Our Latest Blogs

Choose Your Mental Health Apps Wisely

There are anywhere between 10,000 to 20,000 mental health apps available today. Choosing wisely becomes a challenge when you have to pick one out of 10,000 anything – be it shampoo, pizza sauce, or investment options. It can only get harder when it comes to choosing a mental health app. Few of these apps are […]

Moving On: The Effect of Stagnation on Your Mental Health and Wellbeing

bored person looking at cellphone

Growth is evidence of life. There are times in life when we thrive and shine. We have so much energy to reach our goals and even surpass our expectations.  Then there are times we don’t feel up to the task – times when it seems that every aspect of life has come to a standstill, […]

How Learning a New Language Can Improve Your Cognition for Better Mental Health

students at foreign language board.

You probably know that speaking at least one foreign language is already a good booster for your career. It helps you connect with more people and keeps you open to various job opportunities abroad. But did you know that learning a new language can help your mental health? There’s been some research proving that foreign […]

5 Biggest Stresses LGBTQ Students Face in College Life

young black man in front of pride colors.

It’s hard enough for young people to learn to be themselves and cope with other’s opinions of them. Students who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer/questioning (LGBTQ) may find this phase of life particularly stressful or difficult. In reality, when it comes to mental health, they face specific challenges. Discrimination toward LGBTQ students and […]

How Naomi Osaka Is Shaking Up Our Old Assumptions about Mental Health in the Workplace: It’s Okay Not to Be Okay

Naomi Osaka on the court

In a shocking announcement, tennis superstar Naomi Osaka announced her withdrawal from Roland Garros (known in the US as the French Open) following a win in the first round. This comes after a bitter fallout with tennis officials over her decision to boycott all media activity at the Grand Slam event. Osaka had announced that […]

LGBTQ+ Mental Health Resources: Barriers and Disparities in LGBTQ Mental Health and Healthcare

gay couple head on shoulder

The last few decades have seen numerous signs of progress for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer/questioning (LGBTQ+) community. But even as equal rights continue to expand, there are numerous issues the community faces that have historically been difficult to address. LGBTQ+ mental health disparities still exist within the healthcare world, but it’s important […]

6 Self-Care Tips to Manage Your Physical and Emotional Health

black man meditating

Exploring the Connection between Physical and Emotional Wellbeing by Using DBT Skills Self-care is a popular buzzphrase these days. But what does it really mean, and how do we do it? Oxford Reference defines self-care as “the practice of activities that are necessary to sustain life and health, normally initiated and carried out by the […]

Keeping Your Mental Health in Check When You Work from Home

black woman working from home

You get out of bed. You roll up the blinds. You take a few steps, and you’re there – at your workplace. There are no colleagues, no small talk, no change of environment. Just you and your computer making it through one day at a time. That kind of isolation and monotony can easily take […]

Facts about ADHD: Symptoms and Treatment

boy running

The number of children struggling with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in the United States is astounding. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a  2016 survey of parents found that 6.1 million children have been diagnosed with ADHD. In fact, ADHD is one of the most commonly diagnosed mental health conditions in children. […]

6 Natural Ways to Boost Your Creativity

hands on pottery wheel

If you’ve ever said the words “I’m not a creative person,” this article is for you. Creativity is not something you either have or don’t have. It’s a muscle you build. We’re all highly creative as children. However, the pressures of adult life can wear away at our natural creativity. The good news is that […]

Why We Need a Mental Health ‘Vaccine’ for Young People

person in coffee shop wearing mask with to go cup

It is widely accepted that older age groups (60 and older) are at increased risk of serious illness and death if they develop COVID-19. As a result, several regions have made the vaccine a priority for older adults. Young people are less likely to develop serious health problems if they develop COVID-19 and are therefore […]

Why We Should Be Educating Ourselves about PTSD in 2021

male firefighter gearing up.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is by no means a new mental health condition. However, the heightened public awareness of anxiety and depression in recent years has many people re-evaluating their relationship with mental health and looking to improve their interactions and make life more manageable for others. Educating ourselves about PTSD is important not just […]

The Impact of Traumatic Brain Injury on Mental Health

Mental health disorders and brain injury are often seen and treated as two completely separate diagnoses and are sometimes even confused as being the same. While brain injury and mental illness can be entirely different issues, traumatic brain injury (TBI) can lead to the development of mental health concerns. It is also possible for the […]

