Our Latest Blogs

Catatonic Depression: Signs, Causes, and Recovery

catatonic depression

Depression is a major disorder that affects a person negatively and causes impairment in daily life. Many people have undergone depression at some point in their lives. Depression can be identified and treated. However, there are severe stages of depression that change a person’s life completely. Catatonic depression is one of the severe kinds of […]

Depression in College Students: The Warning Signs

depressed student

College is an exciting, eye-opening, fun-filled, chaotic and sometimes stressful time. College students not only work hard but often play hard too, and this lifestyle of burning the candle at both ends, combined with often not eating as well as they should, can lead to exhaustion and feelings of stress. In more severe cases, due […]

How Anxiety and Depression May Affect Your Relationships

Anyone can be affected by depression and anxiety – even children. The Anxiety and Depression Association of America found that generalized anxiety disorder affects 6.8 million people in the United States, with the number being much higher across the world. It is difficult to live with depression. The symptoms can affect your mental health, generate […]

How To Support Someone Who is Struggling with Depression

struggling with depression

 “If you know someone who’s depressed…Try to understand the blackness, lethargy, hopelessness, and loneliness they’re going through. Be there for them when they come through the other side. It’s hard to be a friend to someone who’s depressed, but it is one of the kindest, noblest, and best things you will ever do.” ― Stephen […]

How I Overcame My Deep Depression After I Got Hit By a Car on the Freeway

Overcoming Depression

“2:48 am” My body lay still as a doll as I dully gazed at the clock on my desk. My slow, sad, depressing music reverberated and echoed off the walls in my bedroom. I could not sleep. I did not want to get up, move, or feel anything at all. These long restless nights had […]

Fighting Depression Without Medication

Overcoming Depression Without Medication

Clinical depression is more than just having a bad day. Depression is a real illness that impedes a person’s daily life and normal functioning. It causes pain both for those affected and the people close to them. Depression is one condition that is often overlooked or ignored because of the stigma and connotations associated with […]

My Story of Recovery from Depression and Addiction

new dawn

As early as grade school, I remember struggling to gather up the energy and motivation I needed to get out of bed in the morning and go to school. Some days it was so bad that my mom had to nearly drag me out of bed. I had no problems in school and no real […]

How Depression (and Other Mental Health Disorders) Harms Your Oral Health

oral health

Depression doesn’t only affect your mental health and personality but also causes very noticeable harm to your physical health. Constant stress, emotional struggle, sleep disturbances, and unhealthy lifestyle related to depression can negatively impact the immune system. This makes the body vulnerable to different kinds of diseases and infections. Consequences of Self-Harming Behaviors There are […]

Returning from Depression: A Passionately Committed Athlete’s Story

return from depression

Evan had just returned home from his final race of the season when I caught up with him. We decided to take a hike up to a ridge on the outskirts of his city. He was quick to smile, and you could see his eyes dance with animation when we discussed his recent activities. But […]

There is No Silver Bullet for Depression: Real World Tips for Coping

Coping with Depression

I have had a lifetime of experience with depression beginning when I was 16.  I have been treated for depression many times with both psychotherapy and drugs.  In 2002, I became a student of depression treatment because I was tired of cycling in and out of misery. I am an organizational psychologist and in the […]

How to Get Out of Stress and Depression after Divorce

meditation sunset

Divorces are devastating. They are a turning point in the lives of both the partners. Waking up one day without the one person who mattered to you the most, the one you loved more than anything a few days ago, and realizing that he or she won’t be ever coming back in your life can […]

Does Depression Lead to Alcohol and Drug Addiction?

empty beer bottle

When we are trying to understand the roots of alcohol and drug addiction, we often must investigate brain chemistry and the history of the individual. There are many risk factors that may lead to the overindulgence of alcohol and use of drugs to self-medicate or manage moods. It is common to see depression coincide with […]

What Causes Teen Depression and How to Manage It

depressed teen on dock

As a teenager, have you been irritable and moody lately? Are you in a bad mood or is it something else? While most teens bounce back from a bad mood, others will feel hopeless and miserable for weeks or longer. Teens who suffer from depression are at higher risk for self-injury and suicide. What causes […]

Teen Depression and Anxiety: Mental Health Approaches to Calm Their Fears

depressed teen in hoody

Roughly 45 million American adults are living with mental illness every year. But adults aren’t the only ones dealing with these issues. Teens also grapple with illness such as anxiety and depression, and these conditions can make life even more difficult for individuals going through a transitional period of life. Depression The National Institute of […]

