diagnosis

woman smells a flower

Getting a mental health diagnosis can be a relief. If you’ve been struggling with symptoms, attributing them to a specific condition can mean having a framework for making sense of how you feel and taking steps towards managing it. However, it can also be overwhelming. The world of mental illness is still often misrepresented and […]

How I Supported a Friend Experiencing Mental Health Issues during Coronavirus Isolation

online friend support

For people with a history of mental health issues, such as anxiety disorders or depression, isolating during the COVID-19 pandemic can create the perfect storm of worry to cause a crisis. I knew that one of my dearest friends would be experiencing just such a difficult time, and as a friend, I knew I had […]

Helping Students with Anxiety in School

girl trying to concentrate

A Note from the Editor This guest post on school anxiety was submitted to us prior to the onset of the coronavirus pandemic in the United States. Students with anxiety may be feeling a temporary reprieve from symptoms as schools have either closed or offer remote learning via online classes. However, the problem will be […]

How Your Teen with OCD Can Use a Calendar to Survive the Coronavirus Shutdown

daily planning calendar

Given that teens with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and anxiety disorders crave control, repetitive daily routines, and certainty, COVID-19 and the disruptions caused by stay-at-home orders and school closings present some serious challenges.  As a person with OCD myself, I can say I have had to adapt and put into place strategies that are specific to […]

Why You Shouldn’t Be Embarrassed to Consult a Therapist

young woman on life path

Living in peace and harmony with ourselves is all we strive for as humans. In the end, our goal is to maximize our happiness and develop an intrinsic understanding of who we are. The question is, how will we ever start doing that without putting in the active effort? The simplest answer is, we won’t. […]

Sound Body, Sound Mind

yoga pose

Just how closely is your mental health connected to your physical health? Your mental health and physical health might be more connected than you think.  Envision your mental health and your physical health as two sides of a shiny new coin.  On the mental health side is your emotional, psychological, and social well-being.  Flip it […]

5 Simple Habits to Boost Your Mental Health during Quarantine

woman with umbrella

Who would have known that the spring of 2020 would start off with everybody stuck in their homes isolated away from the outside world? Many businesses are losing money or have even shut down, and companies are furloughing employees just to survive. Some workers were able to go remote to work from home while others […]

Coping with Coronavirus Quarantine: Resources for Caregivers of Loved Ones with Mental Health Conditions

mother and daughter face masks

By now, we have all heard reports of how the coronavirus pandemic and economic shutdown are affecting mental health. Social isolation, job loss, disruption of routines, and grief or fear of losing loved ones have created conditions that seem likely to set off an explosion of depression and anxiety. Meanwhile, 22% of Americans over the […]

How to Handle Abusive Relationships and Mental Illness

abused woman

One of the most harmful misconceptions about abusive relationships is that they are the product of mental illness. Research demonstrates that those who commit violence in their relationships are no more likely to be mentally ill than the general population, and it’s understood that it’s abusive people’s value systems that are unwell rather than their […]

The 5 Best Mood-Tracking Apps

young woman on smartphone

New technologies have been a complete blessing for millions of people worldwide, especially for those who suffer from mood swings or depression, because now they have access to some therapeutic apps that help them track their moods faster and more easily. Those who live with depression, mood swings, or even anxiety know how scary and […]

Helping Your Child Manage an Eating Disorder During the Coronavirus Pandemic

teen with phone

By Dr. Amanda Fialk, LCSW, LICSW Partner and Chief of Clinical Services at The Dorm The global coronavirus pandemic is impacting lives everywhere. And for those vulnerable populations with an eating disorder (EDO), social distancing measures and other mass disruptions have created the perfect storm. Across the country, we have seen widescale interruptions to conventional […]

Coronavirus COVID-19 Resources and Information

Laurel House and rtor.org are here to help the communities where we operate in Connecticut and New York. In addition to our weekly blog posts on coping with the coronavirus pandemic and mental health, we encourage our users to check the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website and local news reports regularly for updates. […]

5 Tips to Maintain Your Mental Health as a New Mom

new mother and baby

As you move through each trimester of your pregnancy, you and your doctor will focus on many aspects of your physical health. You’ll monitor your blood pressure, heart rate, and weight to make sure you’re progressing without any medical problems. You’ll also keep an eye on any chronic conditions, such as diabetes or heart issues […]

Managing Anxiety During the Coronavirus Crisis: Guidelines for Parents

parent and child homework

A Note from the Editor With the coronavirus pandemic as the top worry on everybody’s mind these days, we bring you a guest post by a Fairfield County therapist writing about anxiety in the era of COVID-19. Tracey Masella is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in private practice in Wilton, CT. Kim O’Rielly, the Young […]