Using VR (Virtual Reality) to Treat Social Anxiety

woman with VR headset

First, What is social anxiety? Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is one of the most common types of anxiety disorders in the world today. SAD is a serious and complex mental health condition that makes a person constantly fear social situations. Social anxiety is nothing new to psychologists. However, current data suggest that the number of […]

The Serious Public Health Issue We Aren’t Talking About: Alcohol Use

alcoholic drinks on bartop

Underlying the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is another public health crisis that has devastated American lives for decades: alcohol misuse and addiction. For years, medical professionals and organizations, including the American Cancer Society, have warned against excessive consumption. Now, the isolation, uncertainty, and stress created by the COVID-19 pandemic has only exacerbated alcohol misuse, as more […]

Keeping Your Marriage Strong while Navigating Your Child’s Mental Health Disorder

couple holding hands

There is no way to sugarcoat that parenting a child with a mental health disorder (such as anxiety, OCD, depression, etc.) puts a significant strain on one’s marriage. This can occur for many reasons. First, the mental health issue can be exhausting for parents. Tears, meltdowns, tantrums, and obsessive rituals can become so time-consuming and […]

The Benefits of Journaling for Mental Health

hand writing in planner

Journaling can improve mental health. The chaos and sunkenness that come with mental health disorders are nearly impossible to interpret and understand on the fly. Unfortunately, when struggling with mental health, we can’t effectively “figure everything out” simply by ruminating for a day or two. Negative thoughts, emotional pain, fears, issues, triggers, and potential solutions […]

Outlining the Symptoms of Bulimia Nervosa

young woman in baggy sweater

Bulimia nervosa is a prevalent eating disorder that can’t be identified just by looking at someone. For family members and others who are worried that their loved one has bulimia nervosa, it may seem like a challenge to determine if they need to seek out eating disorder treatment centers. Here, we’ll outline some common symptoms […]

Benefits of Mindfulness for Young Men

happy man in red shirt

If you have not experienced the benefits of meditation, it’s time to rethink your mindfulness practice. While you might enjoy hiking, weight lifting, and running to reduce stress and improve your health, mindfulness is another way you can strengthen your mind and even improve your motivation. Mindfulness is not just sitting in a dark room […]

Finding Myself after Trauma and Alcoholism

I woke up nauseous, with a splitting headache again for the third morning in a row. I couldn’t blame it on being sick or anything else because only my bad decision-making was responsible for the state I was in. You see, I was a functioning alcoholic. I was in a high-stress military job where the […]

How to Care for the Family Caregiver

thank you note with flowers in background

There are over 43 million unpaid caregivers in the U.S., which means you probably know someone caring for a family member, either within your own family or in your circle of friends. Caring for an elderly or disabled family member is one of the most rewarding parts of many people’s lives, but it can also […]

Why You Should Be Journaling on Your Lunch Break (and Why Bullet Journals Are the Way to Go)

laptop and bullet journal

Spending just 15-20 minutes each day writing down your thoughts in a journal can dramatically improve your mental and physical health. Coincidentally, this is a chunk of time that can easily be slotted into your lunch break at work or school. There are many benefits to keeping a journal. Sometimes, though, it can seem daunting […]

The Role of Technology in Addiction and Recovery

hands on keyboard

There is no single aspect of healthcare in the modern digital world that is not impacted by technology. Like most things in life, there is a duality at play regarding the positive and negative role of technology on personal well-being. Relying on the media consumed via smartphones and tablets, people can either improve their mental […]

5 Steps for Dealing with Anxiety in Difficult Times

adele in concert

There are different forms of anxiety, with some being more complex and others lighter. For example, some may worry that they will not be successful, and others that they are too successful, such as the singer Adele. Once during a Rolling Stones interview, Adele admitted that she has stage fright and tries to avoid large […]

5 Things I’ve Learned from 4 Years of Talk Therapy: How to Make the Most out of Your Sessions

thoughtful woman drinking coffee

I started struggling with anxiety and depression when I dropped out of university. I had spent one day in my new dorm, surrounded by unfamiliar faces, and felt an overwhelming dread. I asked my dad to pick me up, and when I got into the car, I immediately broke down in tears. When my parents […]