7 Ways To Combat Depression and Anxiety When They Hit You

happy jumping woman

Feelings of depression and anxiety can come seemingly out of nowhere, and they can be debilitating when they do. Knowing how to fight them off is important. There are a number of ways to redirect your mind when these feelings come creeping in and help you to learn how to combat depression and anxiety. Keeping […]

My Miraculous Recovery from Depression: Reviving My Creativity & Renaissance Soul

happy woman

I’m Jo, artist, writer and Renaissance Soul with a potty sense of humor. For over thirty years, I suffered from depression and anxiety, a result of my toxic upbringing followed by post-natal depression. It was a pain in my posterior because I really, really wanted to indulge in my creativity and the Renaissance Soul side […]

Depression, Anxiety, Mental Health and Chiropractic Care

Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Anxiety

If you’re dealing with depression and/or anxiety, chiropractic care may help. Generally speaking, chiropractic care involves a mind-body approach that favors adjusting physical symptoms in order to improve mental ones. A chiropractor is well-equipped to take a holistic approach to your mental health, looking at all possible ways to make you feel better. New studies […]

Migraines and Mental Health: The Road Between Migraines and Anxiety & Depression Travels Both Ways

Migranes and Mental Health

There is a close relationship between migraines and the mental health issues of anxiety and depression. This relationship is expressed as comorbidity, and there is a definite increase in the development of anxiety and depression by migraineurs when compared to the general population. This article provides an overview of both mental health conditions and migraines, […]

How Exercise Helps Relieve Depression and Anxiety

Exercise for Depression and Anxiety

Most people are aware of the physical benefits of exercise. However, other than getting a rocking body, building muscles, increasing energy, and improving cardiovascular health, regular exercise improves mental health as well. Some of the mental health benefits of exercise include increased self-esteem and self-confidence, better sleep, improved cognitive function, relief of stress, increased relaxation, […]

Coping With Depression After a Sexual Assault

Sad girl on bridge

Depression. What a loaded word. Not a word I used to let myself say or really think about. A word that used to make me unbearably uncomfortable and filled with shame. A word that people can joke about and may not completely understand. Ten letters that convey so much. Depression. Depression and I were not […]

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: An Effective Treatment for Depression

sunlight light in forest

Despite the prevalence of mental health symptoms and disorders in the United States, mental illness and its treatment still have a stigma attached to them.  Due to this stigma, people are willing to consider various possibilities for symptoms they are experiencing while overlooking the possibility of a mental health problem.  To further complicate the picture, […]

How to Get Out of Bed When Depression Is Keeping You Down

Do you wake up in the morning and, within moments of opening your eyes to a day full of opportunity, think “what’s the point?” You are not alone. This feeling of constant dejection, that complete inability to feel any sense of self-belief or confidence, is something that often leaves you feeling weak and timid. Such […]

My Deep Depression: What I Learned From Surviving a Dark Time In My Life

“2:32 am” I stared down at my empty shot glasses. The night was as silent as a graveyard. I stumbled to the edge of the mall rooftop and peered off at the city lights in Chiang Mai, Thailand. I was a 20-year-old college student at the time and I had taken the semester off from […]

Co-Occurring Disorders: Alcohol Abuse & Depression

Co-Occurring Disorders: Alcohol Abuse & Depression

“A drinking man’s someone who wants to forget he isn’t still young and believing.” – Tennessee Williams, author of “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof”   It may come as a surprise to you that according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information 64% of people addicted to alcohol actually meet all the criteria for […]

How Depression May Be Harming Your Health

how depression can hurt your health

Depression is a silent killer when ignored. Many people suffering from depression never seek medical attention during their entire lives. They choose to absorb the burden of depression into their different body systems. This can lead to physical symptoms and various diseases at a later stage. This is a more serious issue than you might […]

Dealing With Post-Accident Depression

It is very common to feel helpless and anxious after an accident. These symptoms can speak to the development of post-traumatic depression. Depression occurs when one feels powerless over upsetting surges of negative emotions. While this involves different emotions for different people, most of those entering rehabilitation services while suffering from post-accident depression report a […]

Downward Dog Your Way out of Depression

The Benefits of Yoga on Mental Health Depression is a common disorder that affects people from every nationality, religion, and gender. Depression does not discriminate when it chooses its victims. According to the University of Southern California, as of 2016, mental health and well-being was among the top five public health concerns in the United […]