Addiction and Mental Illness in the Family: 5 Guiding Principles for Reclaiming Hope

black women hugging

Family connections are usually our closest relationships in life and have the greatest impact on our well-being. When a family member suffers from the disease of addiction or mental illness – everyone in that family suffers. Our thoughts can quickly become consumed with worry and anxiety due to both the illness and the challenges our […]

The Dance of Co-Existing with a Virtual World that Sometimes Makes Me Feel Instabad

hands holding smartphones

The Dance I’ve been doing the dance for a while now. This constant back and forth motion to find where I fit in with the virtual world. Do I fully engage on the popular social media platforms? Do I simply post? Just scroll? Or should I cut it out completely? I can’t be like everyone […]

Common Misconceptions about Addiction and Mental Health in Young Adults

teen smoking bubbler pipe

Being a young adult isn’t easy. Late teens to early twenties mark a stage in life when many people struggle with developing a healthy sense of worth in a world that feels like it is constantly changing. On top of that, young adults have to deal with pressures from external sources such as their parents, […]

Finding Relief from Depersonalization Caused by COVID-19 Lockdown

stressed man in face mask

Are you feeling that life is dreamlike or that everything is strange and unreal? You are not alone. The current lockdown has increasingly caused people to develop dissociative symptoms. If you’re one of them and are interested in getting back to normal, then keep reading. The lockdown resulting from COVID-19 has been extremely stressful on […]

Book Review: Judgment Detox

frustrated man with hand on face

Judgment Detox: Release the Beliefs that Hold You Back from Living a Better Life Book by Gabrielle Bernstein “You’ve judged yourself five times, and you’ve only been here about 8 minutes.” My counselor told this to me in a not unkind way as I sat in a session. As someone diagnosed with depression, anxiety, and […]

The History of Women’s Mental Health Awareness

salem with trial

After centuries of stigmatization, misdiagnosis, and mistreatment, mental health awareness has finally become a huge talking point in recent years. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, millions of people suffered from depression, anxiety, and similar conditions. Now, nearly one in five adults lives with a mental health disorder — and that doesn’t even include those living […]

Negative Stereotypes and Stigma in Mental Health

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If you spend your life surrounded by people you can rely on, sharing thoughts and feelings probably comes naturally. In an atmosphere of mutual trust and care, staying mentally healthy often seems like a goal that’s not too difficult to accomplish. Unfortunately, not every environment is equally affirming. In some cases, people who feel anxious, […]

Book Review: The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook

black woman reading

The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook Authors: Kristin Neff, PhD, Christopher Germer, PhD Have you ever wanted the tools to comfort yourself with compassion and kindness? Do you resist experiencing emotions? Do you find yourself getting stuck in patterns of worry? If so, this book is for you. I picked this book up one desperate day in […]

Black People Can Get PTSD, Too

stressed woman in military fatigues

Say the acronym “PTSD,” and an image will probably emerge in your head. Most likely of a veteran. Most likely of someone who’s White. And though trauma studies began with White soldiers in WWI’s aftermath, trauma is not racially exclusive. Or is it? PTSD: A Historical Overview Though historical accounts of nightmares following ancient battles […]

How to Help Your Partner During a Panic Attack

couple making heart sign

Seeing your partner go through a panic attack can feel overwhelming. You want to help, but you aren’t sure how. Maybe you’ve tried so many different ways – but it usually doesn’t feel that helpful. You’ve tried reminding him to breathe, maybe even breathing with him. You’ve tried telling him that “everything is okay” and […]

Caring for a Child with Anxiety: Avoiding Caregiver Burnout

mother and anxious child

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, one in eight children is diagnosed with an anxiety disorder (Boyle, 2016, p 520). Anxiety affects many aspects of children’s lives. It will appear in their thought processes, causing them to believe they are in constant danger or under a constant threat. Anxiety manifests itself in […]

4 Daily Activities that Help Improve Your Mental Health

healthy morning routine

I glanced down at the speedometer and realized that I was driving at 80 mph – way faster than usual. After slowing to a more reasonable speed, the engine still revving absurdly, I felt my heart thumping fast. I tried calming myself, but I just couldn’t. A phone call from my boss demanding me to […]

How to Manage Your Mental Health Recovery and Your Confidence at the Same Time

smiling black woman

It can be challenging to get your life back on track when you are dealing with problems in your mental health. It can take some time to get your anxieties and fears under control. As you become better able to manage your mental health, you also need to find a way to enjoy life in […]

Launching Into Adulthood: Redefining Expectations, Creating Meaning, and Taking Control of Your Narrative

desert sunset

What do you want to be when you grow up? We’re all asked this seemingly harmless question from a very young age. But the truth is this is such a loaded question. Most who ask this question are interested in what type of job we want to do or field we’d like to work in. […]

The Importance of Mental Health for Children and Teens

black child jumping on bed

It might sound like a cliché, but youth really are the future. Unfortunately, it seems that mental health issues are on the rise among children and teens. All over the world, more and more young people are reporting issues with mental health. According to mental health experts Cheree Ashely, Founder of Bright Future Recovery, the […]

Residential Treatment: A Family Endeavor

troubled teen and parents

Many parents send a child to residential treatment centers because they want their kid to change. More often than not, the family system is what needs to change, not necessarily just the individual. Residential treatment centers facilitate that growth in the family, as well as the individual. What is residential treatment? Residential treatment is inpatient […]

5 Ways You Can Prioritize Your Mental Health in 2021

open sign

2020 was a challenging year not only for Americans but for almost everyone. People’s mental and emotional wellbeing took significant hits throughout the year. 2020 featured several full-blown moments which drained many people’s mental state, from a series of natural disasters to the global pandemic and multiple political and social issues. Not to mention that […]

What Is Yoga’s Place in Eating Disorder Recovery?

woman doing yoga

Yoga has long been recognized for its healing effects for a variety of health issues, but can it be applied in the recovery from eating disorders? In recent decades, the popularity of yoga has grown to such an extent that it is a hugely recognizable part of our cultural wallpaper, from classes at the gym […]

Yoga in the Time of the Coronavirus Pandemic

woman doing home yoga

2020 brought changes to all of us. For me, it was the year when my baby boy was born just as the pandemic took control over the world; I had him just before the lockdown started. Coping with the anxiety of being a new mother and the extra stress Covid-19 brought to our life wasn’t […]

5 Steps to Mindfulness for Addiction Treatment

lotus blossom

Meditation and mindfulness exercises are used globally by drug and alcohol addiction centers as a complementary form of treatment to help patients improve physical and mental health. Substance abuse can cause problems ranging from kidney failure to depression to parasitic relationships. While professional help is the best course of action for treating addiction problems, meditation […]

Modifying Your Environment for Improved Mental Health

woman and dog in cozy room

The past year, with the COVID-19 pandemic, massive wildfires, brutal heatwaves, and even the recent presidential election, it’s likely your mental health has taken quite a hit. Unfortunately, extended periods of stress, coupled with other mental health concerns such as anxiety or depression, can do serious damage to your overall health and impact your quality […]

Embracing My Inner Artist as a Bipolar Person: How Creativity Saved My Life

artist at work

My life with bipolar disorder II has included six periods of success and six periods of failure. The worst began in 1980 when I was 42 years old. I had purchased a small guest ranch in Wyoming with the woman I loved.  The ranch, which faced the Continental Divide at 8,000 feet, was to be […]

Elizabeth Courtney-Seidler, PhD

Elizabeth Courtney-Seidler, PhD, founder of Cognitive Behavioral Therapies of Ridgefield, is a licensed psychologist in New York and Connecticut. Dr. Courtney-Seidler works with children, adolescents, adults, and families and specializes in the practice of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT).

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) Therapy for Anxiety Treatment

blue eye

EMDR or eye movement desensitization and reprocessing is a unique psychotherapy technique. It is incredibly useful in treating various kinds of anxieties. All around the world, psychotherapists have used EMDR in their work as a complement to traditional treatment methods. The technique is effective for those patients who have experienced different emotional traumas. Up to the […]

4 Ways the Pandemic is Impacting Our Mental Health

lone man in terminal

It’s no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic has put a major dent in the mental health of people across the world. Whether we look at what’s gone viral – back when everything on the internet was cake – or follow the impacts on mental health and substance use, it is clear that this year will […]

My Experience with Cannabis as an Undiagnosed Borderline

young woman vaping.