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS): A Major Depression Treatment That Doesn’t Rely on Medication

Just about everyone has experienced a chapter in his or her life when things just looked bleak.  An occasional bout with the blues is a normal aspect of the human condition and our physiological and psychological response to hitting a patch of difficult challenges.  For most people, the depression symptoms will resolve in a timely […]

7 Anti-Sadness Secrets for Coping with Depression

Charlie Brown’s comic creator, Charles Schulz, maintained that “happiness is a warm blanket.” Sadness, though, is a wet blanket. It envelops you—making it difficult to breathe, to see the sunlight, to function on an everyday basis. It need not be debilitating, though. There are ways to come out from under.  Here are seven realities for you to think […]

Managing Workplace Stress When You Live With Anxiety and/or Depression

Workplace stress affects millions of individuals—ones without depression and anxiety disorders. So what do you do when you have a mental health or mood disorder like anxiety or major depressive disorder and you’re dealing with a lot of workplace stress? You have to work to pay the bills, but you don’t want to compromise your […]

School Truancy: Could Depression or Anxiety be the Cause?

School children working in a classroom at desks. School Truancy, School Avoidance, School Anxiety, School Refusal

What is the significance of truancy? When students are repeatedly absent from school, the potential consequences are endless. Lower achievement, higher risk of dropout, legal troubles, and suffering relationships are a few on the individual level. On the national level, truancy means a less-educated and less-prepared workforce. Less education has implications for our communities when […]

Four Things to Remember When a Loved One Has Depression

When my psychiatrist first diagnosed me with depression, I put some real thought and preparation into how to tell my closest friends and family.  It’s not something one can easily bring up in casual conversation, (i.e.: “Hey, did you catch the ball game last night?  By the way, I’m depressed.”) It was not an easy […]

Recommended Treatments for Panic Attacks and Depression

Panic Attacks It is estimated that at least 18% of the US population suffer from panic attacks. Panic attacks are different from other anxiety disorders due to their relatively short and sudden nature. Panic attacks affect people differently, although they can still be treated effectively with a variety of methods as described below. Cognitive Behavioral […]

How to Help Your Teen Through Depression When Being Bullied At School

October is National Bullying Prevention Month, a month-long observance to encourage communities nationwide to unite and raise awareness of bullying prevention through events, activities, and education. In recognition of this event, www.rtor.org has engaged psychologist Todd Griffin, Director of TG Psychology in Penrith, Australia to write a guest blog on bullying and depression in teens. […]

6 Ways That Depression May Lead to Substance Abuse

Depression is a mood disorder that can wreak havoc on your life. It comes with feelings of sadness, hopelessness, numbness, and isolation. It is this numbness, the inability to feel anything at all, that drives many people to substance abuse. Drugs and alcohol provide a shock to the brain so that suddenly, after months of […]

6 Tips for Managing Depression

depression tips

We are fortunate to all be living in an age when mental illness has significantly less stigma attached to it than it once did. Anyone who is suffering from depression can be forthcoming about their condition as well as be openly proactive in finding ways to mediate their symptoms and strive towards living with their […]

Shame: The Other Emotion in Depression and Anxiety


Psychologists have identified anywhere between 6 and 10 basic emotions experienced by humans. The American psychologist Paul Ekman who developed an “atlas of emotions” mapping more than 10,000 facial expressions, identified six universal or “primary” emotions: anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise. It will come as a surprise to no one that the primary emotion in […]

Depression & Addiction: From Escaping Myself to Fighting the Problem

escaping myself

Almost half of those who live with a mental health disorder also experience a substance use problem (SAMHSA). Today’s guest author, Parker, lived with depression and addiction issues until he was able to find recovery. Parker’s inspiring story shows that there is hope and that recovery is possible. Thank you, Parker, for sharing with us at www.rtor.org. […]

Depression in Teenagers and What to Do About It

teen depression

Today’s post comes to us from blogger, Erica Silva. Her article breaks down teenage depression and its treatment options into simple terms that any teenager could find helpful. If you are a parent of a teenager who might be experiencing depression, this post could help him or her better understand what is going on with […]

7 Ways to Stay Well in the Face of Seasonal Depression


  Have you noticed that the days are much shorter and darker this time of year? These changes in weather and light can affect our mood and energy levels. Over 10 million Americans are estimated to have seasonal affective disorder (SAD) or seasonal depression. The cold days, long nights, and isolation of winter can make […]