How cannabis abuse aggravated my borderline personality disorder to the point of medical intervention. Marijuana is a controversial topic when it comes to mental health. I have friends who have been self-medicating for years, insisting that weed cures their anxiety and helps them cope with their depression. I also have friends who refuse to touch […]

Could Meditation One Day be Prescribed by Doctors?

meditation class

Imagine walking into your doctor’s office and leaving with a prescription to attend an art class, debt management program, gardening project, or meditation session. With growing concern within the medical profession (and beyond) that health services currently fail to address the holistic picture of social, economic, and wellbeing factors that contribute to a person’s health, […]

The Link Between Loneliness and Substance Abuse: 5 Things You Need to Know

man alone in window

A 2020 study conducted by health insurer Cigna revealed a curious truth about Americans and loneliness: more than 3 out of 5 consider themselves lonely. Though for some, loneliness is a fleeting feeling that they have every once in a while, it can be more serious for others. In psychology, loneliness is defined as the […]

How the Christmas Season Can Improve Mental Wellbeing in Children

black family at christmas dinner

For many, Christmas is a time for celebration, eating, drinking, and spending the festive period with loved ones. From a child’s perspective, nothing compares to the joy that comes from the season. The magic, fun, and presents all add to the experience. The nostalgia we feel as adults is all constructed from our formative years. […]

Six Ways to Stay Sober this Holiday Season

holiday self-care with book

All the fun and festivities aside, the “most wonderful time of the year” can be rather challenging for many people. There are added responsibilities, long shopping lists, draining activities, and numerous situations that can feel overwhelmed. Seasonal depression and anxiety are at an all-time high. Some people feel extra isolated watching TV and scrolling through […]

PTSD Flashbacks Explained

dark figures in alley

“In World War One, they called it shell shock. Second time around, they called it battle fatigue. After ‘Nam, it was post-traumatic stress disorder.” ― Jan Karon, Home to Holly Springs Shell shock, battle fatigue, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Same symptoms, different names. Throughout time, people have suffered things that affected their bodies and minds in […]

What Is Seasonal Affective Disorder?

young woman on couch

Everyone has experienced ups and downs at some points in their lives. The occasional blues and lethargy that you experience may be an aftermath of too much stress after a tiring day. However, if these emotional encounters are happening more regularly and in a recurring pattern, it should be a cause of concern. In particular, […]

How to Maintain Sobriety During the Holidays

holiday alcohol bottles

Christmas and the holiday season bring joy and a sense of hope to many people worldwide, but for a person in addiction recovery, the holidays can also be a stressful time. If you’re new to sobriety, you may be dreading the holiday season, from events that have a heavy alcohol presence to avoiding relapse during […]

The Complex Relationship between Sleep and Anxiety

young woman with insomnia

One-third of our lives are spent sleeping, but over time, sleep has become unappreciated. In the world’s current pace, everybody is consumed in using their 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Sleep has become such an interference in our daily activities that we often forget its benefits and the implications of its loss. […]

How to Help a Loved One with Mental Health Issues

colorful hands mural

There are millions of individuals living with various forms of mental health disorders. The figure stands at about 1 in 5 people, so chances are you have a relative experiencing an issue. There are multiple elements crucial to managing and recovering from mental health conditions, and one is you lending a helping hand to your […]

Finding Gratitude During the Season of Giving — and Every Day

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Thanksgiving is just around the corner, which means this is the season of giving. When the holiday season arrives, people tend to be more generous, giving their closest friends and family gifts. With so much to be received in this time, gratitude may come easily. What about the rest of the year, though? Finding gratitude […]

Online Counseling: The Future of Therapy after the COVID-19 Pandemic

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The 2020 pandemic meant that many of those seeking mental health help were unable to meet their therapists and counselors face-to-face. The need for access to online mental health treatment was needed more than ever before. Online counseling was already in use, but when popularity spiked, demand increased. Internet searches for ‘counseling online’ have increased […]

How to Manage Your Mental Well-Being in the Middle of the Holiday Madness

holiday face mask

Can you hide in a cave until January 2? If the holidays mean nothing but stress, you might feel tempted. However, most people don’t have the luxury of skipping office parties and family gatherings. Others battle feelings of isolation and despair. How can you manage your mental well-being amid the holiday madness? Here are eight […]