Managing Depression with Gratitude and Art

debi strong gratitude heart

  In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, we are inviting one guest writer a week in the month of May to write about their perspectives on mental health. Today’s guest blog post comes from Debi Strong who currently has an art exhibit, 365 Days of Gratitude, that is touring several venues around the country. Her post covers her struggles with life-long depression […]

Positive Quotes on Coping with Depression

Breel quote

  As a follow up to last month’s post Quotes About Anxiety I’ve selected a collection of quotes on coping with depression. Many people who experience serious depression refer to it in terms of deep emotional and spiritual pain. The writer John Styron in Darkness Visible: A Memoir of Madness describes his depression as an assault on […]

Living Well With Depression

living well with depression

Depression is a common mental health disorder that tends to be cyclical in nature. Some people experience a single episode after a difficult event or period in their lives, while others struggle with it over the course of a lifetime. The following is a list of notable people who have experienced major depression or a […]

‘Boy Meets Depression’ – A Heartfelt Story of Mental Health Recovery

boy meets depression

  In May of 2013 a Canadian comic named Kevin Breel gave an 11-minute TEDx Talk that went instantly viral with more than 3 million views to date.  Two big things about the speech “Confessions of a Depressed Comic” account for its success: the speaker’s age and the message he delivered. Kevin might downplay the […]

RtoR Mental Health Awareness Month: Stopping the Stigma on Postpartum Depression

baby holding finger

  Those involved in Mental Health Awareness Month have done a lot to break the stigma that exists about people living with mental health disorders. Yet, one disorder is the target of extensive social shaming and victim blaming: Postpartum Depression. The cause of Postpartum Depression is not entirely clear; the research points to a combination of […]

Creating a Safe Space at Home for LGBTQ+ Youth

proud father with support sign

Every child deserves to feel safe at home. However, recent attacks on LGBTQ+ teens and young adults may make your kids feel uncomfortable in any space other than their bedroom. This concern is highlighted by recent FBI data, which show a 13.8% increase in attacks based on sexual orientation and a 32.9% jump based on […]

The Impact Of Intersectionality On Mental Health

group of friends with pride flag

In recent years, the discourse surrounding mental health has expanded to incorporate the concept of intersectionality, recognizing that individuals’ mental health experiences are shaped by a complex interplay of various identities. Today, we’ll briefly go over the profound impact of intersectionality on mental health and explore ways to break barriers so that mental health services […]

Online Therapy: Why Is it So Popular with Young Adults and How to Pick the Right Counselor?

woman using laptop

Stress, anxiety, despair, low self-esteem, and other mental health difficulties have been significantly more common in young adults over the past ten years, according to studies. During the worldwide  COVID-19 pandemic, COVID-19 outbreak matters only worsened. Psychologists and counselors were unavailable for in-person sessions due to the pandemic. Studies show that online counseling surged during […]

Behind the Anger: Why You Need to Meet Your Needs Before You Can Calm Down

angry woman shouting.

We’ve all been irritable, snappish, annoyed, and rageful. Anger is a universal emotion. However, unlike other emotions, such as joy, sadness, disgust, or love, anger often involves a sense of deep shame. We are told not to be angry, to calm down, or to be rational. Anger is seen as an emotion to avoid, suppress, […]

Two is Not Necessarily Better Than One: An Alternative Perspective on Comorbidity and “Behavioral” Health Diagnoses

worried woman with smartphone

Constructing a diagnostic manual for the mental health professions is not a straightforward task. Unlike medical disorders, mental health conditions do not come with biological markers. There is no culture that can be taken, no blood test, no specific bacteria or virus that can be found. In short, while well-trained practitioners most often agree, the […]

Finding the Right Therapist: A Practical Guide To Navigating Outpatient Mental Health Services

woman with appointment book

Finding the right outpatient therapist is an essential component of recovery. Well-informed patients who understand where and what help is available tend to have better therapeutic outcomes. Having access to the right tools and resources, including therapy, can aid the recovery of those with mental health conditions, including bipolar disorder, depression, and anxiety. It is critical […]

Bridging the Gap: The Role of Therapy in Addressing Teen Mental Health

smiling teen boy

Adolescence is marked by rapid development, not just physically but emotionally and mentally. As teens navigate this tumultuous period, many are faced with mental health issues that can have lasting impacts. In this crucial phase of life, therapy is essential, serving as a bridge to more robust mental health, resilience, and well-being. Understanding Teen Mental […]

Why Games Celebrating Cultural Diversity Matter More Than Ever Now

happy gamers with controllers.

Gaming has always been a popular pastime, but with the advancement of technology, it’s now one of the most enjoyed activities on the planet. This means that game creators and developers have a platform they can use to promote change, and one way they’re doing this is by creating games that celebrate cultural diversity. These […]

Finding Purpose Living with Treatment-Resistant Mental Health Conditions

close-up of woman’s face

Living with a mental health disorder is hard enough. It can seem like a never-ending pursuit to find the right therapist, medication, and ways to cope. The darkness and distress of conditions such as major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder can leave you feeling helpless, struggling to find anything that works. Having a purpose […]

How to Protect Children from the Negative Influence of Drugs and Alcohol Use on Social Media

teen viewing smartphone

Social media has consumed the lives of millions of children and teens. It has shaped their perceptions, beliefs, and behaviors. According to the Pew Research Center, YouTube is used by 95% of teens in the United States, followed by TikTok (67%), Instagram, and Facebook. As the reach of social media grows, so does the glamorization […]

Beyond the Selfie: A Guide to Authentic Mental Health Advocacy on Social Media

young adult taking selfie.

Social media gives us a wonderful opportunity to share our personal stories. Unfortunately, far too often, people only use it to present the highlight reels of their lives. They edit and filter selfies, snap photos of food, and never go deeper than the surface. There’s a time and place for things like that, and there’s […]

An Extra Loud Mind: The Intersection of Anxiety and ADHD as Co-occurring Disorders

student surrounded by books

Living with co-occurring anxiety and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can feel like a never-ending uphill climb. Having both conditions contributes to what some describe as an “extra loud” mind, characterized by racing thoughts, worries, and distractions. The intersection of ADHD and anxiety can present in various ways, from struggling with organization and time management to increased […]

How Love Affects Our Lives and Mental Health

word ‘love’ written in the sand

Love is a simple concept, yet it contains a universe of feelings. It’s a global language that transcends borders, cultures, and time. It’s the glue that binds us together, the force that drives us, and the gift that enriches our lives. It influences our self-worth, motivates us to become better individuals, and teaches us the […]

The Importance of Self-Care in Long-Term Addiction Recovery

four friends high-fiving

Reaching out for help with addiction takes a great deal of courage, and many people focus only on the detox process or the therapy required for recovery. However, self-care in addiction recovery is equally important. During addiction treatment, your care plan will probably include things like group therapy sessions, giving you a chance to relate […]

Understanding Borderline Personality Disorder

close-up of smiling woman

Living with borderline personality disorder (BPD) can be challenging, impacting various aspects of one’s life. This guide aims to shed light on the complexities of BPD, from understanding the disorder to resources for support and coping strategies. Understanding Borderline Personality Disorder: BPD stands for borderline personality disorder. It is a mental health condition characterized by […]

The Power of Female-Centered Therapy: Celebrating Women’s Unique Journeys

close up of women’s hands in therapy

Every person’s life path is different, marked by various challenges and triumphs that define each one of us. However, women frequently face distinct challenges that may not be acknowledged fully. Issues such as gender bias, discrimination, and the stress of adhering to societal norms can have a substantial impact on women’s mental health. This makes […]

Physical Wellness Beyond the Gym: Unconventional Paths to Better Mental Health

woman doing outdoors yoga

When you’re struggling with your mental health, getting yourself up and going to the gym can seem impossible. Whether it’s because you have social anxiety or because you’re just feeling down and unmotivated, it’s understandable that working out is the last thing on your mind. That said, moving your body can do your mind a […]

Winter Wellness: Embrace Online Therapy for Stress-Free Seasonal Serenity

Two women walking in snow

The holidays have passed, and winter stress is one of the challenges of the season that can make us feel down. With frosty, short days and cloudy weather, it is easy to feel overwhelmed. How you approach these challenges affects how you feel. In this article, we’ll introduce you to winter blues and share some […]

Harnessing the Power of CBT for Effective Relapse Prevention

three friends smiling

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on changing patterns of thinking or behaviors that can lead to problems in your life. CBT is a highly effective evidence-based practice used to treat a range of mental health problems, including anxiety, depression, and addiction. If you’re struggling to stay sober, CBT might […]